SA, Horizon 2020 ICT National Contact Point / Services, Public Sector and Inclusive, Innovative and Reflective Societies
Government / Military
* Advicer R&D for ICT support for work, cooperation and services, in support programmes for industry (BIA) and for ICT R&I (IKTPLUSS).
* Responsible for knowledge-intensive deliveries and flexible and mobile work methods within Programme for R&D in services, commerce and logistics with the Research Council of Norway (a governemental agency) 2002 - 2004.
* Responsible for the research activities towards "Work in the Future", ICT support for organizational processes, at the Norwegian Computing Center 2000 - 2002.
* Researcher and guest professor in information systems management in 'Computers, Organizations, Policy and Society (CORPS)' at University of Irvine, California, 1992-93.