--> --> --> --> AbOUt EsMeReLdA eStElLa EsPeRaNzA II --> --> --> -->
hIi, my nAmE is tIffAnny wInE Ak dAnIEl jEtI. wEll, I'm jUst A sImplE gIrl.
--> --> --> --> lOAdIng pAgE --> --> --> -->
ThIs Is mY sEcOnD fAcEbOOk AccOUnt thAt I hAvE. I wOn't AccEpt pEOplE whO UsIng fAkE prOfIlE pIctUrE. If yOU UsE yOUr Own pIctUrE Or nAmE, I wIll cOnfIrm yOUr rEqUEst. bUt ...........
--> --> --> --> lOAdIng pAgE --> -->--> -->
plEAsE mAkE sUrE thAt yOU Add mE bEcAUsE yOU wAnt tO bE frIEnd wIth mE nOt bEcAUsE yOU wAnt tO tAlk bUllshIt AbOUt mE..
--> --> --> --> nExt pAgE --> --> --> -->
fOr thOsE thAt bEEn rEmOvEd , dOn't try tO Add mE AgAIn. ThErE's A rEAsOn why I rEmOvEd yOU. yOU