On the night of July 6th we had a small presentation and discussion about "authorlessness" and the pros and cons of creating authorless works in different fields.
A brief historical survey of authorless works was presented and then we examined the value of these works compared with works in which authorship was more important than the works.
Afterwards we had a stimulating discussion about how authorship can in some cases be a barrier to participation in projects in which all creators are concerned with asserting their contribution to the project and therefore the project suffers.
A project called "Authorless Factory" was proposed at the end of the meeting. Perhaps also it could be called "unAuthorship".
O documento discute diversos tópicos históricos da Baixa Idade Média na Europa, incluindo: 1) o desenvolvimento da agricultura com a ado??o da rota??o de culturas e aumento da produ??o; 2) as Cruzadas e seus objetivos religiosos e econ?micos; 3) o uso de argumentos religiosos para justificar guerras.
1. This document discusses indoor air quality and lists various volatile organic compounds (VOCs) found in different materials and their measured concentrations.
2. It also evaluates the effectiveness of different photocatalytic titanium dioxide coatings in reducing levels of VOCs like formaldehyde.
3. Recommendations are provided for improving indoor air quality through the use of low-emitting materials and ventilation.
1. This document discusses indoor air quality and lists various volatile organic compounds (VOCs) found in different materials and their measured concentrations.
2. It also evaluates the effectiveness of different photocatalytic titanium dioxide coatings in reducing levels of VOCs like formaldehyde.
3. Recommendations are provided for improving indoor air quality through the use of low-emitting materials and ventilation.