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Organization / Workplace
Detroit, MI United States
Creative Director
Technology / Software / Internet
Roberto’s eye for comÂpoÂsiÂtion and fine art aesÂthetic have won him wide acclaim in his native MichiÂgan, and now, increasÂingly, in his adopted homeÂtown of Chicago.
A UniÂverÂsity of MichiÂgan gradÂuÂate, Roberto abanÂdoned a medÂical career to purÂsue a BachÂeÂlor of Fine Arts degree in paintÂing and graphic design. He first began attractÂing notice at Bozell WorldÂwide on the Jeep account, and his subÂseÂquent work for the MichiÂgan EcoÂnomic DevelÂopÂment CorÂpoÂraÂtion, Wells Fargo InsurÂance and the McLaren Health sysÂtem have won him national honors.
Roberto draws heavÂily on music and pop culÂture in his work, and his influÂences include N
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