Personal Information
Organization / Workplace
Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh
{{ WELc0m3 T0 Moi Pr0fIle ---:P}}
s0 YoU ppL WanNa knw Abt mE
{{ Accha To LEtZ Start WiD Mah GoOd QuaLiTi3z--=D }}
Vaise Vo to bahUt hAi :"
But You Sab maantE Hi kAha h :P
LEtz C kya Likhta hu..
> My FriendZ Say That I'm JumPinG geNe kinDa Type boY.. oh !
> i'm a Fun LuVing B0y Wh0 Luv to joke aLL thE Time..
> i duN Have An Attitude ProBLem Nd han If u have a Sort of aTTituDe Then kEep iT Wid u OnLY
> i Luv T0 HeLp OtherS
As i Luv moi PaRenTS s0 Much.. :) :)
{{Bad QuaLities Bhi Jaan L0 Ab :P}}
> i Can trust anyone Very soOn :|
> Jab GusSa aata hAi T0 AcChi Tarh Se InsulT kr deT@ hU [dont Mind ;)]
> i REspEct t0 onLy Th0sE Wh0 rEs