Getting the Content Right: Effective Messaging Over Email was presented at SES San Fransisco. It covers understanding your audience, setting your brand and working on headlines and messaging. It includes real examples of good and bad email marketing.
Modern journalism requires a shift in focus toward helping the reader understand a story. Discover a variety of tools to help increase understanding that dont require more words on the page.
Storytelling for Reader Understanding 2020Logan Aimone
Revised for 2020: Modern journalism requires a shift in focus toward helping the reader understand a story. Discover a variety of tools to help increase understanding that dont require more words on the page.
Posting, Tweeting - where's it getting you?Jon Payne
The document provides tips for using social media platforms like blogs, Twitter, Google+, Pinterest, and LinkedIn for business purposes. Some of the key points include:
- Blogs should drive traffic to conversion pages and rank for long-tail keyword searches. They need to contain unique insights and perspectives.
- Twitter can be used to effectively demonstrate expertise, drive traffic, and build brand awareness when contributing meaningfully to conversations.
- Google+ can help build author authority and brand authority through a business page and profile linking.
- Pinterest is good for consumer brands, lifestyle brands, and ecommerce companies, as high income online shoppers spend time there.
- LinkedIn is the world
Este documento presenta una lista de diferentes animales y sus p叩ginas correspondientes. Incluye secciones sobre perros y gatos, jirafas y gatos, delfines y ardillas, leones y peces, gatos y pericos, pollos y caballos y conejos.
A man traveling alone lost his briefcase at an airport. A janitor found the briefcase and saw the man's contact information inside. He contacted the man and arranged to meet to return the briefcase. The briefcase contained the man's passport, money, credit cards, and other important documents. The janitor refused a reward for returning the lost items, saying that helping others is what friends are for.
Este documento presenta el 鱈ndice de una presentaci坦n de diapositivas sobre animales. La presentaci坦n tendr叩 10 diapositivas e incluir叩 secciones sobre animales medianos, peque単os, grandes, lindos, tiernos y supertiernos, as鱈 como una car叩tula, 鱈ndice y secci坦n sobre el amor de los animales.
The document appears to be notes from a listening activity about jobs. It includes notes on Julia and Carlos discussing their new jobs, specifically what they like and dislike about them. It also notes that Carlos's new job has more responsibility and variety than his old one. The notes then discuss key words related to different types of jobs and compensation. It lists jobs and potential advantages and disadvantages of each. Finally, it ranks the interest level of some jobs from most to least interesting.
Writing for the web requires us to think about the entire ecosystem of digital channels, devices, and contexts. In this talk, we present practical tactics you can start using today to know your audience, find your voice, and consistently write copy for the web that actually gets read and builds your brand in the process.
Writing tools such as a message hierarchy, editorial calendar, keyword strategy, and a web workflow can help marketers write better and write more.
Writing for Digital - Sarah Manners - Quirk Knowledge WeekQuirk Education
The document discusses digital copywriting and provides tips for writing effective digital content. It notes that digital copywriting is different than traditional print copywriting and involves tailoring content for different online contexts. It emphasizes researching the target audience through creating detailed personas and writing with an audience of one in mind. The document also discusses using storytelling techniques and establishing a clear tone of voice aligned with the brand. It highlights the importance of digital content being results-driven by focusing on business goals and key performance indicators.
This document provides tips for securing funding for a playground project, including developing a plan, budget, and application. It advises taking time to think through strengths/weaknesses, building a team, communicating well, and developing a publicity plan. The plan should outline goals, benefits, and a timeframe. The budget should include total costs, fundraising strategies, and ongoing maintenance costs. When writing applications, address the correct person, customize for each funder, use a clear format, and tell a compelling story to illustrate the project's impact. Maintain relationships by keeping funders informed and expressing gratitude.
The elevator pitch, which is part of the NAF Entrepreneurship course, is a great way for students in any course to learn how to synthesize ideas into meaningful summaries. This session demonstrates the process of developing and presenting a pitch. High school students will present their own ideas to participants who
then will have a chance to try it themselves.
Presenters: Richard Molzer and Fran Thew, John I. Leonard High School AOF
Practical Strategies for Writing the Annual
The document provides strategies for writing an effective annual fundraising appeal, including understanding donor motivations, writing the appeal as a personal visit, and addressing donor questions and benefits. It outlines the components of a direct mail appeal and characteristics of effective appeals, such as a compelling envelope, reply device, return envelope, and telling a story to show donor benefits. Nonprofit organizations are encouraged to consider donor psychology and needs when crafting appeals to increase response rates.
Ola presentation to guide discussion includes personasStephen Abram
The document outlines discussions from a June 6, 2013 board meeting of the Ontario Library Association, including walking through the process of persona development, exploring trends impacting libraries and what they mean for associations, understanding members through personas, and agreeing on an ongoing communication approach to help determine OLA's strategic path forward. Key topics discussed include technology trends, learning trends, association trends, persuading stakeholders through storytelling, and developing personas to better understand member needs.
The document provides tips for writing a persuasive document to convince the Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution to approve a new project, including identifying the audience, connecting the project to the Secretary's priorities like technology and innovation, addressing possible objections, using data and examples to make arguments, and telling a story to engage the reader. It also suggests considering non-text communication if the written proposal is not successful.
With a disconnected pile of assets, we're unable to measure the efficacy of the program because it's not a program. It's a collection of disjointed assets. How do we change that? Begin with the end in mind.
In this guide you will document your editorial strategy, including:
1. Mission statement
2. Categories
3. Topics
4. SEO keywords
5. Editorial guidelines
6. Imagery guidelines
7. Quarterly, monthly and weekly planning calendars
8. Key metrics to track and when
The document provides tips for writing content for websites that will be easily understood by audiences scanning the pages. It recommends keeping content concise with headlines under 8 words and paragraphs containing single sentences with one idea each. Writers should consider their audience and write in an active voice using stories and a consistent tone. Proper grammar, style guidelines and getting feedback are also emphasized.
STEM in Libraries: A Marketing Communications Toolkitlaurieputnam
These tips will help you promote your STEM programs today, and over time, build the perception of libraries as hubs for STEM learning in your community. For the complete STEM in Libraries Marketing Communications Toolkit, see
See Amy Nicholson's presentation slides from Marketing Week Live 2016. She will walk you through the 7 things you need to get straight before you get started on the path to content success.
Whatever your content challenge, find out how to solve it with these 7 steps to content marketing heaven.
Building meeting design foundation at EIBTM Barcelona 2013Kristine Nygaard
A combination of graphic facilitation and deep listening with the needs of the meeting owner in the early stages of meeting design, enabling you to quickly find the core that forms the foundation of your meeting design.
FMS Industry session: Storytelling For AudiencesNoel Mellor
This document provides guidance for developing a user-generated content proposal to showcase a university across social media. It addresses key questions like what the story is, how it will be delivered, what resources are needed, how it aligns with strategy and meets audience needs, and what the goal is. The story should be authentic, interesting and engaging for current students, parents, academics, alumni and potential students. It also discusses formats like videos, podcasts and blogs, considering the story, platforms, and ensuring the proposal has a clear goal and call to action.
Social Selling means using social media to create a relationship with your buyer. If you're looking for a job, you are a product and the employer is the buyer. Use #SocialSelling techniques to get your next job.
The document provides an overview of a staff development day presentation focusing on innovation in libraries. It discusses how libraries must adapt to changing user needs and expectations around areas like content format, search, and devices. Libraries are encouraged to focus on strategic priorities and partnerships that add value for users and communities through experiences like educational opportunities and programs. The presentation emphasizes the need for libraries to be open to change, new ideas, and removing barriers in order to better serve users in the future.
This document summarizes a webinar about developing an effective writing style for content marketing. It discusses defining your brand position, understanding your target audience, establishing guidelines for tone of voice, adhering to requirements, and focusing on performance goals. It also introduces a Writing Style Wizard tool to help create a writing style guide that aligns content with your brand and gets everyone on the same page. The guide should define style parameters and drive goals while inspiring creativity.
If you can understand the deepest concerns of your customers, you can certainly find an underserved niche to compete with any giant in your industry.
Discover how to find deep imaginative truths about motivations & behaviors with business value.
Understand several sources of Insights with examples from different industries.
Finding insights is a continuous process, especially in the digital world. In the industrial world, decisions are hard to change once they've been made, but in the software world, we can change as many times as necessary.
Furthermore, once we have built the habit of seeking insights into our culture, we will begin to see them everywhere.
Writing for the web requires us to think about the entire ecosystem of digital channels, devices, and contexts. In this talk, we present practical tactics you can start using today to know your audience, find your voice, and consistently write copy for the web that actually gets read and builds your brand in the process.
Writing tools such as a message hierarchy, editorial calendar, keyword strategy, and a web workflow can help marketers write better and write more.
Writing for Digital - Sarah Manners - Quirk Knowledge WeekQuirk Education
The document discusses digital copywriting and provides tips for writing effective digital content. It notes that digital copywriting is different than traditional print copywriting and involves tailoring content for different online contexts. It emphasizes researching the target audience through creating detailed personas and writing with an audience of one in mind. The document also discusses using storytelling techniques and establishing a clear tone of voice aligned with the brand. It highlights the importance of digital content being results-driven by focusing on business goals and key performance indicators.
This document provides tips for securing funding for a playground project, including developing a plan, budget, and application. It advises taking time to think through strengths/weaknesses, building a team, communicating well, and developing a publicity plan. The plan should outline goals, benefits, and a timeframe. The budget should include total costs, fundraising strategies, and ongoing maintenance costs. When writing applications, address the correct person, customize for each funder, use a clear format, and tell a compelling story to illustrate the project's impact. Maintain relationships by keeping funders informed and expressing gratitude.
The elevator pitch, which is part of the NAF Entrepreneurship course, is a great way for students in any course to learn how to synthesize ideas into meaningful summaries. This session demonstrates the process of developing and presenting a pitch. High school students will present their own ideas to participants who
then will have a chance to try it themselves.
Presenters: Richard Molzer and Fran Thew, John I. Leonard High School AOF
Practical Strategies for Writing the Annual
The document provides strategies for writing an effective annual fundraising appeal, including understanding donor motivations, writing the appeal as a personal visit, and addressing donor questions and benefits. It outlines the components of a direct mail appeal and characteristics of effective appeals, such as a compelling envelope, reply device, return envelope, and telling a story to show donor benefits. Nonprofit organizations are encouraged to consider donor psychology and needs when crafting appeals to increase response rates.
Ola presentation to guide discussion includes personasStephen Abram
The document outlines discussions from a June 6, 2013 board meeting of the Ontario Library Association, including walking through the process of persona development, exploring trends impacting libraries and what they mean for associations, understanding members through personas, and agreeing on an ongoing communication approach to help determine OLA's strategic path forward. Key topics discussed include technology trends, learning trends, association trends, persuading stakeholders through storytelling, and developing personas to better understand member needs.
The document provides tips for writing a persuasive document to convince the Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution to approve a new project, including identifying the audience, connecting the project to the Secretary's priorities like technology and innovation, addressing possible objections, using data and examples to make arguments, and telling a story to engage the reader. It also suggests considering non-text communication if the written proposal is not successful.
With a disconnected pile of assets, we're unable to measure the efficacy of the program because it's not a program. It's a collection of disjointed assets. How do we change that? Begin with the end in mind.
In this guide you will document your editorial strategy, including:
1. Mission statement
2. Categories
3. Topics
4. SEO keywords
5. Editorial guidelines
6. Imagery guidelines
7. Quarterly, monthly and weekly planning calendars
8. Key metrics to track and when
The document provides tips for writing content for websites that will be easily understood by audiences scanning the pages. It recommends keeping content concise with headlines under 8 words and paragraphs containing single sentences with one idea each. Writers should consider their audience and write in an active voice using stories and a consistent tone. Proper grammar, style guidelines and getting feedback are also emphasized.
STEM in Libraries: A Marketing Communications Toolkitlaurieputnam
These tips will help you promote your STEM programs today, and over time, build the perception of libraries as hubs for STEM learning in your community. For the complete STEM in Libraries Marketing Communications Toolkit, see
See Amy Nicholson's presentation slides from Marketing Week Live 2016. She will walk you through the 7 things you need to get straight before you get started on the path to content success.
Whatever your content challenge, find out how to solve it with these 7 steps to content marketing heaven.
Building meeting design foundation at EIBTM Barcelona 2013Kristine Nygaard
A combination of graphic facilitation and deep listening with the needs of the meeting owner in the early stages of meeting design, enabling you to quickly find the core that forms the foundation of your meeting design.
FMS Industry session: Storytelling For AudiencesNoel Mellor
This document provides guidance for developing a user-generated content proposal to showcase a university across social media. It addresses key questions like what the story is, how it will be delivered, what resources are needed, how it aligns with strategy and meets audience needs, and what the goal is. The story should be authentic, interesting and engaging for current students, parents, academics, alumni and potential students. It also discusses formats like videos, podcasts and blogs, considering the story, platforms, and ensuring the proposal has a clear goal and call to action.
Social Selling means using social media to create a relationship with your buyer. If you're looking for a job, you are a product and the employer is the buyer. Use #SocialSelling techniques to get your next job.
The document provides an overview of a staff development day presentation focusing on innovation in libraries. It discusses how libraries must adapt to changing user needs and expectations around areas like content format, search, and devices. Libraries are encouraged to focus on strategic priorities and partnerships that add value for users and communities through experiences like educational opportunities and programs. The presentation emphasizes the need for libraries to be open to change, new ideas, and removing barriers in order to better serve users in the future.
This document summarizes a webinar about developing an effective writing style for content marketing. It discusses defining your brand position, understanding your target audience, establishing guidelines for tone of voice, adhering to requirements, and focusing on performance goals. It also introduces a Writing Style Wizard tool to help create a writing style guide that aligns content with your brand and gets everyone on the same page. The guide should define style parameters and drive goals while inspiring creativity.
If you can understand the deepest concerns of your customers, you can certainly find an underserved niche to compete with any giant in your industry.
Discover how to find deep imaginative truths about motivations & behaviors with business value.
Understand several sources of Insights with examples from different industries.
Finding insights is a continuous process, especially in the digital world. In the industrial world, decisions are hard to change once they've been made, but in the software world, we can change as many times as necessary.
Furthermore, once we have built the habit of seeking insights into our culture, we will begin to see them everywhere.
6 Ways to Make Your Next Website the Best Ever with Sara IsenbergSara Isenberg
Getting the content right
1. Getting the Content Right
Constructing Effective Messaging Over
Phillip Thune
Textbroker International
(speaker logo)
San Francisco| August 1317
2. San Francisco | August 1317, 2012 | #sessf
Keys to Great Email Content
Subject Line
Message Body
3. San Francisco | August 1317, 2012 | #sessf
Help Your Readers Help Themselves
Defining and Understanding Your Audience
4. San Francisco | August 1317, 2012 | #sessf
Who is your audience?
-Check demographics, locations (Analytics)
-Understand motivation for opening, clicking
and buying
-Look for social signals (Likes, re-tweets)
-What are their needs?
Tailor your goals and your message to your
5. San Francisco | August 1317, 2012 | #sessf
How Will You Help?
6. San Francisco | August 1317, 2012 | #sessf
Define Your Attitude Through Your Content
7. San Francisco | August 1317, 2012 | #sessf
Topics and Presentation Create Your Attitude
8. San Francisco | August 1317, 2012 | #sessf
Questions To Create Your Attitude
1. What attitude do you want? Serious, informative, funny,
snarky, critical, happy, salesy?
2. Do your communications come from a personal perspective
(we) or are they third-person (the company)?
3. Is there anything to avoid in terms of terminology or
9. San Francisco | August 1317, 2012 | #sessf
What should the email do?
Share knowledge and build
Promote a specific product
or event?
Notify subscribers of
system changes?
10. San Francisco | August 1317, 2012 | #sessf
Subject Line
Tell em what youre going to tell them. Then tell them. Then tell them
what you just told em (accredited to CBSs Paul White)
Make the subject line clear and compelling.
Remember your goals
Call to action when appropriate
Urgency when appropriate
Consistency for newsletters
Copyblogger recommends the Four U Approach to headline writing:
Useful: Is the promised message valuable to the reader?
Ultra-specific: Does the reader know whats being promised?
Unique: Is the promised message compelling and remarkable?
Urgent: Does the reader feel the need to read now?
11. San Francisco | August 1317, 2012 | #sessf
Subject Line
SES does a great job with headlines:
Preview the SES San Francisco Speaker Lineup (Sent June 20)
Useful/Ultra-specific: Speakers are the highlight of the conference
Unique: Previews feel exclusive
SES San Francisco - Early Bird Expires Friday, July 13 (Sent July 10)
Useful/Urgent: discounts and savings with expiration date
Ultra-specific/Unique: early bird savings
Only One Week Left until SES San Francisco (Sent August 6)
Urgent: Timeliness adds pressure to read
12. San Francisco | August 1317, 2012 | #sessf
Message Body
Answer this question in your message.
Your subject line is a promise. The message body
fulfills that promise. @textbroker
13. San Francisco | August 1317, 2012 | #sessf
Turning The Keys
So you know who your audience is, how to present yourself to
them, and how to get them to open the email.
Now what?
How do you keep them reading?
Craft your message based on your audiences needs and likes.
Identify the specific need that your audience has and how you
can fill it. Use what your audience responds to and talks about
to keep them reading. Offer meaty information, like the case
studies coming up, to illustrate your point. Reflect your goal in
your closing statements.
Give them the beef!
14. San Francisco | August 1317, 2012 | #sessf
Case Study Convention Registration Email
Subject: A 360 degree perspective of business intelligence, networking and Internet Marketing!
Phillip, please stop and read this email.
I would like to personally request your attendance at the 2012 [Conference] taking place [date] in [city].
We have spent the greater part of the last year putting together a world-class event that is centered on content, the
latest business intelligence and revenue-generating networking -- all for the benefit of our attendees and their
Following last year's event featuring Facebook, Google,, and other technology leaders, this year we
are expanding our program to include breakout sessions, main stage keynote presentations, an exhibitor showcase
featuring over 100 sponsoring companies and the [award event] to honor your achievements.
The [awards program] are a powerful way for you to share with your peers and industry experts the innovative Internet
marketing programs you've built this past year, and a chance to garner prestigious recognition for your work. Go to
[link] to see the categories. Deadline for entries is [date].
Also, we have negotiated special hotel rates starting at $109 at CityCenter resort. Plus, as a conference attendee,
your food and beverage will be included for 3 days.
This year's experience will have a few entertainment surprises coordinated by our partners at Cirque du Soleil and
MGM [date]
Please call or email [contact] or myself with any questions. Phillip, I appreciate your support and attendance!
15. San Francisco | August 1317, 2012 | #sessf
Subject Line Issues
Subject: A 360 degree perspective of business intelligence,
networking and Internet Marketing!
Jargon, jargon everywhere! Why is this important for the
reader? Whats the promise?
Did the subject line work?
Would you have opened the e-mail?
Did the contents match what you would have
expected from the subject line?
Was it unique, urgent, ultra-specific and useful?
16. San Francisco | August 1317, 2012 | #sessf
Goalsetting Issues
What was the goal of the e-mail?
Where did you first see the goal of the e-mail?
Not the subject line.
Not the opening.
Three lines in Personal invitation to the event.
Is there a call to action anywhere?
Would you have signed up?
Goals should be reflected in your subject line and throughout
your content.
Use common terms and a call to action where necessary.
17. San Francisco | August 1317, 2012 | #sessf
Content Issues
Following last year's event featuring Facebook, Google,, and other technology
leaders, this year we are expanding our program to include breakout sessions, main stage
keynote presentations, an exhibitor showcase featuring over 100 sponsoring companies and the
[award event] to honor your achievements.
Wheres the beef? Last year had major speakers. Give us a few marquee
names for this year.
The [awards program] are a powerful way for you to share with your peers and
industry experts the innovative Internet marketing programs you've built this past
year, and a chance to garner prestigious recognition for your work. Go to [link] to see
the categories. Deadline for entries is [date].
Also, we have negotiated special hotel rates starting at $109 at CityCenter resort.
Plus, as a conference attendee, your food and beverage will be included for 3 days.
Package benefits in the headline to generate interest.
So wheres the 360 perspective from the headline?
What was the promise and was it fulfilled?
18. San Francisco | August 1317, 2012 | #sessf
Missing Your Audience
Who is the audience? Were they addressed from their needs
and wants?
Started with please read me, then we worked so hard, followed by
last year we had big-name speakers. (me, me, me)
Wheres the beef? Halfway through, theres a mention of speakers and
why you should come. This is too little information too late.
Its not about how hard you worked. Its not about how great your
product is. Its about the value for the reader and how it can help
If a reader doesnt immediately see a benefit or interesting item, they
will close or delete the e-mail without taking action. Structure your
content around your reader to keep their interest and show them the
19. San Francisco | August 1317, 2012 | #sessf
Weak Branding/Attitude
What brand position did the sender take? Did it present the
organization in a positive, compelling light?
The first line begs you to read out of the
goodness of your heart no effort was
made to pique your interest or present a
good reason to continue reading. How
does this position the brand and the
How much was said about the
conference and the benefits? Does this
show that the organizer has a strong
Use your brand attitude to shape your
content. Ask yourself if the current
messaging reflects your brand before
sending. @textbroker
20. San Francisco | August 1317, 2012 | #sessf
Second Convention Registration Email
Subject: Don't miss [company]'s third annual [Conference] Clear subject
Sweeten the deal
Special Discount for [Organization] Members! Use promotional code: XYZ immediately +
call to action
Reserve your space now for two of the most important days of your career.
[date] Creates urgency
[venue | location] and necessity
Speakers Include:
[speaker 1] [speaker 2] [speaker 3] [speaker 4] Now theres the
Zuffa, LLC America's Test Kitchen Amplidata NASA - Johnson Space Center beef!
[Company]'s third annual [Conference] brings you an intensive series of seminars, workshops and case studies,
all presented by industry professionals representing the very best in:
Grand total of 6 bullet points
Topics to be addressed More beef!
At the conference
Give us two days - we'll give you the knowledge you need to work more effectively and jumpstart your career.
And if you register before [date], you'll save $200! Clear value
Register Now! Awards at the
end as a bonus.
[Awards program]
There's still time to submit your work for the 3rd Annual [Awards program]- entries close
August 17! Click here for more information.
21. San Francisco | August 1317, 2012 | #sessf
What Went Right?
Clear subject line with company information.
You want your name and company to encourage people to open your e-
Clear goal from subject line through closing
Multiple sales techniques used to close the deal
Presented whats most important to the audience speakers and topics
immediately and clearly.
Addressed time and monetary concerns.
Tone and structure of the message contributed to active, committed
22. San Francisco | August 1317, 2012 | #sessf
Outsourcing Your Content
Freelancers Bidding Sites Writing Sites
+ High quality + Wide variety of quality with + Set quality for set prices
+ Personal attention minimal filters + Options to work directly with
- High price + Wide variety of prices writers for a set price
- Long negotiations - Long negotiations + Quick turnaround
- No backups - Sort through multiple offers + Simple approval process
- Unclear timelines - Cant talk to writer beforehand
23. San Francisco | August 1317, 2012 | #sessf
Using a Writing Service
Set length and the general
Give your titles and instructions
The more information you give in your
instructions, the better the author can
complete the assignment. With a strong title
and clear instructions, any author should be
able to write the post.
Instead of choosing from a pile
of submissions, you simply say
yes or no.
24. San Francisco | August 1317, 2012 | #sessf
Understand as much as possible about your audience
Keep your attitude consistent
Set goals for each e-mail
Subject lines are a promise
Center your content on your audience
Your message fulfills the promise of your subject line
Writing sites keep the process efficient and affordable
Target The Message To Your Audience