El documento propone 7 actividades para docentes relacionadas con la integraci坦n de las TIC en la ense単anza. Estas incluyen proponer una actividad usando c叩maras digitales que integre los 4 pilares de la educaci坦n, identificar 3 aspectos fundamentales para la integraci坦n efectiva de las TIC, y elaborar un mapa cognitivo sobre competencias en integraci坦n de TIC.
Este documento resume las tasas de pobreza e indigencia en la provincia de C坦rdoba seg炭n datos del INDEC e IBP. Explica que el 43% de los indigentes y el 42% de los pobres son ni単os, pero que el programa alimentario PAICOR no cubre a 50% de los ni単os pobres. Atribuye los recortes en el PAICOR a la mala gesti坦n financiera provincial que gener坦 deuda para obras no productivas y jubilaciones anticipadas innecesarias. Concluye que la pobreza debe ser la principal prior
Costa Alentejana acolhe 7 Maravilhas Praias de Portugal7 Maravilhas
O documento descreve a apresenta巽達o oficial do evento "7 Maravilhas - Praias de Portugal", que tem como objetivo promover e preservar as praias portuguesas. O evento conta com o apoio do governo e da RTP e ir叩 eleger 7 das 21 praias finalistas. Os organizadores esperam que o projeto promova o turismo, o meio ambiente e a identidade nacional de Portugal.
XV foro de orientacion Ense単ar a Pensar es posible en la escuela. Florida Universitaria
La EDUCACIN EMPRENDEDORA propone potenciar el desarrollo de las
COMPETENCIAS EMPRENDEDORAS defi nidas y seleccionadas por cada
centro, vinculando y ampliando su actividad educativa con el entorno.
El Colegio T辿cnico Menorah otorg坦 una Menci坦n de Honor a Marci Lorena L坦pez Melo por su esfuerzo y destacado desempe単o integral en el 叩rea de Comercio. La rectora Mar鱈a In辿s Cuadros Cordero firm坦 el documento el 7 de febrero de 2012 reconociendo los logros acad辿micos de la estudiante.
The document is a call sheet for the film shoot of "One for Sorrow" taking place on February 20th at two locations: Burn Valley and Summer Hill. It lists Courtney Brown and Bethany Hewitt as the main actresses, and Courtney and Beth as the director and crew. It provides contact details for the cast and crew. It also notes the camera and lighting equipment being rented, including a camera, tripod, and torch. Props include a torch, putty, knife, car, and fake blood. Wardrobe for the actresses includes casual clothing such as leggings, jeans, blouses, doll shoes, and boots.
The document discusses the importance of developing a strategic plan that considers key stakeholders, resources, products, markets, and the external environment. It defines strategy as establishing the direction and scope of an organization to achieve a competitive advantage through effective resource utilization and meeting market demands. Developing a strategic plan involves analyzing political, economic, social, technological, environmental, and legal factors (PESTEL analysis) that influence business trends and potential scenarios. It is critical for organizations, especially global ones, to strategically plan before expanding by considering how these macroeconomic factors interconnect and may impact their operations in different countries.
El Colegio T辿cnico Menorah otorg坦 una Menci坦n de Honor a Marci Lorena L坦pez Melo por su esfuerzo y destacado desempe単o integral en el 叩rea de Comercio. La rectora Mar鱈a In辿s Cuadros Cordero firm坦 el documento el 7 de febrero de 2012 reconociendo los logros acad辿micos de la estudiante.
The document is a call sheet for the film shoot of "One for Sorrow" taking place on February 20th at two locations: Burn Valley and Summer Hill. It lists Courtney Brown and Bethany Hewitt as the main actresses, and Courtney and Beth as the director and crew. It provides contact details for the cast and crew. It also notes the camera and lighting equipment being rented, including a camera, tripod, and torch. Props include a torch, putty, knife, car, and fake blood. Wardrobe for the actresses includes casual clothing such as leggings, jeans, blouses, doll shoes, and boots.
The document discusses the importance of developing a strategic plan that considers key stakeholders, resources, products, markets, and the external environment. It defines strategy as establishing the direction and scope of an organization to achieve a competitive advantage through effective resource utilization and meeting market demands. Developing a strategic plan involves analyzing political, economic, social, technological, environmental, and legal factors (PESTEL analysis) that influence business trends and potential scenarios. It is critical for organizations, especially global ones, to strategically plan before expanding by considering how these macroeconomic factors interconnect and may impact their operations in different countries.