"The First Time elearners Journey" Presentation to International elearning Conference (ICeL), 2006,An examination of attrition and withdrawal issues in workplace-based eLearning programmes
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First Time E Learners Jrny I Ce L 06
1. The First-Time eLearner’s Journey: An examination of attrition and withdrawal issues in workplace-based eLearning programmes Keith Tyler-Smith eProjects Manager, Tertiary Accord of New Zealand Christchurch Polytechnic Institute of Technology International eLearning Conference Montreal Ca. June 2006
2. Attrition in Distance Education Distance education and the issue of student retention and completion rates have been investigated and argued over for at least the last seven decades (Berge & Huang, 2004) Particular attention since advent of eLearning Drop rates put variously at: 70-80% (Forrester, 2000, Meister 2002) 50 - 60% (Frankola 2001) 20 – 60% (Diaz 2004, Carr, 2000) Tinto (1982) 40 - 45% for on-campus undergrads – consistent for most of last century
3. Validity of statistics Questions raised of relevance and/or validity of reporting, Drop rates & retention statistics are, fragmented; do not compare like with like; and are either unreliable and/or misleading (Hall, 2001, Wang, Foucar-Szocki, Griffin, O’Connor and Sceiford, 2003)
4. Why Worry? Attrition in eLearning courses is important for two reasons: To what extent is attrition a symptom of poor eLearning design & practice; a lack of preparedness of learners to undertake eLearning unrealistic expectations of learner capability failure to fully understand the critical factors that impact on online learners Evaluating what approaches and strategies might work to increase learner persistence and reduce attrition, thus increasing the cost effectiveness and learning effectiveness of online distance learning itself
5. Case Study Tertiary Accord of New Zealand (TANZ) 3 NI & two SI Polytechnics / Institutes of Technology Manukau Institute of Technology (MIT) Universal College of Learning (UCOL) Christchurch Polytechnic Institute of Technology (CPIT) Otago Polytechnic Eastern Institute of Technology (EIT)
6. eLearning Project eCDF contract to develop and pilot the National Certificate in First Line Management – online 2004/05 delivered to NZ public sector employees Main driver for online programme: wide geographical distribution of government workers need for ongoing professional development State Services Commission push for increased capability
7. Why Online? Traditional forms of workplace training: (i.e. two or three day off-job workshops or seminars) too expensive (loss of worker + cost of travel etc. + cost of training) doesn’t provide desired organisational gains short duration training doesn’t “stick” Delivery over longer timeframe seen as better alternative – promises better outcomes for learners & organisation Online provides access regardless of location – reduces cost to employer
8. Programme Design Mixed-mode eLearning approach taken Optional workshops provided in specific locations Programme designed not to disadvantage anyone unable to attend a face-2-face workshop Cohort focused and time delineated delivery Learning and assessment activities situated in the workplace Emphasis on asynchronous communication s haring experience & expertise Used dramatised scenarios to trigger discussions Focus on community of practice model for cross-departmental exchange of views
9. Gender 50/50 Age range between 20 & 55+ with most in 40 – 44 year age band Learners from : Corrections Dept Internal Affairs NZ Qualifications Authority Fire Service Local Government Only two had done eLearning courses previously Learner Profile
12. Rate of Attrition 90 started 20 completed 3 categories for withdrawals: enrolled, but not started started, but stalled early got started, fell behind then quit Reasons given: “ volunteered” by manager thought it would be variation on workplace assessment own workload too much overwhelmed by technology at the start lack of support from manager/ organisation
14. Early attrition Simpson (2004), reports that the experience of the UK Open University is that 35% or more of eLearners withdraw before submitting their first assignment (p. 83), which suggests that a learner’s initial experience with eLearning may well have a significant impact on a decision to drop out. Why should this be so?
15. Cognitive Load Theory Cognitive Load Theory developed by Sweller Learning new skill or technically complex material initially uses working memory Working memory: is short term is low in storage capacity can only process small amounts of new material at a time Learner builds cognitive schema/ mental model in long term memory over time & with experience As cognitive schema develops, demand on short term working memory reduced
16. Cognitive Overload Learning new skill or technically demanding new material for which no prior mental model exists places high demand on short-term working memory i.e. “Cognitive Load” Working memory can overload Cognitive overload can result in increased anxiety, frustration, stress & loss of confidence Results in learning process freezing
17. Multi-Dimensions of eLearning: First time eLearners, particularly mature adults faced with multiple learning tasks: Negotiating the technology; Negotiating the course website; Negotiating the course content Becoming an eLearner Negotiating CMC interaction
18. 1. Negotiating the technology: eLearner required to come to terms with the computing technologies involved Must be competent in using the range of technologies involved in online learning Many overestimate own skills in computing Underestimate the broader range of skills needed Brings learners face to face with the vagaries of computing technology Feelings of helplessness when technical support is not immediately available or easily accessed
19. 2. Negotiating the LMS interface: eLearner must develop a mental model of content structure & navigation system Many don’t have experience in ‘drilling down’ through a deep website Prefer to “Google” multiple websites - scan 1- 2 pages then try another Site and content structure of an eLearning course often multi-level and deep eLearning requires familiarity & understanding of the functionality of the LMS.
20. 3. Negotiating the learning content: eLearner must engage with the learning materials, readings, activities and assessments First time for many adult learners to undertake formal learning in years Can provoke intense feeling of anxiety and apprehension Anxiety on becoming a learner again is more likely to relate to thoughts of whether one is capable of learning anything again after a long period without formal learning experience
21. 4. Becoming an eLearner: eLearner required to abandon existing mental model of a learner in a formal learning situation Most likely to be the model of a teacher led classroom Need to embrace a model of self-directed and self-motivated learner eLearner isolated, physically from peers & tutor/instructor/professor communicating primarily by electronic text
22. 5. Negotiating CMC interaction: Interacting with peers/tutor/instructor via synchronous and asynchronous CMC Unused to format and conventions of Discussion Forums / Bulletin Boards / Chat Communicating via text with others a learner doesn’t know – can be intimidating “… some are afraid they will embarrass themselves with postings that are not clever, erudite or interesting to others.“ (Klem, 1998) Can become overloaded if learner unable to get online for a time & quantity of discussion forum contributions has grown too fast (Fox, 2002)
23. Conceptual Model First-time eLearners start with relatively low levels of understanding of what’s involved in terms of online competency demands, skills, relevant knowledge structures and confidence. eLearners must deal with relatively high levels of anxiety and discomfort brought about by the lack of certainty with the new and unfamiliar digital environment eLearner’s initial experience of the steep and multiple learning curves can cause cognitive overload & lead to feelings of being consciously incompetent, unable to cope & overwhelmed If discomfort & anxiety sufficiently acute, this can cause some to believe dropping out is only sensible option
24. eLearning Trajectory Progress through Programme Low Skill Level Unconsciously - Unskilled Don’t know what they don’t know Higher Skill Level Consciously - Skilled Knows how to find out about what’s not known Becoming an eLearner Negotiating content Negotiating LMS Negotiating technology Increase in eLearning capability Period off maximum attrition Negotiating CMC High Confidence High Comfort Low Anxiety High Motivation Low Confidence Low Comfort High Anxiety Low Motivation
25. Fostering perseverance & motivation If learners can be nursed through initial stages, feelings of competence & mastery over technology rapidly rise Once confidence & competence rise, motivation increases & learners begin to enjoy this mode of learning & more likely to stay the course Demand for face-2-face workshops decline rapidly Exchange of views & experience thru Discussion Board reported as one of the most significant aspects of learning
26. Strategies for fostering perseverance & motivation Provide online orientation module several weeks before first course starts to allow learners to explore Provide written handbooks with step-by-step instructions for navigating LMS & course architecture Run f2f induction/orientation workshops to introduce technology & LMS – make mandatory!! Provide opportunity to practice meaningful DB activities in f2f workshops Advise learners of cognitive overload effect & reassure them that it is common, recognised & support will be provided Active pre-emptive learner support at this stage vital - follow up on all learners who show signs of struggling
27. Strategies for fostering perseverance & motivation Course design: Aim to reduce early attrition Design for confidence building & development of fluency Simplify/ limit navigation options early on Release content as learners gain mastery with basic skills Make first course short, snappy & relatively low in cognitive demand Increase complexity in content & assessment activities as course progresses Start with slow tempo course schedule & ramp up as skills rise