We are a group of Young Adults aged 16-18 called 'Tick4Change' from Clapton Girls Colege who is trying to make a difference to our communtiy Hackney =)
Members of this group :: Ayesha, Sabina, Damilola, Emily, Tam, Alexie, Titi, Rashida, Isotu, Fatos....
We hope to achieve our goal by, firstly making Hackeny a better place to be, and when we tell people we are from Hackney we want to be proud to say 'Yes Hackney is the place to be'
What is the first thing that comes to peoples mind when you say 'hey am from Hackney?' *OoOoH murder mile end* we want to show that there is so much better things that occurs in our area such as, the beatiful view
-Clapton pond
-Hackney Town Hall