Christopher Calubaquib is seeking a SpaceX internship for summer 2015. He is currently studying Aerospace Engineering at San Jose State University and has an Associate's degree from Contra Costa College in Math and Science, Social and Behavioral Science, and Arts and Humanities. He has volunteered at several NASA centers, assisting with telescope assembly and guiding visitors. He has also been invited by NASA to witness several space shuttle launches and tour facilities like the SOFIA observatory. He is involved in several engineering and astronomy clubs at his universities.
Pittsburgh is a dominant supplier in the aerospace industry. Boeing plans to expand its Fayette County facility and double its workforce, reflecting Pittsburgh's strength. The region is home to manufacturers that produce critical components ranging from paints and coatings to fasteners and landing gear for aircraft. Alcoa, one of the most recognizable Pittsburgh-based aerospace manufacturers, earns over $4 billion annually from its aerospace business unit, with its fasteners and castings used on nearly every commercial aircraft currently in service, including around one million fasteners on a single Airbus A380.
Portafolio digital sub-grupo 2 a - nohora yolanda galan jimenezdcpe2014
Este documento describe un proyecto sobre acoso escolar ("bullying") con 14 estudiantes de grados entre 10 y 13 a単os. El objetivo es analizar y reducir las causas del acoso en el aula a trav辿s de herramientas tecnol坦gicas como videos, encuestas y presentaciones. Se realizar叩n actividades como una mesa redonda con docentes, directivos y padres para crear conciencia sobre los riesgos del acoso y c坦mo prevenirlo.
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Ti畉ng anh cho tr畉 em ngy cng quan tr畛ng trong cu畛c s畛ng. D畉y ti畉ng anh cho tr畉 th畉 no l 炭ng ? H達y tham kh畉o m畛t s畛 箪 sau.