Talk on two R packages, caret and zoon. Presenting to the Oxford rusers group. I'll discuss the scope and uses of both packages. I'll also discuss whether domain specific package ecosystems (which zoon aims to be) are a good idea and what makes them useful, difficult and different.
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Caret and zoon: machine learning, ecology and domain specific package systems
1. Caret and zoon: machine learning,
ecology and domain speci?c package
Tim C.D. Lucas
Malaria Atlas Project, BDI, Oxford
@timcdlucas @statsforbios
3. Who am I?
R packages
palettetown - my greatest ever achievement
4. Talk overview
General package for machine learning.
Introduction to the package.
A domain speci?c package ecosystem?
General package for species distribution modelling.
What are SDMs?
Package overview.
Domain speci?c ecosystems
Other examples.
Are they a good thing?