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Organization / Workplace
Lahore, Pakistan
Mr Lonely...
fit hoon>>-(¯`v´¯)->>WeLL My FriEndS SaY thAt i gOt a KoOl pErsOnAliTy but tHe trUth is thAt i mys3lf doNt unDerStanD what kindaA perSoNaliTy i gOt !!
>>-(¯`v´¯)->>i doNt taKe maTTeRs toO seRiOuSly or maKe iT a poiNt of teNs|on for mySelF! i liKe to kEep tHinGs koOl aNd to deAl wiD maTTeRs with a koOl miNd !!
>>-(¯`v´¯)->>i alWaYs kEep mY frieNds whO arE with me in A gOod moOd ie i alWaYz trY to maKe th3m lAuGh aNd maKe th3m haPPy !!
>>-(¯`v´¯)->>we|| i haVeNt unDerStood thiS alSo. As we|| as i aM veRy fuNNy and com3dy, buT theRe is A siDe of m3 wHicH iS veRy harSh anD anGry! aNd wheN i gEt angRy, i doNt sEe whozE iN froNt of m3 or he/she is elDer thAn
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