ATAC MINING is a Canadian junior mining company focused on gold exploration in Tanzania. It owns the Dhahabu project which consists of 20 mining concessions totaling 222 hectares in Tanzania. Exploration has found high gold values on the property. ATAC's plan is to drill 48 holes to prove up over 600,000 ounces of gold and hopes to complete an acquisition that would triple its land holdings. Tanzania has been politically stable and its mining laws have attracted many international mining companies to operate there.
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ATAC MINING (TZN) is a privately
held Canadian based junior mining
company focused on gold exploration
and development in Tanzania. ATAC
MINING conducts its business
through a wholly owned subsidiary
and strategic joint venture partnership
to provide a timely exploration and
development approach to its
properties. ATAC is aiming at a
spring 2013 IPO after completing a
NI 43-101 later this year.
Dhahabu Project
Dhahabu project consists of 20 mining is also found throughout the property. gold bearing ore in the enriched zone
concessions totaling 222 hectares. The before taking into account the full
acquisition was completed in late 2011. Assay results from the fieldwork are length of the structure. Atacs geologist
Atac is in the acquisition stage of excellent with values up to 75 g/t Au. has done over fifty NI43-101 reports
securing mining concessions for two and has a strong mining background.
areas in the same region that will triple Mine 1 23.89 Au
its land base. A transaction is awaiting Mine 2 10.60 Au Valuation & Investment
its final approval for the transfer of Mine 7 3.95
concessions that will amalgamate three Option #1: Drill program and NI 43-
Mine 8 5.37 Au 101 production. 33% of project for
mines into one continuous claim at Mine 11 4.68 Au
Dhahabu. All documents with respect $3.3 million. Investor to have
Mine 18 50.20 representation on board and control
to the concession are in good standing
with the Tanzanian Ministry of Energy over disbursement of funds.
There exists a gold-belt
and Minerals, and the property is free approximately 2 km in length with Option #2: Small Scale Mining. $5
and clear of all encumbrances. completely unexplored open ends million investment could produce
running through the concession. revenue of over $60 MM/year.
In December 2011, the company
geologist completed a technical report Exploration & Development Option #3: Acquisition target is one of
for the enriched zone. It was compiled the last crown jewels of Tanzania
and researched according to NI 43-101 The plan is to drill 48 holes to the $2.5 MM ($500k down payment).
guidelines. The report indicates that depth of 100~200 meters. The budget Working partner has strong political
drilling is highly recommendable at all of $2.5 million will be used to prove up ties, and heavy equipment.
locations to identify the primary a gold resource of 600,000+ ounces.
deposit. Active artisanal mining activity There is a potential million tonnes of
Tanzania has been politically stable and is now regarded as one of the most politically stable countries in
Africa. Mining is the fastest growing sector in Tanzania in terms of contribution to GDP and exports. This
growth was assisted by the World Bank and the introduction of investor friendly mining laws introduced in
1998. The Mining Act of 1998 and subsequently amended in 2010 guarantees investors security of tenure
provides transparency in issuance and administration of mineral rights.
This has lead to a number of international corporations being attracted to the region including African
Barrick, AngloGold Ashanti Limited and Resolute Mining Limited all of whom have a significant presence
in the country.