i am sweet,i Am fReE,i aM hApi,& i aM mE.
mY LifE nOT coMpLete iF DumB pEople Didn'T eXisT..
i kNoW Hw 2 aPprEaCiaTe tHosE pEopLe hU's sPeCiaL 2 mE. i
eNjoYinG sPenDinG tYm w/ pEopLe i cArE aBouT coZ iM noT hArD tO pLeASe..
eVerYonE rEspecTs mE coz i know how to respect to0.
I coUlD FiNd sOmEoNe wHo LikEd mE fOr mE..
i diDn'T haVE tO erCisE, I hAd a LoT oF frEnZ,..
im waitng for mY tRUe L0VE....
i dOn'T TrY tO bE liKe eVeRyOnE eLsE.
i just need to be humble to evryonE who deserve..
but dont give me a shit coz i give u ToNES of shit..