BASE Storage の申し込みから、ownCloudのセットアップを行います。最後に、ownCloudの拡張ストレージに Amazon S3 や、さくら BASE Storage を認識させます。
Masahito Zembutsu Feb 19, 2013
第14回さくらの夕べ Lightning Talk
The vesper of SAKURA #14 LT at Shinjuku, Tokyo
When the temperatures rise, productivity in the work place seems to drop. Learn how to boost productivity in the workplace this summer with these effective tips from Eagles Talent.
This document provides an introduction to getting started with the Erlang programming language. It covers sequential programming concepts like the Erlang shell, modules and functions, data types like atoms, tuples and lists, and control structures like if/case. It also introduces concurrent programming concepts like processes and message passing. Examples are provided throughout to demonstrate concepts like defining and calling functions in modules.
When the temperatures rise, productivity in the work place seems to drop. Learn how to boost productivity in the workplace this summer with these effective tips from Eagles Talent.
This document provides an introduction to getting started with the Erlang programming language. It covers sequential programming concepts like the Erlang shell, modules and functions, data types like atoms, tuples and lists, and control structures like if/case. It also introduces concurrent programming concepts like processes and message passing. Examples are provided throughout to demonstrate concepts like defining and calling functions in modules.
CSCM Chapter 3 strategic procurement and value chain cscmEst
Strategic procurement aims to facilitate added value across the entire value chain, not just reduce costs. A value chain displays the total value created by a firm through its unique activities and margins. Porter's value chain model divides activities into primary and support activities. Primary activities directly relate to product creation and support, while support activities underpin primary activities through functions like procurement, HR and infrastructure. Firms gain competitive advantage by configuring activities to create more value for customers than competitors.
Ephesians for Beginners - #6 - The Basis for Unity in the ChurchBibleTalk.tv
Paul explains the universal nature of the church by outlining the way God has brought together the most disparate groups of that era - Jews and Gentiles. (Eph. 2:11-22)
This paper examines the increased complexity of the healthcare industry, fueled by increasing reliance on automation, information technology, and the changing regulatory and reform environment. Healthcare organizations face an environment characterized by rapid changes in mandates, technology, and stakeholder expectations, all of which combine to increase the consequences of historical risks and generate new risks. Existing informal, siloed, and reactive risk management processes cannot effectively identify and manage the greatest, strategic-level risks facing the industry. Through years of working with commercial and government clients, Booz Allen Hamilton, a leading strategy and technology consulting firm, has developed a proven strategic risk management methodology to ensure the effective management of these strategic risks.
This document provides an overview of Ajax and common techniques for using Ajax. It discusses using the XMLHttpRequest object to make asynchronous HTTP requests, common response types like HTML, JSON, and XML, and Ajax toolkits like Prototype and jQuery that simplify working with Ajax. Tips are provided for using Ajax responsibly on both the client-side and server-side of an application.
Ephesians for Beginners - #8 - Unity of the ChurchBibleTalk.tv
This section of the epistle describes the proper response to God's offer of salvation and the blessings attached to it, the first of which is to maintain the unity of The Spirit. (Eph. 4:1-16)
Введение в технологическое предпринимательство. Вводный воркшоп для участников первого цикла акселерационной программы EGAP Challenge в Днепре (в исполнении FeelGoodLabs' CEO - Sergey Dovgopolyy
Variable peak pricing and hedging jun 2006Michaline Todd
Presentation by Dr. Bernie Neenan, and economist with the Electric Power Research Institute.
Referenced in this May 26, 2011 eMeter blog post: http://bit.ly/k1cKVR
The document is an email sent on Sunday, April 12th 1998 at 7:43pm from a Macintosh computer using PostPet mail software version 1.1. It does not contain any other information beyond basic header data.
Anticipatory Coordination in Socio-technical Knowledge-intensive Environments...Andrea Omicini
This document discusses using behavioral implicit communication (BIC) to enable anticipatory coordination in socio-technical knowledge-intensive environments. It proposes extending the Molecules of Knowledge (MoK) coordination model to treat computational environments as shared environments where agents' actions and traces are observable. Enzymes and traces in MoK are redefined to represent epistemic actions and their side effects, enabling the environment to implicitly understand intentions and goals. This lays the groundwork for collective intelligence and anticipatory coordination through the tacit messages conveyed by agents' observable behaviors. An experiment simulates a citizen journalism scenario where search actions in a MoK-based system spread information in a self-organizing, adaptive manner.
Windows Server 2016 で作るシンプルなハイパーコンバージドインフラ (Microsoft TechSummit 2016)Takamasa Maejima
2016年11月に開催された Microsoft TechSummit 2016 での、Windows Server 2016 ストレージ機能 (SDS) を活用したハイパーコンバージドインフラ (HCI) に関するセッションスライドです。
[イベント名] Microsoft TechSummit 2016
[開催日] 2016年11月1日
[セッションID] CDP-002
[セッションタイトル] Windows Server 2016 で作るシンプルなハイパーコンバージドインフラ
[db tech showcase Tokyo 2017] D21: ついに Red Hat Enterprise Linuxで SQL Serverが使...Insight Technology, Inc.
いよいよリリースが間近に迫ったSQL Server 2017 Linux版。SQL Serverの第一人者 Dr. Kこと熊澤 幸生がリリース版を待ちきれずにRed Hat Enterprise Linux上で検証してみました。
Windows版と Linux版で果たしてSQL Serverの処理性能に差があるのか?注目の検証結果をいち早くお知らせします。
YAPC::Asia 2008 Tokyo - Pathtraq - building a computation-centric web serviceKazuho Oku
The talk describes the architecture of Pathtraq, one of Japan's largest web access statistics service, covering from database compression techniques to embedded SQL in perl.