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Attributions of Responsibility
Dynamics and Determinants: The Case of
the 2005 German Election

Lisbon, April 17, 2009

Thorsten Faas
University of Mannheim

ECPR Joint Sessions, Workshop 16 Political information, public
knowledge and perceptions of reality
Attributions of Responsibility
 Workshop Political Information, public knowledge and perceptions of
  reality: How do people see (and explain) reality? What is the role of
  the informational environment?

 Attributions of responsibility as a crucial element

     from an individuals point of view
     but also from the point of view of the political system as a
     whole: what is government / politics responsible for?

 Studying such attributions  their determinants, but also their effects
   as an important task for political science

 Here with respect to economic situations: Who is responsible for the
  state of the economy (and how can we explain that)?
Determinants of Attributions of Responsibility
 Defensive attributions

 Morselizing / politically relevant variance

 Political sophistication

 Contextualization (real-world cues, front-page news)

                     Information environment

 Partisan rationalizations and cultural predispositions
 Rolling Cross-Section Survey covering the final 41 days of
  the 2005 German Federal Election campaign (n=3,583)

    What do you think, to what extent is the ruling
     government responsible for the development of this
     economic situation: to a large extent, to some extent or
     not at all?
    this economic situation refers to
       Individuals own economic situation
       Situation of the national economy
 Defensive attributions          Perceived state of own and
                                    national economic situation
 Morselizing / politically relevant variance

 Political sophistication          Interest in Politics

 Contextualization (real-world cues, front-page news)
       Interaction term                       Media usage
                                           (total vs. by source)
                Distance to Election Day
 Partisan rationalizations and cultural predispositions
                                  Party Identification,
Development of Level of Attributed Responsibility
  Mean Level of Attribution

                              13.8.        20.8.          27.8.          3.9.           10.9.          17.9.

                                      Individual's economic situation           Nation's economic situation
Determinants: National Economic Situation
               Media use: total                                   Media use: by source

               Ind. Econ.                                           Ind. Econ.
               Nat. Econ.                                           Nat. Econ.
                  Interest                                             Interest
                Left-Right                                           Left-Right
                  PI: SPD                                              PI: SPD
                PI: Union                                            PI: Union
                 PI: other                                            PI: other
                       day                                                  day
         Media use: total                                     Media use: total
      Media use: priv. TV                                  Media use: priv. TV
     Media use: Public TV                                 Media use: Public TV
      Media use: Tabloid                                   Media use: Tabloid
       Media use: Quality                                   Media use: Quality
               interaction                                          interaction
-4      -3    -2    -1      0       1    2   3   4   -4      -3     -2   -1      0       1    2   3   4
                    logit coefficients                                   logit coefficients
Determinants: Individual Economic Situation
              Media use: total                                    Media use: by source

                                                                    Ind. Econ.
               Ind. Econ.
                                                                    Nat. Econ.
               Nat. Econ.
                                                                       PI: SPD
                  PI: SPD
                                                                     PI: Union
                PI: Union
                                                                      PI: other
                 PI: other
                                                              Media use: total
         Media use: total
                                                           Media use: priv. TV
      Media use: priv. TV
                                                          Media use: Public TV
     Media use: Public TV
                                                           Media use: Tabloid
      Media use: Tabloid
                                                            Media use: Quality
       Media use: Quality
                                                     -4      -3    -2    -1      0       1    2   3   4
-4      -3    -2    -1      0       1    2   3   4
                                                                         logit coefficients
                    logit coefficients
Determinants: Individual Economic Situation
              + Interaction Term

                Ind. Econ.
                Nat. Econ.
                   PI: SPD
                 PI: Union
                  PI: other
          Media use: total
       Media use: priv. TV
      Media use: Public TV
       Media use: Tabloid
        Media use: Quality
 -4      -3     -2   -1      0       1    2   3   4
                     logit coefficients
Predicted Probabilities
     .4  .2

                  0   .2          .4           .6              .8    1
                           Individual economic situation

                           National economic situation ...
                            ... very poor            ... good
                            ... poor                 ... very good
                            ... average
   Information environment affects how people make sense of the world
   Information can have different sources
   However, media effects hard to understand without content analysis

    Thorsten Faas
    University of Mannheim
    A5, 6
    68131 Mannheim


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  • 1. Attributions of Responsibility Dynamics and Determinants: The Case of the 2005 German Election Lisbon, April 17, 2009 Thorsten Faas University of Mannheim ECPR Joint Sessions, Workshop 16 Political information, public knowledge and perceptions of reality
  • 2. Attributions of Responsibility 1 Workshop Political Information, public knowledge and perceptions of reality: How do people see (and explain) reality? What is the role of the informational environment? Attributions of responsibility as a crucial element Important from an individuals point of view but also from the point of view of the political system as a whole: what is government / politics responsible for? Studying such attributions their determinants, but also their effects as an important task for political science Here with respect to economic situations: Who is responsible for the state of the economy (and how can we explain that)?
  • 3. Determinants of Attributions of Responsibility 2 Defensive attributions Morselizing / politically relevant variance Political sophistication Contextualization (real-world cues, front-page news) Information environment Campaigns Partisan rationalizations and cultural predispositions
  • 4. Data 3 Rolling Cross-Section Survey covering the final 41 days of the 2005 German Federal Election campaign (n=3,583) Items: What do you think, to what extent is the ruling government responsible for the development of this economic situation: to a large extent, to some extent or not at all? this economic situation refers to Individuals own economic situation Situation of the national economy dichotomized
  • 5. Data 4 Defensive attributions Perceived state of own and national economic situation Morselizing / politically relevant variance Political sophistication Interest in Politics Contextualization (real-world cues, front-page news) Interaction term Media usage (total vs. by source) Campaigns Distance to Election Day Partisan rationalizations and cultural predispositions Party Identification, Left-Right-Placement
  • 6. Development of Level of Attributed Responsibility 5 1 Mean Level of Attribution .5 0 13.8. 20.8. 27.8. 3.9. 10.9. 17.9. date Individual's economic situation Nation's economic situation
  • 7. Determinants: National Economic Situation 6 Media use: total Media use: by source Ind. Econ. Ind. Econ. Nat. Econ. Nat. Econ. Interest Interest Left-Right Left-Right PI: SPD PI: SPD PI: Union PI: Union PI: other PI: other day day Media use: total Media use: total Media use: priv. TV Media use: priv. TV Media use: Public TV Media use: Public TV Media use: Tabloid Media use: Tabloid Media use: Quality Media use: Quality interaction interaction -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 logit coefficients logit coefficients
  • 8. Determinants: Individual Economic Situation 7 Media use: total Media use: by source Ind. Econ. Ind. Econ. Nat. Econ. Nat. Econ. Interest Interest Left-Right Left-Right PI: SPD PI: SPD PI: Union PI: Union PI: other PI: other day day Media use: total Media use: total Media use: priv. TV Media use: priv. TV Media use: Public TV Media use: Public TV Media use: Tabloid Media use: Tabloid Media use: Quality Media use: Quality interaction interaction -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 logit coefficients logit coefficients
  • 9. Determinants: Individual Economic Situation 8 + Interaction Term Ind. Econ. Nat. Econ. Interest Left-Right PI: SPD PI: Union PI: other day Media use: total Media use: priv. TV Media use: Public TV Media use: Tabloid Media use: Quality interaction -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 logit coefficients
  • 10. Predicted Probabilities 9 1 .8 probability .6 .4 .2 0 0 .2 .4 .6 .8 1 Individual economic situation National economic situation ... ... very poor ... good ... poor ... very good ... average
  • 11. Conclusions 10 Information environment affects how people make sense of the world Information can have different sources However, media effects hard to understand without content analysis Contact: Thorsten Faas University of Mannheim A5, 6 68131 Mannheim Germany Thorsten.Faas@uni-mannheim.de www.thorsten-faas.de