Here are the summaries for each picture in the first and second grade sections:
First Grade:
Picture 1 - Identifying 2D shapes and their properties
Picture 2 - Identifying 3D shapes and their faces
Picture 3 - Using location words like near and far
Picture 4 - Identifying and sorting 2D shapes
Picture 5 - Creating new shapes by combining or cutting other shapes
Second Grade:
Picture 6 - Identifying symmetrical shapes
Picture 7 - Determining if shapes are congruent or similar
Picture 8 - Predicting new shapes formed by combining or cutting others
Picture 9 - Identifying, describing and comparing 3D shapes
Picture 10 - Sorting and comparing 2D and 3D shapes by
How To "Login" To The Way That Your Prospects ThinkSean McPheat
The document discusses different cognitive styles - visual, auditory, and kinesthetic - that people use to process information. It provides a test to determine one's preferred style, which involves ranking statements from most to least descriptive. Scoring involves tallying responses for each style; the lowest scores indicate one's preferences. Understanding a client's style allows you to tailor your presentation of products and services in a way that best connects with how they think. Presenting in a person's non-preferred style risks losing the sale.
This document provides information about different types of triangles, parallel lines cut by a transversal, and finding missing angle measurements. It includes examples of acute, obtuse, right, scalene, isosceles, and equilateral triangles. It also discusses same-side interior angles, same-side exterior angles, transversals, alternate interior angles, and linear pairs related to parallel lines cut by a transversal. The document poses questions about finding specific angle measurements and the value of x given parallel lines and a transversal. It provides a word problem involving replacing a broken window where only two angle measurements are given and asks how to find the other missing angle measurements.
This document contains information about a warm-up activity involving solving an equation and finding an angle measurement. It also discusses scale factors and their meaning when greater than or less than 1. The remainder outlines the key standards and concepts covered in Unit 1, including transformations, congruence, similarity and properties of triangles. It concludes with a notification about an upcoming exam.
This document contains information about angle relationships formed when parallel lines are cut by a transversal line. It defines terms like alternate interior angles, linear pairs, same-side interior angles, and same-side exterior angles. It includes examples of labeling angles in different geometric figures and problems involving solving for the value of x. The closing asks students to reflect on what they learned about parallel lines and transversals and any struggles they had with the concepts.
This document provides instruction on reflections in geometry. It begins with identifying angle relationships and defining a reflection as a transformation that flips a figure over a line of reflection. Examples are given of reflecting figures over the x-axis and y-axis, and how the coordinates change. Students practice reflecting figures, identifying reflection lines, and determining if reflections result in congruent or similar figures. The document concludes with an activity where students reflect their own polygons and trade with classmates.
The document contains 45 lessons or tips for living life. Some of the key lessons include: don't compare your life to others as you don't know their journey; forgive others as holding onto resentment only hurts yourself; and that today is special so don't save nice things just for special occasions. It encourages taking the next small step when in doubt and choosing to be happy. It also notes that growing old is better than the alternative of dying young.
This document summarizes a two-year student exchange project between schools in Turkey, Poland, Slovakia, and Portugal focused on comparing teenage lifestyles, communities, social problems, and future job prospects between the past and present. The project involved student exchanges between the countries, where students collaborated on video, writing, and research projects. They also participated in recreational activities to learn about each other's cultures. The culminating event was burying a time capsule with their work for future generations.
El documento presenta las notas de 10 estudiantes en dos semestres y el promedio anual de cada uno. Muestra diferentes m¨¦todos para calcular la suma y el promedio de las notas, incluyendo el uso de operaciones aritm¨¦ticas, funciones como SUM y AVERAGE, y el bot¨®n de autosuma de Excel. Explica brevemente las diferencias entre usar operaciones aritm¨¦ticas versus funciones para realizar c¨¢lculos en una hoja de c¨¢lculo.
En la actualidad se puede decir ¡°ceniza eres y en joya te volver¨¢s¡±; convertir cenizas humanas en diamantes ya es posible. Da clic y conoce la "diamantizaci¨®n de cenizas"
El documento describe varias actividades de caridad y celebraciones religiosas que incluyen una campa?a para recaudar kilos de alimentos, un mercado solidario, celebraciones como la Navidad, Semana Santa y Pascua, oraciones y proyectos de recaudaci¨®n de fondos como una rifa, venta de chocolate y m¨¢s.
This document discusses modeling sustainability transitions using a triple bottom line approach. It introduces the triple bottom line as a framework that considers economic, social and environmental impacts. A case study of biogas development in Emilia Romagna, Italy is used to demonstrate how the triple bottom line can be modeled. System dynamics modeling is employed to develop causal loop diagrams that capture relationships between factors like biogas production, energy crops, and social opposition. The diagrams help identify leverage points to make transitions more sustainable.
Este documento presenta un programa tem¨¢tico para una unidad de anatom¨ªa de cr¨¢neo y cara. La unidad se divide en cuatro partes que cubren las generalidades del cr¨¢neo, la configuraci¨®n del cr¨¢neo, la configuraci¨®n de la cara, y la articulaci¨®n temporomandibular y miolog¨ªa de cr¨¢neo y cara. Cada parte contiene varias semanas de contenido con objetivos de aprendizaje conceptuales, procedimentales y actitudinales, estrategias de ense?anza, y recursos.
1. International relations in Latin America were influenced by their colonial history with European powers like Spain and Portugal as well as recent commercial ties with Britain, France, and Germany.
2. Relations within the Americas were dominated by the powerful presence of the United States, beginning with the Monroe Doctrine in 1821 which established America's right to intervene in Latin America.
3. The US further imposed its right to intervene through the Spanish-American War in 1898 and the Roosevelt Corollary in 1905, enforcing policies like acquiring the Panama Canal Zone and occupying countries in the region.
El documento habla sobre el sistema inmunol¨®gico. Explica que este sistema est¨¢ dividido en inmunidad natural o innata y adaptativa o espec¨ªfica. La inmunidad natural incluye barreras f¨ªsicas y qu¨ªmicas que protegen el cuerpo, mientras que la inmunidad adaptativa involucra a los linfocitos y una respuesta m¨¢s compleja y espec¨ªfica al agente extra?o. Tambi¨¦n menciona los ¨®rganos principales del sistema inmunol¨®gico como la m¨¦dula ¨®sea, el timo, los ganglios linf¨¢ticos y el
The document describes an album advertisement that features a large image of the singer with photoshopped lights in her hair and background. The advertisement uses matching colors and dull colors with a bright title to catch attention. It presents the singer's name and image prominently to advertise her and her album. It also lists the album's songs and reviews to further promote the album.
This document announces a 5-week online event called Electronic Village Online (EVO) from January 13 to February 16, 2014 hosted by the Non-Native English Speakers in TESOL (NNEST) Interest Section. EVO will feature free professional development sessions and workshops on topics related to NNEST issues led by guest speakers. Participants can learn more about the NNEST movement and discuss experiences as native and non-native English teachers. The goal is to establish an equitable professional landscape for all teachers regardless of language background.
Este documento presenta informaci¨®n sobre vitaminas para un curso de bioqu¨ªmica en la Universidad de Machala. Explica objetivos como aprender sobre vitaminas, diferenciar entre vitaminas liposolubles e hidrosolubles, describir sus funciones, enfermedades por deficiencia y alimentos ricos en vitaminas. Luego describe las vitaminas A, D, E, K, C y las del complejo B, incluyendo fuentes, funciones y deficiencias.
Andr¨¦ Lansuel Campanh? ¨¦ um bruxo de 27 anos que est¨¢ aplicando para uma vaga de enfermeiro no Departamento de Doen?as Infecciosas-Contagiosas do St. Mungus. Ele cresceu em uma fam¨ªlia de renomados medibruxos na Fran?a e sempre gostou de acompanhar seus pais no trabalho. Andr¨¦ estudou em Hogwarts e agora usa suas habilidades em transfigura??o e po??es para auxiliar os pacientes no hospital.
Healthy Attendance? The Impact of Cultural Engagement and Sports Participatio...Claudio G¨®mez
El estudio del Gobierno de Escocia al cual hice referencia en mi presentaci¨®n "Cuando el Pasado y el Presente son el Futuro", en el III Congreso del Futuro, organizado por el Senado de Chile.
This document contains information about angles and geometry concepts including:
1) Common Core standards related to congruence, similarity, rotations, reflections, and translations of geometric figures.
2) Questions about the definitions of vertical angles, corresponding angles, and supplementary angles.
3) A diagram labeling different angles and instructions for students to complete an assessment on related geometry topics.
This document discusses parallel lines crossed by a transversal and the special angles that are formed - alternate interior angles, same-side interior angles, same-side exterior angles, and linear pairs. It provides examples of labeling these angles and finding their measurements when the lines are parallel. The final section describes a word problem where students must label angles, find their measurements, and determine if lines appear to be parallel based on the angle measurements.
This document discusses angle relationships when parallel lines are cut by a transversal. It defines key terms like alternate interior angles, corresponding angles, and vertical angles. It explains that alternate interior angles, corresponding angles, and vertical angles are congruent, while same-side interior and same-side exterior angles are supplementary. The document provides examples of solving for missing angle measures using these properties and asks students to identify angle relationships in diagrams.
This document contains instructions for an activity where students will work in pairs to recreate geometric transformations by describing them to their partner without showing the example card. The activity focuses on transformations including rotations, reflections, translations, and dilations. Students are provided 20 example cards and must use precise language around geometric concepts like vertices, corresponding sides/angles, and coordinates when explaining each transformation to their partner.
This document provides instruction on dilations including definitions, examples, and practice problems. It begins with warm-up math problems, then defines a dilation as a transformation where the scale factor multiplies the coordinates. Examples show plotting points and dilating a triangle by scaling the coordinates. Practice problems involve dilating triangles on a coordinate plane using given scale factors and solving for the new vertex coordinates.
El documento presenta las notas de 10 estudiantes en dos semestres y el promedio anual de cada uno. Muestra diferentes m¨¦todos para calcular la suma y el promedio de las notas, incluyendo el uso de operaciones aritm¨¦ticas, funciones como SUM y AVERAGE, y el bot¨®n de autosuma de Excel. Explica brevemente las diferencias entre usar operaciones aritm¨¦ticas versus funciones para realizar c¨¢lculos en una hoja de c¨¢lculo.
En la actualidad se puede decir ¡°ceniza eres y en joya te volver¨¢s¡±; convertir cenizas humanas en diamantes ya es posible. Da clic y conoce la "diamantizaci¨®n de cenizas"
El documento describe varias actividades de caridad y celebraciones religiosas que incluyen una campa?a para recaudar kilos de alimentos, un mercado solidario, celebraciones como la Navidad, Semana Santa y Pascua, oraciones y proyectos de recaudaci¨®n de fondos como una rifa, venta de chocolate y m¨¢s.
This document discusses modeling sustainability transitions using a triple bottom line approach. It introduces the triple bottom line as a framework that considers economic, social and environmental impacts. A case study of biogas development in Emilia Romagna, Italy is used to demonstrate how the triple bottom line can be modeled. System dynamics modeling is employed to develop causal loop diagrams that capture relationships between factors like biogas production, energy crops, and social opposition. The diagrams help identify leverage points to make transitions more sustainable.
Este documento presenta un programa tem¨¢tico para una unidad de anatom¨ªa de cr¨¢neo y cara. La unidad se divide en cuatro partes que cubren las generalidades del cr¨¢neo, la configuraci¨®n del cr¨¢neo, la configuraci¨®n de la cara, y la articulaci¨®n temporomandibular y miolog¨ªa de cr¨¢neo y cara. Cada parte contiene varias semanas de contenido con objetivos de aprendizaje conceptuales, procedimentales y actitudinales, estrategias de ense?anza, y recursos.
1. International relations in Latin America were influenced by their colonial history with European powers like Spain and Portugal as well as recent commercial ties with Britain, France, and Germany.
2. Relations within the Americas were dominated by the powerful presence of the United States, beginning with the Monroe Doctrine in 1821 which established America's right to intervene in Latin America.
3. The US further imposed its right to intervene through the Spanish-American War in 1898 and the Roosevelt Corollary in 1905, enforcing policies like acquiring the Panama Canal Zone and occupying countries in the region.
El documento habla sobre el sistema inmunol¨®gico. Explica que este sistema est¨¢ dividido en inmunidad natural o innata y adaptativa o espec¨ªfica. La inmunidad natural incluye barreras f¨ªsicas y qu¨ªmicas que protegen el cuerpo, mientras que la inmunidad adaptativa involucra a los linfocitos y una respuesta m¨¢s compleja y espec¨ªfica al agente extra?o. Tambi¨¦n menciona los ¨®rganos principales del sistema inmunol¨®gico como la m¨¦dula ¨®sea, el timo, los ganglios linf¨¢ticos y el
The document describes an album advertisement that features a large image of the singer with photoshopped lights in her hair and background. The advertisement uses matching colors and dull colors with a bright title to catch attention. It presents the singer's name and image prominently to advertise her and her album. It also lists the album's songs and reviews to further promote the album.
This document announces a 5-week online event called Electronic Village Online (EVO) from January 13 to February 16, 2014 hosted by the Non-Native English Speakers in TESOL (NNEST) Interest Section. EVO will feature free professional development sessions and workshops on topics related to NNEST issues led by guest speakers. Participants can learn more about the NNEST movement and discuss experiences as native and non-native English teachers. The goal is to establish an equitable professional landscape for all teachers regardless of language background.
Este documento presenta informaci¨®n sobre vitaminas para un curso de bioqu¨ªmica en la Universidad de Machala. Explica objetivos como aprender sobre vitaminas, diferenciar entre vitaminas liposolubles e hidrosolubles, describir sus funciones, enfermedades por deficiencia y alimentos ricos en vitaminas. Luego describe las vitaminas A, D, E, K, C y las del complejo B, incluyendo fuentes, funciones y deficiencias.
Andr¨¦ Lansuel Campanh? ¨¦ um bruxo de 27 anos que est¨¢ aplicando para uma vaga de enfermeiro no Departamento de Doen?as Infecciosas-Contagiosas do St. Mungus. Ele cresceu em uma fam¨ªlia de renomados medibruxos na Fran?a e sempre gostou de acompanhar seus pais no trabalho. Andr¨¦ estudou em Hogwarts e agora usa suas habilidades em transfigura??o e po??es para auxiliar os pacientes no hospital.
Healthy Attendance? The Impact of Cultural Engagement and Sports Participatio...Claudio G¨®mez
El estudio del Gobierno de Escocia al cual hice referencia en mi presentaci¨®n "Cuando el Pasado y el Presente son el Futuro", en el III Congreso del Futuro, organizado por el Senado de Chile.
This document contains information about angles and geometry concepts including:
1) Common Core standards related to congruence, similarity, rotations, reflections, and translations of geometric figures.
2) Questions about the definitions of vertical angles, corresponding angles, and supplementary angles.
3) A diagram labeling different angles and instructions for students to complete an assessment on related geometry topics.
This document discusses parallel lines crossed by a transversal and the special angles that are formed - alternate interior angles, same-side interior angles, same-side exterior angles, and linear pairs. It provides examples of labeling these angles and finding their measurements when the lines are parallel. The final section describes a word problem where students must label angles, find their measurements, and determine if lines appear to be parallel based on the angle measurements.
This document discusses angle relationships when parallel lines are cut by a transversal. It defines key terms like alternate interior angles, corresponding angles, and vertical angles. It explains that alternate interior angles, corresponding angles, and vertical angles are congruent, while same-side interior and same-side exterior angles are supplementary. The document provides examples of solving for missing angle measures using these properties and asks students to identify angle relationships in diagrams.
This document contains instructions for an activity where students will work in pairs to recreate geometric transformations by describing them to their partner without showing the example card. The activity focuses on transformations including rotations, reflections, translations, and dilations. Students are provided 20 example cards and must use precise language around geometric concepts like vertices, corresponding sides/angles, and coordinates when explaining each transformation to their partner.
This document provides instruction on dilations including definitions, examples, and practice problems. It begins with warm-up math problems, then defines a dilation as a transformation where the scale factor multiplies the coordinates. Examples show plotting points and dilating a triangle by scaling the coordinates. Practice problems involve dilating triangles on a coordinate plane using given scale factors and solving for the new vertex coordinates.
This document provides information about dilations including:
1) Dilations change the size of a figure but not its shape, resulting in similar figures related by a scale factor.
2) A scale factor greater than 1 means the dilated figure is larger than the original, while a scale factor less than 1 means it is smaller.
3) Examples are given of dilating a figure using a scale factor and finding the scale factor from coordinate points.
This document provides instructions and materials for a geometry quiz. It includes a warm-up activity identifying corresponding sides and angles of congruent figures. It lists the essential questions students have before the quiz begins. It provides the common core GPS standards addressed in the unit and quiz. It defines key language used in the standards around geometric transformations including rotations, reflections, translations and dilations. It provides a website for students to work on geometric transformations after completing the quiz.
This document discusses transformations such as rotations, reflections, and translations. It provides examples of rotating figures 270 degrees counterclockwise, where the x-coordinate becomes the y-coordinate and the y-coordinate becomes the negative of the x-coordinate. Students are given problems to graph rotated images and identify the results of rotating figures by specific degrees around the origin.
The document provides instructions on how to perform rotations on a coordinate plane, explaining that a rotation involves turning a figure around a fixed point by a certain degree, such as 90 or 180 degrees, and examples are given of rotating simple figures and points around the origin. Rules are given for rotating points 90 and 180 degrees clockwise and counterclockwise around the origin by changing the x and y coordinates. Students are asked to graph rotated images and describe transformations.
This document discusses reflections of geometric shapes and why it is important to label transformed shapes. It includes warm-up questions, essential questions about reflections, learning objectives related to rotations, reflections and translations, definitions of translations, reflections and reflection lines, examples of reflections and translations, and a closing question about what was learned about reflections.
This document discusses reflections in geometry. It begins with essential questions about reflections and how they differ from translations. It then discusses properties of reflections, including that lines are taken to lines of the same length and angles are taken to angles of the same measure. It provides examples of reflecting objects across different lines of reflection, including non-standard lines like y=3 and x=-2. It includes an example of two students, Antonio and Brittany, where Brittany tries to mirror Antonio's movements on a coordinate plane.
This document contains instructions and content for a math quiz on geometry topics including translations, rotations, reflections, and dilations. It begins with a warm-up involving determining if figures are similar and solving an equation about translating a figure. Then it lists the common core standards addressed, poses an essential question about translating a figure, previews the warm-up quiz questions, and ends by providing time for the quiz and collecting it.
This document contains a math review on translations, similar and congruent figures, and coordinates. It includes warm-up problems, essential questions about translations and transformations, examples of translating figures and finding new coordinates, work on classifying figures as similar or congruent and identifying corresponding parts, and examples of translating points and finding new coordinates. The key ideas are that translations move figures by sliding them along parallel lines without changing their shape or size, and correspond to algebraic expressions of (x + a), (y + b) that shift the x- and y-coordinates.
1) A translation "slides" each point of a figure the same distance in the same direction, shifting the figure without changing its size or shape.
2) Translating a polygon results in a congruent figure, with corresponding vertices having the same coordinates but shifted by the translation amount.
3) The order of multiple translations does not change the final result.
1. The figure was translated up 3, right 4, left 2, and down 3 units.
2. Translations along the x-axis affect the horizontal position and translations along the y-axis affect the vertical position.
3. Translations preserve properties of geometric figures such as angle measures, parallel lines, and segment lengths.
This document provides information about similar and congruent figures including:
1) Definitions of corresponding sides and angles, congruent figures, and similar figures. Similar figures have the same shape but not necessarily the same size, while congruent figures have the same size and shape.
2) Examples are given to identify the scale factor of similar figures as the ratio of corresponding sides.
3) Worked examples ask students to identify corresponding sides and angles of similar triangles, and use scale factors to find missing side lengths.
4) A closing asks students to share answers and discuss as needed.
This document contains various sections on geometry topics including working warm-up problems about writing equations involving angle pairs formed by parallel lines cut by a transversal. It also lists common core standards about transformations of geometric figures and using properties of parallel lines cut by transversals to establish facts about angles. Finally, it reminds students that their exam is on Thursday and includes a study guide they should complete without talking.
Yoga philosophy emphasizes self-awareness, self-regulation, motivation and empathy, which are key components of emotional intelligence. Yoga practices like chitta-prasadana, kriyayoga and astangayoga help you develop these skills.