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Last Updated: 09/24/2021
Government and Public Services
(GPS) Vendor Portal
Vendor Registration User Guide
Government and Public Services (GPS) Vendor Portal | Vendor Registration User Guide
Copyright 息 2021 Deloitte Development LLC. All rights reserved. 2
TO: Deloittes GPS Practice Vendors
As part of our due diligence to pre-qualify vendors for potential award of subcontracts/Purchase Orders under US GPS
Contracts, Deloitte GPS must gather information about its vendors to assess responsibility and eligibility for award. To
accomplish this, we require Deloitte GPS vendors to complete the Prospective Vendor Questionnaire (PVQ).
Any vendor who desires to be considered for award must complete a PVQ within Deloittes GPS Vendor Portal.
Completion of the PVQ does not constitute approval of a company as a Deloitte GPS vendor, nor does it obligate Deloitte
GPS to solicit requests for proposal/quotation. Deloitte GPS will use the information provided within the PVQ to evaluate
and match a company to potential work as a Deloitte GPS vendor. All electronic communication from the Deloitte GPS
Vendor Portal will only come from email addresses which contain the @deloitte.com domain.
Please note that in accordance with 15 U.S.C. 645 (d), any person who misrepresents a company's status as a small
business concern in order to obtain a contract to be awarded under the preference programs established pursuant to
sections 8(a), 8(d), 9, or 15 of the Small Business Act or any other provisions of Federal Law that specifically references
section 8(d) for a definition of program eligibility, shall (1) be punished by imposition of a fine, imprisonment, or both;
(2) be subject to administrative remedies, including suspension and debarment; and (3) be ineligible for participation in
programs under the authority of the Act.
GPS Vendor Portal
Government and Public Services (GPS) Vendor Portal | Vendor Registration User Guide
Copyright 息 2021 Deloitte Development LLC. All rights reserved. 3
Overview 4
Registration 7
Vendor Portal Registration 8
CIAM Registration 11
 Create Password 13
 Select Language 13
 Set up Multifactor Authentication (MFA)
Authenticator App MFA 14
Mobile Phone MFA 15
 Forgot Password 17
 Reset Password, MFA and Other Information 18
Where to Get Help? 20
Government and Public Services (GPS) Vendor Portal | Vendor Registration User Guide
Copyright 息 2021 Deloitte Development LLC. All rights reserved. 4
Vendor Portal Registration Process
All vendors that wish to establish a profile in the centralized vendor repository for Deloittes Government
and Public Services (GPS) practice need to register in the GPS Vendor Portal. The following is an overview of
the steps vendors must take to access and use the portal:
Step 1:
Step 2:
Step 3:
Step 4:
Government and Public Services (GPS) Vendor Portal | Vendor Registration User Guide
Copyright 息 2021 Deloitte Development LLC. All rights reserved. 5
Overview (contd)
The following provides a detailed introduction to the GPS Vendor Portal:
1. Register
All vendors wishing to access
the Deloitte GPS Vendor Portal
must register via Portal
Registration. Once approved,
registered vendors will receive
an email with login credentials
 Ensure the first person to
register for your organization
is able to provide detailed,
business-specific information
as they will be assigned the
Vendor Administrator
(Vendor Admin) role and
will maintain your
organizations portal profile
and user access.
 Following initial registration,
additional registrants can be
assigned as either a Vendor
Admin or Vendor User by
your Vendor Admin.
3. Vendor Admin:
Profile & Forms
Once a Vendor Admin is
established for your
organization, this Vendor
Admin will grant Portal
access to other
representatives in the
organization. These
approved representatives
may include individuals from
the billing department,
contracts team, vendor
approved contractors, or
others as decided by the
vendor. The Vendor Admin
is able to perform various
actions via the GPS Vendor
Portal: update organization
information, complete
various forms such as
Representation &
Certifications, Certificates of
Insurance, Adequacy of
Accounting Surveys, and
perform other administrative
2. Complete PVQ
The Prospective Vendor
Questionnaire (PVQ)
establishes a Vendor Profile
and serves as a capability
and representation reference
for Deloitte GPS Subcontracts
& Purchasing and the Office
of Small Business Programs.
Only one (1) PVQ needs to be
completed by a vendor. The
individual who completes the
PVQ will serve as the Vendor
Admin, maintaining the
vendors user site access,
organization profile, and
other vendor-specific
requirements. Any vendor
interested in a relationship
with Deloitte GPS can
complete a PVQ. However,
a vendor that wants to
perform on a Deloitte
subcontract and invoice
must complete a PVQ.
4. Submit
Vendor Admins can either
submit electronic invoices
and 75% notifications
themselves or they can
approve and delegate this
task to those in the Vendor
User role.
Government and Public Services (GPS) Vendor Portal | Vendor Registration User Guide
Copyright 息 2021 Deloitte Development LLC. All rights reserved. 6
Register in GPS Vendor Portal Yes Yes Yes
Complete initial Prospective Vendor Questionnaire (PVQ) Yes
View Vendor Profile Yes Yes
Edit Vendor Profile Yes
Submit/Update/Renew Representations and Certifications Yes
Submit/Update/Renew Certificates of Insurance Yes
Submit/Update/Renew Adequacy of Accounting Yes
Submit 75% Notifications Yes Yes
Complete Property Survey Yes
Review submitted forms and attachments Yes Yes
Manage Users for your Vendor Account Yes
Accept/Reject Vendor User Requests Yes
Submit e-Invoices Yes Yes
Overview (contd)
Vendor Roles
 Vendor PVQThis temporary role is for the first registrant of an organization who will complete and
submit the initial Prospective Vendor Questionnaire (PVQ). Once the PVQ is approved, this user will be
promoted to the Vendor Admin.
 Vendor AdministratorA Vendor Admin is responsible for managing their organizations profile, form
submissions, user management (including approving new user requests), and can submit invoices.
 Vendor UserA Vendor User supports the Vendor Admin in submission of invoices and 75% Notifications.
A Vendor User can be promoted to Vendor Admin by their existing Vendor Admin.
 No AccessA user who no longer requires access to the portal should be assigned this role.
Government and Public Services (GPS) Vendor Portal | Vendor Registration User Guide
Copyright 息 2021 Deloitte Development LLC. All rights reserved. 7
Access to the GPS Vendor Portal requires two one-time only registrations:
 Vendor Portal: All vendors desiring to do business with Deloitte, wanting to complete contractual
documentation and invoice must register in the GPS Vendor Portal. The Portal also allows Deloitte
engagement teams to search for current and prospective vendors for potential opportunities.
 CIAM: Client User Identity and Access Management (CIAM) provides a single authentication experience
for all the Deloitte applications vendors use. This will result in a simplified login; and for those with access
to more than one Deloitte application, it will provide a single email, password, and MFA method.
Government and Public Services (GPS) Vendor Portal | Vendor Registration User Guide
Copyright 息 2021 Deloitte Development LLC. All rights reserved. 8
How to register?
Access the GPS Vendor Portal directly: Copy/paste this URL into your browser:
1. Click on Register
Vendor Portal Registration
Key points to remember:
** Only users from non-US Deloitte member firms may register using their Deloitte email address.
 Utilize your 9-digit DUNS number. Your DUNS number will be used to align additional registrants from your
organization. All vendors are required to have a DUNS number, unless you are self-employed or a 1099. If
your organization does not have a DUNS number, search the internet for Dun & Bradstreet and locate the D-U-N-S
Number section for instructions on obtaining a DUNS number.
 If you are the first person to register for your company, you will receive an email with your login and temporary
password information. However, if a Vendor Admin is already established, you will receive an email with the
temporary password after your registration is approved.
 Upon your first login, you will be required to change your password and establish Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA).
If you do not receive a password, check your spam/junk folder. If you cannot locate the password, select the
Contact Us envelope icon at the top of the homepage and submit a request for assistance.
 If you are the first registrant from your organization, you will be required to complete your Prospective Vendor
Questionnaire (PVQ) upon your first login.
Government and Public Services (GPS) Vendor Portal | Vendor Registration User Guide
Copyright 息 2021 Deloitte Development LLC. All rights reserved. 9
Vendor Portal Registration (contd)
1. Enter your business email address.
** Note to Vendors: DO NOT USE a Deloitte email address. Enter your company email address
to register in the portal. Private email domains, such as Gmail, Yahoo, Yandex, Protonmail, etc.
are not recommended to be used if your company has its own domain.
If you have already registered, you will receive a message that your email exists in our system. If this
occurs, click on the Login button and use your current login credentials. Reset your password if forgotten
or expired.
2. Select Cancel to end the registration process.
Vendors: please do not use a Deloitte email address. Enter your company email address and
complete the Vendor Registration form.
Deloitte employees: please click "Login" button (top right).
Government and Public Services (GPS) Vendor Portal | Vendor Registration User Guide
Copyright 息 2021 Deloitte Development LLC. All rights reserved. 10
Vendor Portal Registration (cont.)
Registration Tips
Required fields are in red text
3. Enter your First Name, Last Name, Job
Title/Position, and Contact Phone
4. Enter your 9-digit DUNS # (no dashes)
 All vendors are required to have a
DUNS number, unless you are self-
employed or a 1099.
 If your organization does not have a
DUNS number, search the internet
for Dun & Bradstreet and locate the
D-U-N-S Number section for
instructions on obtaining a DUNS
 For self-employed or 1099 vendors,
remember to select the check box
below the DUNS # field.
5. After you complete all fields, the
Register button will activate; Click on
6. You will see a confirmation message
on the screen. A temporary password
will be sent within an hour.
Important Note:
After your registration is approved, you will receive an email with a link to activate your CIAM registration account.
The email will be sent from GPS Workflow (GPSWorkflowhelp@deloitte.com). Once you receive the email,
follow the instructions to activate your account.
Reminder: The first person to register must be able to
complete the Prospective Vendor Questionnaire (PVQ)
Government and Public Services (GPS) Vendor Portal | Vendor Registration User Guide
Copyright 息 2021 Deloitte Development LLC. All rights reserved. 11
Once you receive the email from GPS Workflow (GPSWorkflowhelp@deloitte.com), set up your CIAM
registration as instructed below. You will need your mobile phone to complete this process.
CIAM Registration
1. Access the Deloitte GPS Vendor Portal and select Login.
2. Enter your email address at the Sign In screen and select Next.
3. A screen appears briefly informing you that you will be taken to the sign-in
4. At the sign-in page, text indicates that an email has been sent to your inbox
with instructions to activate your account.
 If you select Continue, a notice appears informing you that an activation
email was sent to your inbox.
 Check your inbox for an email from GPSWorkflowhelp@deloitte.com with
the subject Your account needs to be activated.
Government and Public Services (GPS) Vendor Portal | Vendor Registration User Guide
Copyright 息 2021 Deloitte Development LLC. All rights reserved. 12
Per the notice on the previous page, an email from GPSWorkflowhelp@deloitte.com
is sent to your inbox. If the message does not appear within five (5) minutes,
check your spam/junk folder. If the email is not received, contact the Global Help
Desk at +1 718-354-1249.
1. Once you receive the email, click on the Registration hyperlink.
2. At the Activate your Account screen, establish your password and
MFA preference as instructed on the next page.
CIAM Registration (contd)
Government and Public Services (GPS) Vendor Portal | Vendor Registration User Guide
Copyright 息 2021 Deloitte Development LLC. All rights reserved. 13
Create a password
1. Enter a new password using the below criteria. Once all
criteria are met, the list disappears.
 Make sure your password contains at least 10 characters.
 Password must include at least three of the below criteria:
 Uppercase letters (A, B, C)
 Lowercase letters (a, b, c)
 Numerals (0, 1, 2, etc.)
 Non-alphanumeric (#, &, !, %, @, ?, -, *)
 The password cannot contain your first name, last
name or email address
2. Confirm the password in the Repeat password field. Once
confirmed, a  appears.
Select Language
3. Click on the dropdown to select a Language. Once you
select a Language, a  appears.
NOTE: For security precaution, passwords expire every 84
days. At that time, you will be prompted to establish a new
CIAM Registration (contd)
Government and Public Services (GPS) Vendor Portal | Vendor Registration User Guide
Copyright 息 2021 Deloitte Development LLC. All rights reserved. 14
Set up Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)
There are two MFA options: (1) Authenticator App and
(2) Mobile phone. You may select one or both options.
Below are instructions to set up the Authenticator App
MFA. Instructions to set up the Mobile phone MFA are
provided on the next page.
There are multiple types of Authenticator apps from which
to choose (i.e., Microsoft Authenticator, Google
Authenticator, etc.)
Set up Authenticator App MFA
1. Select Authenticator app.
2. Download and install the desired Authenticator app.
3. Follow instructions specific to the downloaded
Authenticator app to scan the barcode.
4. Once the bar code is scanned, enter the Code provided.
5. Select Confirm.
6. If you have any questions regarding setting up the
Authenticator App MFA, contact the Global Help Desk at
+1 718-354-1249.
CIAM Registration (contd)
Government and Public Services (GPS) Vendor Portal | Vendor Registration User Guide
Copyright 息 2021 Deloitte Development LLC. All rights reserved. 15
Set up Mobile phone MFA
1. Select Mobile phone.
2. Enter a plus symbol +, your Country Code and Phone
Number (example: +15551234567).
3. Select SMS to receive a text message  or  select Phone
 If you select SMS, you will receive a text message. Enter
the code received and select Confirm.
 If you select Phone call, you will receive a phone call with
a recording to press a number to continue. You will then
receive a code. Enter the code and select Confirm.
**Once you select Confirm, a message appears indicating that
your MFA is your mobile phone is successfully registered.
4. Select your primary MFA method based on whether you want
to receive a SMS(text) or phone call.
5. The Complete button becomes active. Select Complete.
CIAM Registration (contd)
Government and Public Services (GPS) Vendor Portal | Vendor Registration User Guide
Copyright 息 2021 Deloitte Development LLC. All rights reserved. 16
When your CIAM registration is completed, you will receive an
Activation successful notice.
If you select the here link in the notice, you will be able to
update your profile (password, Language, MFA, etc.) via the
User self-service options. Please refer to the Reset Password,
MFA and Other Information page for instructions to update this
If you have any questions regarding CIAM Registration, contact
the Global Help Desk at +1 718-354-1249.
To access the GPS Vendor Portal, exit this screen and access the
GPS Vendor Portal directly or click on
CIAM Registration (contd)
Government and Public Services (GPS) Vendor Portal | Vendor Registration User Guide
Copyright 息 2021 Deloitte Development LLC. All rights reserved. 17
If you forget your password, follow the below
steps to establish a new password .
1. Login into the GPS Vendor Portal.
NOTE: Your account will be locked after five
(5) failed attempts. You will need to wait 30
mins before retrying.
2. Select Forgot Password.
3. At the Reset password screen, enter your
email address and select Submit. A notice
will appear indicating an email was sent to
your inbox. Check spam/junk folder if it is
not received.
NOTE: Passwords cannot be reset within 24
hours of a previous password reset.
5. Select the this link in the email to reset
your password.
6. Enter and confirm the new password (being
sure to use the password criteria provided on
the screen and listed on the Create a
password page). Select Reset.
7. The Password reset successful message
Forgot Password
Government and Public Services (GPS) Vendor Portal | Vendor Registration User Guide
Copyright 息 2021 Deloitte Development LLC. All rights reserved. 18
To change your password, Language or MFA preference and other information:
1. Access the GPS Vendor Portal or select https://account.deloitte.com/dis.
2. Enter your email address and password.
3. If you do not receive a Code, select Resend the Code.
4. If you are having trouble receiving the code, select Try another MFA method.
Reset Password, MFA and Other Information
Government and Public Services (GPS) Vendor Portal | Vendor Registration User Guide
Copyright 息 2021 Deloitte Development LLC. All rights reserved. 19
Welcome John!
Update one or more preferences as follows:
1. Select User self-service.
2. Change your first or last name.
3. Email addresses cannot be updated. Contact the Help Desk
at +1 718-354-1249 to register new email address and
remove former address. You must also register the new
email address in the GPS Vendor Portal.
4. Modify the Language preference.
5. Change password by selecting Send reset password link.
NOTE: Passwords cannot be reset within 24 hours of a
previous password reset.
 A notice appears at the top of the screen indicating that
an email was sent to your inbox. Select Close to exit the
notice. Check the spam/junk folder if email is not
 Select the this link in the email to reset your password.
Enter and confirm the new password (being sure to use
the password criteria provided on the screen or listed on
the Create a password page). Select Reset.
 Select here to return to User self-service to continue
with other updates.
6. Follow the same steps under Set up Multi-Factor
Authentication (MFA) to update your MFA preference.
7. Select Save when preferences are updated.
8. Select Log out to exit.
Welcome John
Reset Password, MFA and Other Information (contd)
Government and Public Services (GPS) Vendor Portal | Vendor Registration User Guide
Copyright 息 2021 Deloitte Development LLC. All rights reserved. 20
Contact the Global Help Desk at +1 718-354-1249 for assistance with the CIAM.
 CIAM Registration
 Change Email Addresses
 Language Setting
 Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)
 Profile Updates
Where to Get Help?
Copyright 息 2021 Deloitte Development LLC. All rights reserved. Government and Public Services (GPS) Vendor Portal | Vendor Registration User Guide
We hope this GPS Vendor Registration User
Guide has been helpful in explaining how
prospective vendors register with the
Deloitte GPS Vendor Portal.
For more information, please visit the
Deloitte GPS Vendor Portal
About Deloitte
Deloitte refers to one or more of Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited, a UK private company limited by guarantee (DTTL), its network of member firms, and
their related entities. DTTL and each of its member firms are legally separate and independent entities. DTTL (also referred to as Deloitte Global) does not
provide services to clients. In the United States, Deloitte refers to one or more of the US member firms of DTTL, their related entities that operate using the
Deloitte name in the United States and their respective affiliates. Certain services may not be available to attest clients under the rules and regulations of
public accounting. Please see www.deloitte.com/about to learn more about our global network of member firms..
Copyright 息 2021 Deloitte Development LLC. All rights reserved.

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  • 1. Last Updated: 09/24/2021 Government and Public Services (GPS) Vendor Portal Vendor Registration User Guide
  • 2. Government and Public Services (GPS) Vendor Portal | Vendor Registration User Guide Copyright 息 2021 Deloitte Development LLC. All rights reserved. 2 IMPORTANT NOTICE TO: Deloittes GPS Practice Vendors As part of our due diligence to pre-qualify vendors for potential award of subcontracts/Purchase Orders under US GPS Contracts, Deloitte GPS must gather information about its vendors to assess responsibility and eligibility for award. To accomplish this, we require Deloitte GPS vendors to complete the Prospective Vendor Questionnaire (PVQ). Any vendor who desires to be considered for award must complete a PVQ within Deloittes GPS Vendor Portal. Completion of the PVQ does not constitute approval of a company as a Deloitte GPS vendor, nor does it obligate Deloitte GPS to solicit requests for proposal/quotation. Deloitte GPS will use the information provided within the PVQ to evaluate and match a company to potential work as a Deloitte GPS vendor. All electronic communication from the Deloitte GPS Vendor Portal will only come from email addresses which contain the @deloitte.com domain. Please note that in accordance with 15 U.S.C. 645 (d), any person who misrepresents a company's status as a small business concern in order to obtain a contract to be awarded under the preference programs established pursuant to sections 8(a), 8(d), 9, or 15 of the Small Business Act or any other provisions of Federal Law that specifically references section 8(d) for a definition of program eligibility, shall (1) be punished by imposition of a fine, imprisonment, or both; (2) be subject to administrative remedies, including suspension and debarment; and (3) be ineligible for participation in programs under the authority of the Act. GPS Vendor Portal
  • 3. Government and Public Services (GPS) Vendor Portal | Vendor Registration User Guide Copyright 息 2021 Deloitte Development LLC. All rights reserved. 3 Overview 4 Registration 7 Vendor Portal Registration 8 CIAM Registration 11 Create Password 13 Select Language 13 Set up Multifactor Authentication (MFA) Authenticator App MFA 14 Mobile Phone MFA 15 Forgot Password 17 Reset Password, MFA and Other Information 18 Where to Get Help? 20 Contents
  • 4. Government and Public Services (GPS) Vendor Portal | Vendor Registration User Guide Copyright 息 2021 Deloitte Development LLC. All rights reserved. 4 Overview Vendor Portal Registration Process All vendors that wish to establish a profile in the centralized vendor repository for Deloittes Government and Public Services (GPS) practice need to register in the GPS Vendor Portal. The following is an overview of the steps vendors must take to access and use the portal: Step 1: Vendor Registration Step 2: Complete Prospective Vendor Questionnaire (PVQ) Step 3: Vendor Admin completes Required Forms Step 4: Submit Invoices
  • 5. Government and Public Services (GPS) Vendor Portal | Vendor Registration User Guide Copyright 息 2021 Deloitte Development LLC. All rights reserved. 5 Overview (contd) The following provides a detailed introduction to the GPS Vendor Portal: 1. Register All vendors wishing to access the Deloitte GPS Vendor Portal must register via Portal Registration. Once approved, registered vendors will receive an email with login credentials from: GPSworkflow@deloitte.com Ensure the first person to register for your organization is able to provide detailed, business-specific information as they will be assigned the Vendor Administrator (Vendor Admin) role and will maintain your organizations portal profile and user access. Following initial registration, additional registrants can be assigned as either a Vendor Admin or Vendor User by your Vendor Admin. 3. Vendor Admin: Profile & Forms Once a Vendor Admin is established for your organization, this Vendor Admin will grant Portal access to other representatives in the organization. These approved representatives may include individuals from the billing department, contracts team, vendor approved contractors, or others as decided by the vendor. The Vendor Admin is able to perform various actions via the GPS Vendor Portal: update organization information, complete various forms such as Representation & Certifications, Certificates of Insurance, Adequacy of Accounting Surveys, and perform other administrative duties. 2. Complete PVQ The Prospective Vendor Questionnaire (PVQ) establishes a Vendor Profile and serves as a capability and representation reference for Deloitte GPS Subcontracts & Purchasing and the Office of Small Business Programs. Only one (1) PVQ needs to be completed by a vendor. The individual who completes the PVQ will serve as the Vendor Admin, maintaining the vendors user site access, organization profile, and other vendor-specific requirements. Any vendor interested in a relationship with Deloitte GPS can complete a PVQ. However, a vendor that wants to perform on a Deloitte subcontract and invoice must complete a PVQ. 4. Submit Invoices Vendor Admins can either submit electronic invoices and 75% notifications themselves or they can approve and delegate this task to those in the Vendor User role.
  • 6. Government and Public Services (GPS) Vendor Portal | Vendor Registration User Guide Copyright 息 2021 Deloitte Development LLC. All rights reserved. 6 Responsibilities Vendor PVQ Vendor Admin Vendor User Register in GPS Vendor Portal Yes Yes Yes Complete initial Prospective Vendor Questionnaire (PVQ) Yes View Vendor Profile Yes Yes Edit Vendor Profile Yes Submit/Update/Renew Representations and Certifications Yes Submit/Update/Renew Certificates of Insurance Yes Submit/Update/Renew Adequacy of Accounting Yes Submit 75% Notifications Yes Yes Complete Property Survey Yes Review submitted forms and attachments Yes Yes Manage Users for your Vendor Account Yes Accept/Reject Vendor User Requests Yes Submit e-Invoices Yes Yes Overview (contd) Vendor Roles Vendor PVQThis temporary role is for the first registrant of an organization who will complete and submit the initial Prospective Vendor Questionnaire (PVQ). Once the PVQ is approved, this user will be promoted to the Vendor Admin. Vendor AdministratorA Vendor Admin is responsible for managing their organizations profile, form submissions, user management (including approving new user requests), and can submit invoices. Vendor UserA Vendor User supports the Vendor Admin in submission of invoices and 75% Notifications. A Vendor User can be promoted to Vendor Admin by their existing Vendor Admin. No AccessA user who no longer requires access to the portal should be assigned this role.
  • 7. Government and Public Services (GPS) Vendor Portal | Vendor Registration User Guide Copyright 息 2021 Deloitte Development LLC. All rights reserved. 7 Registration Access to the GPS Vendor Portal requires two one-time only registrations: Vendor Portal: All vendors desiring to do business with Deloitte, wanting to complete contractual documentation and invoice must register in the GPS Vendor Portal. The Portal also allows Deloitte engagement teams to search for current and prospective vendors for potential opportunities. CIAM: Client User Identity and Access Management (CIAM) provides a single authentication experience for all the Deloitte applications vendors use. This will result in a simplified login; and for those with access to more than one Deloitte application, it will provide a single email, password, and MFA method.
  • 8. Government and Public Services (GPS) Vendor Portal | Vendor Registration User Guide Copyright 息 2021 Deloitte Development LLC. All rights reserved. 8 How to register? Access the GPS Vendor Portal directly: Copy/paste this URL into your browser: https://vendorportal.gps.deloitte.com 1. Click on Register Vendor Portal Registration Key points to remember: ** Only users from non-US Deloitte member firms may register using their Deloitte email address. Utilize your 9-digit DUNS number. Your DUNS number will be used to align additional registrants from your organization. All vendors are required to have a DUNS number, unless you are self-employed or a 1099. If your organization does not have a DUNS number, search the internet for Dun & Bradstreet and locate the D-U-N-S Number section for instructions on obtaining a DUNS number. If you are the first person to register for your company, you will receive an email with your login and temporary password information. However, if a Vendor Admin is already established, you will receive an email with the temporary password after your registration is approved. Upon your first login, you will be required to change your password and establish Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA). If you do not receive a password, check your spam/junk folder. If you cannot locate the password, select the Contact Us envelope icon at the top of the homepage and submit a request for assistance. If you are the first registrant from your organization, you will be required to complete your Prospective Vendor Questionnaire (PVQ) upon your first login. 1
  • 9. Government and Public Services (GPS) Vendor Portal | Vendor Registration User Guide Copyright 息 2021 Deloitte Development LLC. All rights reserved. 9 Vendor Portal Registration (contd) 1. Enter your business email address. ** Note to Vendors: DO NOT USE a Deloitte email address. Enter your company email address to register in the portal. Private email domains, such as Gmail, Yahoo, Yandex, Protonmail, etc. are not recommended to be used if your company has its own domain. If you have already registered, you will receive a message that your email exists in our system. If this occurs, click on the Login button and use your current login credentials. Reset your password if forgotten or expired. 2. Select Cancel to end the registration process. Vendors: please do not use a Deloitte email address. Enter your company email address and complete the Vendor Registration form. Deloitte employees: please click "Login" button (top right). johndoe@vendorassociates.com 2 1
  • 10. Government and Public Services (GPS) Vendor Portal | Vendor Registration User Guide Copyright 息 2021 Deloitte Development LLC. All rights reserved. 10 Vendor Portal Registration (cont.) Registration Tips Required fields are in red text 3. Enter your First Name, Last Name, Job Title/Position, and Contact Phone 4. Enter your 9-digit DUNS # (no dashes) All vendors are required to have a DUNS number, unless you are self- employed or a 1099. If your organization does not have a DUNS number, search the internet for Dun & Bradstreet and locate the D-U-N-S Number section for instructions on obtaining a DUNS number. For self-employed or 1099 vendors, remember to select the check box below the DUNS # field. 5. After you complete all fields, the Register button will activate; Click on Register. 6. You will see a confirmation message on the screen. A temporary password will be sent within an hour. 1 3 4 5 6 Important Note: After your registration is approved, you will receive an email with a link to activate your CIAM registration account. The email will be sent from GPS Workflow (GPSWorkflowhelp@deloitte.com). Once you receive the email, follow the instructions to activate your account. Reminder: The first person to register must be able to complete the Prospective Vendor Questionnaire (PVQ)
  • 11. Government and Public Services (GPS) Vendor Portal | Vendor Registration User Guide Copyright 息 2021 Deloitte Development LLC. All rights reserved. 11 Once you receive the email from GPS Workflow (GPSWorkflowhelp@deloitte.com), set up your CIAM registration as instructed below. You will need your mobile phone to complete this process. CIAM Registration johndoe@vendorassociates.com 2 3 johndoe@vendorassociates.com 4 1. Access the Deloitte GPS Vendor Portal and select Login. 2. Enter your email address at the Sign In screen and select Next. 3. A screen appears briefly informing you that you will be taken to the sign-in page. 4. At the sign-in page, text indicates that an email has been sent to your inbox with instructions to activate your account. If you select Continue, a notice appears informing you that an activation email was sent to your inbox. Check your inbox for an email from GPSWorkflowhelp@deloitte.com with the subject Your account needs to be activated.
  • 12. Government and Public Services (GPS) Vendor Portal | Vendor Registration User Guide Copyright 息 2021 Deloitte Development LLC. All rights reserved. 12 Per the notice on the previous page, an email from GPSWorkflowhelp@deloitte.com is sent to your inbox. If the message does not appear within five (5) minutes, check your spam/junk folder. If the email is not received, contact the Global Help Desk at +1 718-354-1249. 1. Once you receive the email, click on the Registration hyperlink. 2. At the Activate your Account screen, establish your password and MFA preference as instructed on the next page. CIAM Registration (contd) 2 1
  • 13. Government and Public Services (GPS) Vendor Portal | Vendor Registration User Guide Copyright 息 2021 Deloitte Development LLC. All rights reserved. 13 Create a password 1. Enter a new password using the below criteria. Once all criteria are met, the list disappears. Make sure your password contains at least 10 characters. Password must include at least three of the below criteria: Uppercase letters (A, B, C) Lowercase letters (a, b, c) Numerals (0, 1, 2, etc.) Non-alphanumeric (#, &, !, %, @, ?, -, *) The password cannot contain your first name, last name or email address 2. Confirm the password in the Repeat password field. Once confirmed, a appears. Select Language 3. Click on the dropdown to select a Language. Once you select a Language, a appears. NOTE: For security precaution, passwords expire every 84 days. At that time, you will be prompted to establish a new password. CIAM Registration (contd) 1 2 3
  • 14. Government and Public Services (GPS) Vendor Portal | Vendor Registration User Guide Copyright 息 2021 Deloitte Development LLC. All rights reserved. 14 Set up Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) There are two MFA options: (1) Authenticator App and (2) Mobile phone. You may select one or both options. Below are instructions to set up the Authenticator App MFA. Instructions to set up the Mobile phone MFA are provided on the next page. There are multiple types of Authenticator apps from which to choose (i.e., Microsoft Authenticator, Google Authenticator, etc.) Set up Authenticator App MFA 1. Select Authenticator app. 2. Download and install the desired Authenticator app. 3. Follow instructions specific to the downloaded Authenticator app to scan the barcode. 4. Once the bar code is scanned, enter the Code provided. 5. Select Confirm. 6. If you have any questions regarding setting up the Authenticator App MFA, contact the Global Help Desk at +1 718-354-1249. CIAM Registration (contd) 1 2 3 4 5
  • 15. Government and Public Services (GPS) Vendor Portal | Vendor Registration User Guide Copyright 息 2021 Deloitte Development LLC. All rights reserved. 15 +15551234567 Set up Mobile phone MFA 1. Select Mobile phone. 2. Enter a plus symbol +, your Country Code and Phone Number (example: +15551234567). 3. Select SMS to receive a text message or select Phone call: If you select SMS, you will receive a text message. Enter the code received and select Confirm. If you select Phone call, you will receive a phone call with a recording to press a number to continue. You will then receive a code. Enter the code and select Confirm. **Once you select Confirm, a message appears indicating that your MFA is your mobile phone is successfully registered. 4. Select your primary MFA method based on whether you want to receive a SMS(text) or phone call. 5. The Complete button becomes active. Select Complete. CIAM Registration (contd) 1 2 3 3 4 5 **
  • 16. Government and Public Services (GPS) Vendor Portal | Vendor Registration User Guide Copyright 息 2021 Deloitte Development LLC. All rights reserved. 16 When your CIAM registration is completed, you will receive an Activation successful notice. If you select the here link in the notice, you will be able to update your profile (password, Language, MFA, etc.) via the User self-service options. Please refer to the Reset Password, MFA and Other Information page for instructions to update this information. If you have any questions regarding CIAM Registration, contact the Global Help Desk at +1 718-354-1249. To access the GPS Vendor Portal, exit this screen and access the GPS Vendor Portal directly or click on https://vendorportal.gps.deloitte.com. CIAM Registration (contd)
  • 17. Government and Public Services (GPS) Vendor Portal | Vendor Registration User Guide Copyright 息 2021 Deloitte Development LLC. All rights reserved. 17 johndoe@vendorassociates.com johndoe@vendorassociates.com johndoe@vendorassociates.com If you forget your password, follow the below steps to establish a new password . 1. Login into the GPS Vendor Portal. NOTE: Your account will be locked after five (5) failed attempts. You will need to wait 30 mins before retrying. 2. Select Forgot Password. 3. At the Reset password screen, enter your email address and select Submit. A notice will appear indicating an email was sent to your inbox. Check spam/junk folder if it is not received. NOTE: Passwords cannot be reset within 24 hours of a previous password reset. 5. Select the this link in the email to reset your password. 6. Enter and confirm the new password (being sure to use the password criteria provided on the screen and listed on the Create a password page). Select Reset. 7. The Password reset successful message appears. Forgot Password johndoe@vendorassociates.com 1 2 3 7
  • 18. Government and Public Services (GPS) Vendor Portal | Vendor Registration User Guide Copyright 息 2021 Deloitte Development LLC. All rights reserved. 18 To change your password, Language or MFA preference and other information: 1. Access the GPS Vendor Portal or select https://account.deloitte.com/dis. 2. Enter your email address and password. 3. If you do not receive a Code, select Resend the Code. 4. If you are having trouble receiving the code, select Try another MFA method. Reset Password, MFA and Other Information johndoe@vendorassociates.com 3 4 2 johndoe@vendorassociates.com
  • 19. Government and Public Services (GPS) Vendor Portal | Vendor Registration User Guide Copyright 息 2021 Deloitte Development LLC. All rights reserved. 19 Welcome John! Update one or more preferences as follows: 1. Select User self-service. 2. Change your first or last name. 3. Email addresses cannot be updated. Contact the Help Desk at +1 718-354-1249 to register new email address and remove former address. You must also register the new email address in the GPS Vendor Portal. 4. Modify the Language preference. 5. Change password by selecting Send reset password link. NOTE: Passwords cannot be reset within 24 hours of a previous password reset. A notice appears at the top of the screen indicating that an email was sent to your inbox. Select Close to exit the notice. Check the spam/junk folder if email is not received. Select the this link in the email to reset your password. Enter and confirm the new password (being sure to use the password criteria provided on the screen or listed on the Create a password page). Select Reset. Select here to return to User self-service to continue with other updates. 6. Follow the same steps under Set up Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) to update your MFA preference. 7. Select Save when preferences are updated. 8. Select Log out to exit. 1 8 Welcome John John Doe johndoe@vendorassociates.com 2 4 5 6 7 ** Reset Password, MFA and Other Information (contd)
  • 20. Government and Public Services (GPS) Vendor Portal | Vendor Registration User Guide Copyright 息 2021 Deloitte Development LLC. All rights reserved. 20 Contact the Global Help Desk at +1 718-354-1249 for assistance with the CIAM. CIAM Registration Change Email Addresses Language Setting Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) Passwords Profile Updates Where to Get Help?
  • 21. 21 Copyright 息 2021 Deloitte Development LLC. All rights reserved. Government and Public Services (GPS) Vendor Portal | Vendor Registration User Guide We hope this GPS Vendor Registration User Guide has been helpful in explaining how prospective vendors register with the Deloitte GPS Vendor Portal. For more information, please visit the Deloitte GPS Vendor Portal
  • 22. About Deloitte Deloitte refers to one or more of Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited, a UK private company limited by guarantee (DTTL), its network of member firms, and their related entities. DTTL and each of its member firms are legally separate and independent entities. DTTL (also referred to as Deloitte Global) does not provide services to clients. In the United States, Deloitte refers to one or more of the US member firms of DTTL, their related entities that operate using the Deloitte name in the United States and their respective affiliates. Certain services may not be available to attest clients under the rules and regulations of public accounting. Please see www.deloitte.com/about to learn more about our global network of member firms.. Copyright 息 2021 Deloitte Development LLC. All rights reserved.