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Diversity and Inclusion
    A Workplace Perspective
       Noruwa Edopkolo
Program Objectives
 Emphasize the value of diversity.
 Eliminate misconceptions of diversity and its
 Improve the management of diversity.
 Develop greater workplace productivity.
 Enhance human relations.
Focus Areas

 What is diversity?
 Why is it important to understand diversity?
 What are the consequences of not managing
 How to manage diversity?
Definition of terms
What is diversity?
 The fact or quality of being diverse; difference.
 A point or respect in which things differ.
 The ways we are different; the condition of having unique
  characteristics. The condition of being diverse : Variety ;
  especially : the inclusion of diverse people (as people of
  different races or cultures) in a group or organization.

What is Inclusion?
 The act of including or the state of being included.
 Something included.
Aspects of diversity
   Age ( generational differences)
   Gender Ethnicity
   Sexual orientation
   Physical attributes etc.
   Job Title ,function ,skills.
   Marital status.
Why is it important to understand
Diversity is more than just tolerating
differences. It is:

 respecting, appreciating, and understanding
  the varying characteristics of individuals.
 Everyone is unique and no single person is a
  representative of a certain group. Stereotypes
  and other racial biases/prejudices are
  damaging to a business.
         What about  generation?

Definition: A body of individuals born in approximately the same time
    period who generally share similar behaviors and attitudes.

Understand that there are now four (4) generations in the workplace
with different:

   attitudes, and

An understanding of these generational differences can equip one to
handle workplace situations with increased insight.
The Four (4) Generations

 Traditionalists/Veterans (Born 1922-1945)

 Baby Boomers (Born 1946-1964)

 Generation X (Born 1965-1982)

 Millennia's/Generation Y (Born 1983-1997)
What are the generations in your organization?
How they differ:
   Preferred Leadership Approach.
   Communication Style. Motivational Buttons.
   How They Interact with Others.
   Preferred Approach to Feedback.
   View toward the Company.
   Work Vs. Personal Life.
   Desired Rewards.
   Financial Behaviors.
   Relationship with Technology.
Benefits of Understanding Generational

 More effective communication
 less misunderstandings.
 Increased recruitment and employee
 More effective motivational methods.
 Better-formed expectations.
 Increased productivity and teamwork.
Consequences of not managing diversity.
 breeds narrow-mindedness,
 impairs employee morale,
 strains employee relationships,
 and thus, damages productivity. Not to
  mention, it is illegal and costly in terms
  of litigation!
Group discussion
What words describe the attitude to
diversity in your organization?

Time : 10mins.
managing diversity
 The organization is diverse by default, and now it must
  deal with it.
 Effectively managing diversity can improve
  organizational effectiveness
 When managers commit to diversity , it legitimizes
  diversity effort of others.
 Promoting a nondiscriminatory workplace environment
 Research suggests slight differences in treatment can
  cumulate and result in major disparities over time
Top-management commitment and rewards for the support
Of diversity are critical ingredients for the success of diversity
management initiatives.

Managing Diversity Effectively Makes Good
Business Sense
What a Diversity of Employees Provides
     A variety of points of view and approaches to problems and
      opportunities can improve managerial decision making.
     Diverse employees can provide a wider range of creative ideas.
     Diverse employees are more attuned to the needs of diverse
     Diversity can increase the retention of valued organizational
     Diversity is expected/required by other firms
Diversity Bias
 Assumptions of Superiority
   Im better than you.
 Assumptions of Correctness
   This is the way it should be
 Assumptions of Universality
   Were all the same. Everybody is just
    like me.
The Challenge of Workplace Diversity?
 The challenge lies in the continuous improvement
  of the integration and social acceptance of people
  from different backgrounds.

 Our differing human characteristics influence the
  way we think, act, interact, and make choices.

 Often, these differences interfere with our ability
  to support, trust, and respect each other, and thus
  to effectively function together.
Avoiding bias
 Similar-to-me effect  perceive others who are similar to
  ourselves more positively than we perceive people who are

 Social status effect  perceive individuals with high social
  status more positively than those with low social status.

 Salience effect  focus attention on individuals who are
  conspicuously different.

 Knowingly and willingly denying divers individuals access to
  opportunities and outcomes in an organization
Steps in Managing Diversity Effectively
   Empower employees to challenge discriminatory
    behaviors, actions, and remarks
   Reward employees for effectively managing
   Provide training utilizing
    a multi-pronged,
    ongoing approach
   Encourage mentoring
    of diverse employees.
Action Goals
 List 5 personal commitment action goal
  for dealing with discriminatory behavior
  at work?

 Determine your generational
  differences with your colleagues, have
  you been sensitive to the diversity
Diversity And Inclusion

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Diversity And Inclusion

  • 1. Diversity and Inclusion A Workplace Perspective By Noruwa Edopkolo
  • 2. Program Objectives Emphasize the value of diversity. Eliminate misconceptions of diversity and its effects. Improve the management of diversity. Develop greater workplace productivity. Enhance human relations.
  • 3. Focus Areas What is diversity? Why is it important to understand diversity? What are the consequences of not managing diversity How to manage diversity?
  • 4. Definition of terms What is diversity? The fact or quality of being diverse; difference. A point or respect in which things differ. The ways we are different; the condition of having unique characteristics. The condition of being diverse : Variety ; especially : the inclusion of diverse people (as people of different races or cultures) in a group or organization. What is Inclusion? The act of including or the state of being included. Something included.
  • 5. Aspects of diversity Age ( generational differences) Race Gender Ethnicity Sexual orientation Religion. Physical attributes etc. Education Job Title ,function ,skills. Disability Height/Weight Marital status. Language/Accent.
  • 6. Why is it important to understand diversity? Diversity is more than just tolerating differences. It is: respecting, appreciating, and understanding the varying characteristics of individuals. Everyone is unique and no single person is a representative of a certain group. Stereotypes and other racial biases/prejudices are damaging to a business.
  • 7. Cont.. What about generation? Definition: A body of individuals born in approximately the same time period who generally share similar behaviors and attitudes. Understand that there are now four (4) generations in the workplace with different: expectations, motivations, attitudes, and behaviors. An understanding of these generational differences can equip one to handle workplace situations with increased insight.
  • 8. The Four (4) Generations Traditionalists/Veterans (Born 1922-1945) Baby Boomers (Born 1946-1964) Generation X (Born 1965-1982) Millennia's/Generation Y (Born 1983-1997)
  • 9. What are the generations in your organization? How they differ: Preferred Leadership Approach. Communication Style. Motivational Buttons. How They Interact with Others. Preferred Approach to Feedback. View toward the Company. Work Vs. Personal Life. Desired Rewards. Financial Behaviors. Relationship with Technology. Expectations.
  • 10. Benefits of Understanding Generational differences: More effective communication less misunderstandings. Increased recruitment and employee retention. More effective motivational methods. Better-formed expectations. Increased productivity and teamwork.
  • 11. Consequences of not managing diversity. Discrimination breeds narrow-mindedness, impairs employee morale, strains employee relationships, and thus, damages productivity. Not to mention, it is illegal and costly in terms of litigation!
  • 12. Group discussion What words describe the attitude to diversity in your organization? Time : 10mins.
  • 13. managing diversity The organization is diverse by default, and now it must deal with it. Effectively managing diversity can improve organizational effectiveness When managers commit to diversity , it legitimizes diversity effort of others. Promoting a nondiscriminatory workplace environment Research suggests slight differences in treatment can cumulate and result in major disparities over time
  • 14. Top-management commitment and rewards for the support Of diversity are critical ingredients for the success of diversity management initiatives. Managing Diversity Effectively Makes Good Business Sense What a Diversity of Employees Provides A variety of points of view and approaches to problems and opportunities can improve managerial decision making. Diverse employees can provide a wider range of creative ideas. Diverse employees are more attuned to the needs of diverse customers. Diversity can increase the retention of valued organizational members. Diversity is expected/required by other firms
  • 15. Diversity Bias Assumptions of Superiority Im better than you. Assumptions of Correctness This is the way it should be Assumptions of Universality Were all the same. Everybody is just like me.
  • 16. The Challenge of Workplace Diversity? The challenge lies in the continuous improvement of the integration and social acceptance of people from different backgrounds. Our differing human characteristics influence the way we think, act, interact, and make choices. Often, these differences interfere with our ability to support, trust, and respect each other, and thus to effectively function together.
  • 17. Avoiding bias Similar-to-me effect perceive others who are similar to ourselves more positively than we perceive people who are different Social status effect perceive individuals with high social status more positively than those with low social status. Salience effect focus attention on individuals who are conspicuously different. Knowingly and willingly denying divers individuals access to opportunities and outcomes in an organization
  • 18. summary Steps in Managing Diversity Effectively Empower employees to challenge discriminatory behaviors, actions, and remarks Reward employees for effectively managing diversity Provide training utilizing a multi-pronged, ongoing approach Encourage mentoring of diverse employees.
  • 19. Action Goals List 5 personal commitment action goal for dealing with discriminatory behavior at work? Determine your generational differences with your colleagues, have you been sensitive to the diversity difference.