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STI College Ortigas-Cainta
lhea love's u much..hmmmm
im not perfect....we're not all perfect
i've done many mistakes and yet still making
hate being discriminate by others.....
- u don't know me well-
hate being compare to others.....
- this is me..the real me-
hate people hu hate's me.....
-don't need 2 pls people just 2 like/love me-
hate plastik people
-saying hello,mzta,hi,ingat,but inside of them they hate's u.shhhhh-
hate being question y?
-u can't give the things that will make me happy,things that make me feel complete-
hate word goodbye
everytime i do, make me feel, i'm a loser
want 2 4rget past......
coz it make me crazy
hurting part is that we loss a special one
Users following Lhea Ganot