The 5 most popular non-invasive stretch mark reduction procedures are microdermabrasion, platelet-rich plasma therapy, laser therapy, chemical peels, and topical treatments. Microdermabrasion removes the outer layer of stretch mark skin. Platelet-rich plasma therapy involves injections that stimulate collagen and elastin production. Laser therapy uses light pulses to stimulate new collagen growth. Chemical peels apply acidic solutions to exfoliate stretch mark skin. Topical treatments include creams, oils, and lotions applied directly to the marks.
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5 Most Popular Non-Invasive Stretch Mark Reduction Procedures
1. 5 M O S T P O P U L A R
2. In general, stretch marks typically appear
when your skin is stretched so suddenly.
3. Moreover, it happens when your skin doesn’t
produce enough collagen to accommodate the area.
4. Over time, stretch marks tend to
become thinner and paler, and rarely
fade on their own.
5. T h u s, th e stretch m ark
reductio n pro cedure giv es the
skin a f latter and f irm er lo o k.
6. The below points define
the most popular non-
invasive stretch mark
reduction procedures.