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Public libraries pulling rank - statistics on the policy maker's agenda
Public libraries pulling rank -
  statistics on the policy
      makers' agenda

Kristine Paberza

Public Library Development Project ¡°Third Father¡¯s Son¡±, State
Agency ¡°Culture Information Systems¡±
Department of Information and Library Studies, Faculty of Social
Sciences, University of Latvia
o The central country of the Baltic States
o In North-eastern Europe, on the east coast
  of the Baltic Sea
o In 1991 Latvia became independent
  from the Soviet Union
o Democratic, parliamentary republic
o EU memberships since 2004
o Area: 64,589 sq.km or 24,937 sq. miles
o Population: 2,270,700; Riga: 717,000
o Urban: 66%; Rural: 34%
o Ethnic composition:
     59.03% Latvian,
     28.29% Russian,
     3.74% Belorussian,
     2.53% Ukrainian,
     6.41% other nationalities
o Official language: Latvian
Library system in Latvia
                                              o Latvian National Library;
                                              o Latvian Academic Library;
                                              o 864 public libraries;
                                              o Latvian Library for the
                                                Blind with 7 branches in
                                              o 45 special libraries;
                                              o 48 libraries belonging to
                                                institutions of higher
  0,8% of state budget and 0,9% of
municipalities¡¯ budget go to fund libraries   o 1062 school libraries
Public libraries in Latvia
The Riga City Library (Bibliotheca Rigensis) was established in 1524
and it is considered to be one of the first public libraries in Europe!
o   Today there is one public library per 2600 residents
o   40% of population use public library services
o   240 library users per one librarian
o   100% connected to Internet and has WiFi access
Third Father¡¯s Son
      Tre?ais t¨¥va d¨¥ls
Global Libraries initiative in Latvia Third Father¡¯s Son
                                                 is a hero from
      Through strengthening capacities
                of public libraries              Latvian folk
 to facilitate proactive use of ICT resources    legend who
             among people in Latvia              brought light to an
 thus striving to improve the quality of their
                       lives                     entire country
The future is here ¨C in the library
Impact Planning and Assessment
        for Development
      Information Society Development Guidelines
                         for 2006 ¨C 2013
To create a knowledge-based economy and to improve the
   quality of life, to ensure that everybody can and will use
    the possibilities offered by ICT and content in order to
                        achieve this objective
Context of the study
                      In-depth study:
                     PAC cost-benefit
                       analysis, ROI

                 Interim          Final
Baseline         impact          impact          National
 study         assessment      assessment        statistics
                  study           study

     In-depth study:                  In-depth study:
 Library value, trust and          Impact on information
    user satisfaction               society development
Approach to the study
? Context oriented research approach (Durrance, 2002)

? Information ecology approach (Davenport & Prusak,
  1997; Stepp, 1999)

? Theory of use-oriented value of information and
  information services (Saracevic & Kantor, 1997)

? Ecological theory of human information behavior
  (Williamson, 2005)
Main research questions
1. What is the value of public library in society
   in general and at the level of local

2. What is the trust level in public libraries,
   librarians and information received through

3. What is the satisfaction with public library
Data collection
Representative survey of inhabitants
of Latvia (n=1064) including library
users as well as non-users

Information ecology mapping during
FDGs (n=10) covering both urban
as well as rural areas
Information needs
            Employment            14%                           40%

                  Health                22%                         29%

               Transport                20%                   23%

Rights & responsibilities              18%                  22%

               Shopping            15%                    25%

         Leisure, culture              19%                   21%

                  Politics        12%                  26%

                Housing            17%                 16%

Activities in municipality         16%                17%

               Education          11%               20%

                    Sport         9%          13%

                             0%         10%      20%         30%      40%   50%   60%

                              Once            Several times
Information sources
              Friends                                69%
             Relatives                            63%
          Colleagues                       46%
              Internet                          57%
         Newspapers                          52%
                    TV                      50%
                Radio               33%
Health-care institution              34%
 State administration         23%
          Municiaplity       22%
     Reference office        22%
Educational institution    18%
        Public library    16%
 Private organization     16%
Satisfaction of information needs
       personal networks
             Didn't receive necessary information
             Completely received necessary information

 Relatives       3%

   Friends         5%

Colleagues        5%
Satisfaction of information needs
          media sources
          Didn't receive necessary information
          Completely received necessary information

Newspapers               12%

   Internet       5%

       TV              9%

     Radio               12%
Satisfaction of information needs
       institutional sources
             Didn't receive necessary information
             Completely received necessary information

     Reference office          5%
         Public library       3%
Educational institution      2%
Health-care institution           9%
          Municiaplity             11%
  State administration            9%
  Private organization              14%
Trust in information sources
 Do you have to verify received information
             Relatives               37%               12%            43%               8%
              Friends          19%           21%                    52%                 9%
          Colleagues       11%         23%                      54%                 12%
                Radio          20%           23%                    45%             12%
                    TV         20%            25%                    43%            12%
              Internet         20%            25%                  41%             15%
         Newspapers        13%             28%                     46%             13%
     Reference office                   49%                  12%           32%          8%
        Public library                 43%               12%              36%           9%
Educational institution              38%               13%               41%            7%
 State administration            27%               21%               40%            12%
Health-care institution          26%           16%                   47%            10%
          Municiaplity          25%              21%                 43%            11%
 Private organization      11%          28%                    39%                22%

                          0%         20%           40%         60%          80%         100%
                  Never        Sometimes             Often         Always
Usage of municipality services
                     Have used                       Satisfied

           Health care                   71%               52%

              Housing     9%                       21%

                Social           31%                 33%

          Educational              44%                     53%

                 Sport           31%                     44%

Cultural & recreational                58%                     64%

 Public transportation                       77%               64%

        Environmental                    70%                     71%
Usage of culture & leisure services
     Didn't use   Used     Satisfied               To increase funding   To decrease funding

   centre,          47%                      50%                   28%          7%
 recreational       48%

                     58%                 47%                       26%           7%
Public library

   Objects of      41%
    cultural                             46%                    21%               8%
    heritage        44%

   Museums,         46%
                                       42%                13%                          11%
   galleries       34%
Quality of staff performance
                            satisfied                      dissatisfied      hard to evaluate
Public facilities service
         staff                                42%                30%              28%

 Municipal policemens                     37%                        40%          23%

          Museum staff                        45%         4%                              51%

      Cultural hall staff                      49%         10%                          41%

        Social workers                        42%              19%                      39%

     Kindergarten staff                       46%         4%                              50%

              Librarians                            58%   3%                            39%
         administration                 26%                            57%     17%

       Doctors, medics                              57%          35%         8%

              Teachers                              59%    14%                    27%
Quality of staff performance
  Public facilities service staff               58%                  42%
         Municipal policemen                48%                     52%

          Museum employees                              92%                     8%

      Cultural hall employees                          83%                  17%

                Social workers                    69%                     31%

    Kindergarten employees                              91%                     9%

                     Librarians                         94%                     6%

Municipality deputies, officials          31%                  69%

              Doctors, medics                    62%                  38%

                      Teachers                        81%                  19%

                                    0%     20%        40%     60%    80%        100%
                              Satisfied     Dissatisfied
Satisfaction with library services
            Usage of library services                Satisfied            Rather satisfied

        Cultural events      20%                                  80%              17%

       Training courses    5%                           74%                                  26%
Librarian's consultation
                            14%                                    83%           15%
  Librarian's assistance
                                   47%                            81%             16%
      Library catalogue     17%                        74%                           19%

             Databases     13%                                   79%                  20%

               Internet          37%                             79%                19%

             Computer           25%                                84%          14%

         Reading room                 54%                        79%                19%

         Book issuance                   79%                       83%          14%

                                            To speak to librarian (21%); To meet friends
   Books used also by relatives
                                            (15%); To engage in NGO related events (6%);
     (47%) and friends (6%)                 Shopping, hairdresser etc. (3%)
Experienced benefits
                            Reading for leisure                                67%

                      Information for education                               63%

                     Helping children at school                         54%

                   Information on health issues                        51%
          Information for leisure and recreation                      48%

                     To learn foreign languages                 35%

To deal with family issues & children upbringing              30%
                        To engage in social life              29%

                      To save or to earn money                28%

                              To improve at job           24%

                                   To find a job        19%

                         To do gainful shopping    9%
Potential public library users

                      Yes       No      Hard to say/NA

Could any library service raise
 your interest in the nearest               36%          43%   22%

             Book issuance                  56%
           Training courses           30%
                    Internet          30%
            Cultural events       23%
             Reading room         19%
                  Computer        18%
                 Databases      10%
          Library web page      8%

                               0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60%
The World ¨C a click away
     in your library

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Public libraries pulling rank - statistics on the policy maker's agenda

  • 2. Public libraries pulling rank - statistics on the policy makers' agenda Kristine Paberza Public Library Development Project ¡°Third Father¡¯s Son¡±, State Agency ¡°Culture Information Systems¡± Department of Information and Library Studies, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Latvia
  • 3. Latvia o The central country of the Baltic States o In North-eastern Europe, on the east coast of the Baltic Sea o In 1991 Latvia became independent from the Soviet Union o Democratic, parliamentary republic o EU memberships since 2004 o Area: 64,589 sq.km or 24,937 sq. miles o Population: 2,270,700; Riga: 717,000 o Urban: 66%; Rural: 34% o Ethnic composition: 59.03% Latvian, 28.29% Russian, 3.74% Belorussian, 2.53% Ukrainian, 6.41% other nationalities o Official language: Latvian
  • 4. Library system in Latvia o Latvian National Library; o Latvian Academic Library; o 864 public libraries; o Latvian Library for the Blind with 7 branches in regions; o 45 special libraries; o 48 libraries belonging to institutions of higher education; 0,8% of state budget and 0,9% of municipalities¡¯ budget go to fund libraries o 1062 school libraries
  • 5. Public libraries in Latvia The Riga City Library (Bibliotheca Rigensis) was established in 1524 and it is considered to be one of the first public libraries in Europe! o Today there is one public library per 2600 residents o 40% of population use public library services o 240 library users per one librarian o 100% connected to Internet and has WiFi access
  • 6. Third Father¡¯s Son Tre?ais t¨¥va d¨¥ls Global Libraries initiative in Latvia Third Father¡¯s Son is a hero from Through strengthening capacities of public libraries Latvian folk to facilitate proactive use of ICT resources legend who among people in Latvia brought light to an thus striving to improve the quality of their lives entire country
  • 7. The future is here ¨C in the library
  • 8. Impact Planning and Assessment for Development Information Society Development Guidelines for 2006 ¨C 2013 To create a knowledge-based economy and to improve the quality of life, to ensure that everybody can and will use the possibilities offered by ICT and content in order to achieve this objective
  • 9. Context of the study In-depth study: PAC cost-benefit analysis, ROI Interim Final Baseline impact impact National study assessment assessment statistics study study In-depth study: In-depth study: Library value, trust and Impact on information user satisfaction society development
  • 10. Approach to the study ? Context oriented research approach (Durrance, 2002) ? Information ecology approach (Davenport & Prusak, 1997; Stepp, 1999) ? Theory of use-oriented value of information and information services (Saracevic & Kantor, 1997) ? Ecological theory of human information behavior (Williamson, 2005)
  • 11. Main research questions 1. What is the value of public library in society in general and at the level of local community? 2. What is the trust level in public libraries, librarians and information received through library? 3. What is the satisfaction with public library services?
  • 12. Data collection instruments Representative survey of inhabitants of Latvia (n=1064) including library users as well as non-users Information ecology mapping during FDGs (n=10) covering both urban as well as rural areas
  • 13. Information needs Employment 14% 40% Health 22% 29% Transport 20% 23% Rights & responsibilities 18% 22% Shopping 15% 25% Leisure, culture 19% 21% Politics 12% 26% Housing 17% 16% Activities in municipality 16% 17% Education 11% 20% Sport 9% 13% 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% Once Several times
  • 14. Information sources Friends 69% Relatives 63% Colleagues 46% Internet 57% Newspapers 52% TV 50% Radio 33% Health-care institution 34% State administration 23% Municiaplity 22% Reference office 22% Educational institution 18% Public library 16% Private organization 16%
  • 15. Satisfaction of information needs personal networks Didn't receive necessary information Completely received necessary information Relatives 3% 49% Friends 5% 34% Colleagues 5% 32%
  • 16. Satisfaction of information needs media sources Didn't receive necessary information Completely received necessary information Newspapers 12% 24% Internet 5% 44% TV 9% 27% Radio 12% 25%
  • 17. Satisfaction of information needs institutional sources Didn't receive necessary information Completely received necessary information Reference office 5% 66% Public library 3% 52% Educational institution 2% 54% Health-care institution 9% 39% Municiaplity 11% 39% State administration 9% 44% Private organization 14% 36%
  • 18. Trust in information sources Do you have to verify received information Relatives 37% 12% 43% 8% Friends 19% 21% 52% 9% Colleagues 11% 23% 54% 12% Radio 20% 23% 45% 12% TV 20% 25% 43% 12% Internet 20% 25% 41% 15% Newspapers 13% 28% 46% 13% Reference office 49% 12% 32% 8% Public library 43% 12% 36% 9% Educational institution 38% 13% 41% 7% State administration 27% 21% 40% 12% Health-care institution 26% 16% 47% 10% Municiaplity 25% 21% 43% 11% Private organization 11% 28% 39% 22% 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% Never Sometimes Often Always
  • 19. Usage of municipality services Have used Satisfied Health care 71% 52% Housing 9% 21% Social 31% 33% Educational 44% 53% Sport 31% 44% Cultural & recreational 58% 64% Public transportation 77% 64% Environmental 70% 71%
  • 20. Usage of culture & leisure services Didn't use Used Satisfied To increase funding To decrease funding Cultural centre, 47% 50% 28% 7% recreational 48% hall 58% 47% 26% 7% Public library 39% Objects of 41% cultural 46% 21% 8% heritage 44% Museums, 46% 42% 13% 11% galleries 34%
  • 21. Quality of staff performance satisfied dissatisfied hard to evaluate Public facilities service staff 42% 30% 28% Municipal policemens 37% 40% 23% Museum staff 45% 4% 51% Cultural hall staff 49% 10% 41% Social workers 42% 19% 39% Kindergarten staff 46% 4% 50% Librarians 58% 3% 39% Municipality administration 26% 57% 17% Doctors, medics 57% 35% 8% Teachers 59% 14% 27%
  • 22. Quality of staff performance Public facilities service staff 58% 42% Municipal policemen 48% 52% Museum employees 92% 8% Cultural hall employees 83% 17% Social workers 69% 31% Kindergarten employees 91% 9% Librarians 94% 6% Municipality deputies, officials 31% 69% Doctors, medics 62% 38% Teachers 81% 19% 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% Satisfied Dissatisfied
  • 23. Satisfaction with library services Usage of library services Satisfied Rather satisfied Cultural events 20% 80% 17% Training courses 5% 74% 26% Librarian's consultation 14% 83% 15% (computer/Internet) Librarian's assistance 47% 81% 16% (information) Library catalogue 17% 74% 19% Databases 13% 79% 20% Internet 37% 79% 19% Computer 25% 84% 14% Reading room 54% 79% 19% Book issuance 79% 83% 14% To speak to librarian (21%); To meet friends Books used also by relatives (15%); To engage in NGO related events (6%); (47%) and friends (6%) Shopping, hairdresser etc. (3%)
  • 24. Experienced benefits Reading for leisure 67% Information for education 63% Helping children at school 54% Information on health issues 51% Information for leisure and recreation 48% To learn foreign languages 35% To deal with family issues & children upbringing 30% To engage in social life 29% To save or to earn money 28% To improve at job 24% To find a job 19% To do gainful shopping 9%
  • 25. Potential public library users Yes No Hard to say/NA Could any library service raise your interest in the nearest 36% 43% 22% future? Book issuance 56% Training courses 30% Internet 30% Cultural events 23% Reading room 19% Computer 18% Databases 10% Library web page 8% 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60%
  • 26. The World ¨C a click away in your library