Exploratory Testing involves a style of software testing that emphasizes personal freedom and responsibility of the individual tester. Testers simultaneously learn about the system while designing and executing tests, using feedback from previous tests to inform new tests. Session-based test management is one approach that involves creating a test charter to guide a testing session, then conducting the session and reporting results. Testers are encouraged to find their own flavor that works for their needs and situation.
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5. so ... what it is?
"a style of software testing that emphasizes the personal
freedom and responsibility of the individual tester to
continually optimize the quality of his/her work by
treating test-related learning, test design, test execution,
and test result interpretation as mutually supportive
activities that run in parallel throughout the project."
Cem Kaner
7. “simultaneously learning about the system
while designing and executing tests,
using feedback from the last test to inform the next”
Elisabeth Hendrickson
so ... what it is?
8. How to make it ...
• pure ET aka freestyle
• Session-Based Test Management
− Test Charter
− Session
− Session report
− Debrief
• your „own” flavor
9. SBTM - Charters
A charter is a mission statement consisting of two or three sentences to guide
your testing for the next session
• Why am I running this test? What could go wrong? What am I looking for?
• What am I testing? Which features, screens, artifacts, or areas of the product
should I be touching while testing?
• How long should it take to perform this testing? Are there setup tasks I
should do before I officially start? What do I need to do when I’m done?
10. SBTM - Charters
• My mission is to test <insert risk here> for <insert coverage here>
My mission is to test for SQL injection vulnerabilities for application login and administration
• Explore area
With resources, constraints, tools, etc.
To discover information
Explore the File Import feature with various invalid file formats to discover if there are any
circumstances under which the error handling does not give a reasonable response to an invalid file.
• We need to understand the performance and reliability characteristics of <ProductName>
as decision complexity increased. Start with a nominal scenario and scale it up in terms of
number of options and factors until the application appears to hang, crash, or gracefully
prevent user from enlarging any further.
11. SBTM - Session
A time-boxed, focused, not interupted test session,
during which tester simultaneously learn about
the system, design and execute tests,
using feedback from the last test to inform the
SBTM – Session #TBS
20. • Past - What happened during the session?
• Results - What was achieved during the session?
• Obstacles - What got in the way of good testing?
• Outlook - What still needs to be done?
• Feelings - How does the tester feel about all this?
SBTM – Debrief #PROOF
21. your „own” flavor
• only Charter and Bugs
• Session + Debrief
• Session Report + Debrief