EDITING AND PROOFREADING SAMPLE ALIFAlif Ishak AyobThis study aims to examine the importance of organizational stories told by middle managers in a Malaysian organization called XYZ. Middle managers are well-suited for this study as they possess significant knowledge of and experience within their organization due to their job responsibilities. Analyzing the stories of middle managers can provide insights into the organization's culture. The problem statement asks what stories middle managers at XYZ tell about the organization, and how these stories reflect organizational reality. If analyzed, these stories could help improve communication, identify employee concerns, solve problems, and enhance learning and productivity within the organization. This study would significantly contribute to Malaysian organizations by establishing a better working environment through the sharing of stories, enhancing work practices, and increasing employee motivation by giving their voices consideration
Ave maria examinadoresFatozeO documento compara a Terra a uma grande escola onde as almas aprendem através de diferentes experiências. Cada pessoa está em um estágio ou curso diferente, desde a infância até a universidade, onde aprendem lições sobre amor, sabedoria e espiritualidade. Problemas e sofrimentos são vistos como exames que melhoram as virtudes da alma.
15 primeira categoria - caso 14FatozeO documento descreve um incidente paranormal envolvendo a filha do Rev. Ellis G. Roberts e seu cachorro Paddy. A filha viu Paddy entrando em casa através da janela, mas quando foi procurá-lo na despensa ele não estava lá. Mais tarde, Paddy voltou ferido. O Rev. Roberts conclui que foi um caso de telepatia entre a filha e o cachorro, que pedia socorro telepaticamente. O documento também discute como as manifestações telepáticas geralmente ocorrem através da "via de menor resistência" para o
DEFINIR L'IMAGE DE L'ARTISTEVirginie BruneIntervention au Centre CIFAP dans le cadre de la formation professionnelle "MANAGEMENT D'UN PROJET ARTISTIQUE".
par Virginie Brune (www.bruneetlesartistes.com)
Release Your Inner Warrior (2)Terry CareswellThis document promotes firewalking experiences led by Ignite Firewalking. It summarizes that firewalking can help people overcome fears and limitations by witnessing themselves accomplish something seen as impossible. Ignite's trainers ensure a 100% success rate in getting participants to safely walk across hot coals. The experiences are offered for corporate teams, sports groups, and charity events to build motivation and inspiration through a thrilling activity. Founder Terry Careswell uses his Maori cultural background to engage participants and prepare them to feel empowered for the firewalk challenge.
Cautionary tales in greek mythologySairish khokharThe document summarizes several Greek myths. It describes how Sisyphus was punished in the underworld by being forced to roll a boulder up a hill for eternity. It also tells the story of Daedalus and his nephew Perdix, and how Daedalus killed Perdix out of jealousy. Daedalus then fled to Crete where he helped Pasiphae mate with a bull and built the labyrinth to contain the Minotaur. It concludes with how Daedalus and his son Icarus tried to escape the lab
Le journal intime d'EmilieLucas HobéA 17 ans, Emilie s'est donnée la mort en se défenestrant. C'était en janvier dernier. Pendant des années, elle a été victime de harcèlement dans son collège du Vieux-Lille. Elle le décrit dans son journal intime. Aujourd'hui, ses parents le rendent public pour dénoncer ce type de comportement.
Mitos griegosBrian TorresThe Greek myth of the weaving competition tells the story of two sisters, Arachne and Athena. Arachne claims to be a better weaver than the goddess Athena. Athena challenges Arachne to a weaving contest but becomes furious when she sees that Arachne's tapestry is better than her own. In her rage, Athena destroys Arachne's tapestry and curses her, turning her into the first spider.
Cloud adoption patterns April 11 2016Kyle BrownThis document discusses cloud adoption patterns to help organizations integrate cloud solutions into their IT strategies. It introduces the concept of patterns and pattern languages as solutions to problems in context. The document outlines categories of cloud adoption patterns and provides examples of patterns for application architecture, deployment styles, data caching, and more. It also discusses considerations for migrating applications to the cloud through lift and shift, cloud tuning, or cloud-centric redesign. The goal is to provide guidance to organizations on evaluating workloads and adopting cloud technologies.
USENIX LISA15: How TubeMogul Handles over One Trillion HTTP Requests a MonthNicolas BrousseTubeMogul grew from few servers to over two thousands servers and handling over one trillion http requests a month, processed in less than 50ms each. To keep up with the fast growth, the SRE team had to implement an efficient Continuous Delivery infrastructure that allowed to do over 10,000 puppet deployment and 8,500 application deployment in 2014. In this presentation, we will cover the nuts and bolts of the TubeMogul operations engineering team and how they overcome challenges.
Mon book de competencesVictor FrequelinPortefeuille de compétence de Victor Frequelin
Etudiant en BTS Communication
Literatura griegaDaniiiimbEste documento resume los principales períodos y géneros literarios de la literatura griega antigua. Comienza con el período jónico que incluye la épica y la lírica, con figuras como Homero, Hesíodo y Safo. Luego pasa al período ático con el desarrollo del teatro, incluyendo a los pioneros de la tragedia como Tespi, Querilo y Frínico, y los tres grandes trágicos: Esquilo, Sófocles y Eurípides. Finalmente, menciona el período
"A pair of silk stockings" by Kate ChopinMariana RiosMrs. Sommers comes into $15, which she initially plans to spend on clothes for her children. However, when she sees a pair of silk stockings for sale, she is entranced and buys them instead of the children's clothes. Wearing the stockings, she treats herself to new boots, gloves, lunch at a nice restaurant, and a play. On the cable car ride home, she wishes she didn't have to return to her ordinary life as a housewife with little money.
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Le journal intime d'EmilieLucas HobéA 17 ans, Emilie s'est donnée la mort en se défenestrant. C'était en janvier dernier. Pendant des années, elle a été victime de harcèlement dans son collège du Vieux-Lille. Elle le décrit dans son journal intime. Aujourd'hui, ses parents le rendent public pour dénoncer ce type de comportement.
Mitos griegosBrian TorresThe Greek myth of the weaving competition tells the story of two sisters, Arachne and Athena. Arachne claims to be a better weaver than the goddess Athena. Athena challenges Arachne to a weaving contest but becomes furious when she sees that Arachne's tapestry is better than her own. In her rage, Athena destroys Arachne's tapestry and curses her, turning her into the first spider.
Cloud adoption patterns April 11 2016Kyle BrownThis document discusses cloud adoption patterns to help organizations integrate cloud solutions into their IT strategies. It introduces the concept of patterns and pattern languages as solutions to problems in context. The document outlines categories of cloud adoption patterns and provides examples of patterns for application architecture, deployment styles, data caching, and more. It also discusses considerations for migrating applications to the cloud through lift and shift, cloud tuning, or cloud-centric redesign. The goal is to provide guidance to organizations on evaluating workloads and adopting cloud technologies.
USENIX LISA15: How TubeMogul Handles over One Trillion HTTP Requests a MonthNicolas BrousseTubeMogul grew from few servers to over two thousands servers and handling over one trillion http requests a month, processed in less than 50ms each. To keep up with the fast growth, the SRE team had to implement an efficient Continuous Delivery infrastructure that allowed to do over 10,000 puppet deployment and 8,500 application deployment in 2014. In this presentation, we will cover the nuts and bolts of the TubeMogul operations engineering team and how they overcome challenges.
Mon book de competencesVictor FrequelinPortefeuille de compétence de Victor Frequelin
Etudiant en BTS Communication
Literatura griegaDaniiiimbEste documento resume los principales períodos y géneros literarios de la literatura griega antigua. Comienza con el período jónico que incluye la épica y la lírica, con figuras como Homero, Hesíodo y Safo. Luego pasa al período ático con el desarrollo del teatro, incluyendo a los pioneros de la tragedia como Tespi, Querilo y Frínico, y los tres grandes trágicos: Esquilo, Sófocles y Eurípides. Finalmente, menciona el período
"A pair of silk stockings" by Kate ChopinMariana RiosMrs. Sommers comes into $15, which she initially plans to spend on clothes for her children. However, when she sees a pair of silk stockings for sale, she is entranced and buys them instead of the children's clothes. Wearing the stockings, she treats herself to new boots, gloves, lunch at a nice restaurant, and a play. On the cable car ride home, she wishes she didn't have to return to her ordinary life as a housewife with little money.
2. Розгадайте кросворд
По горизонталі:
1. Збірка кліпів, що має ім'я.
По вертикалі:
2. Схема розміщення текстових,
графічних та інших об'єктів на
слайдах презентації.
3. Зразок оформлення слайдів
презентації, який може бути
застосований для швидкого
змінення шрифту, розміру та кольору символів, кольору
фону слайдів тощо.
4. Зменшене зображення графічного зображення або
слайда презентації.
5. Графічне зображення, що міститься в колекції Microsoft
4. Повторення правил ТБ:
Суворо заборонено:
заходити в клас (кабінет) без дозволу вчителя;
заходити в клас (кабінет) в верхньому одязі і з
сторонніми предметами;
заносити їжу або напої;
працювати вологими та брудними руками;
класти зошити, ручки чи сторонні предмети
на монітор і клавіатуру;
чіпати дроти та розетки;
вмикати і вимикати комп’ютер без дозволу
• Швидко кліпати очима протягом 15 с.
• Заплющити очі. Не розплющуючи очей, начебто
подивитися ліворуч на рахунок “раз-чотири”,
повернутися у вихідне положення. Так само
подивитися праворуч на рахунок “п'ять-вісім” і
повернутися у вихідне положення. Повторити 5
• Спокійно посидіти із заплющеними
очима, розслабившись протягом 5
6. Домашнє завдання
Підготуватися до контрольної
роботи з теми “Редактор
Скласти анаграми до теми
“Редактор презентацій”.