4. 亠仍舒亠仄 仗亠亠于仂亟 舒仄亳 弌丐弌丐 弌丐 丕 丕 MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND SCIENCE OF UKRAINE 仂仆亠从亳亶 仆舒 仂仆舒仍仆亳亶 仆于亠亳亠 Donetsk National University 亟亠舒 丐亠仍. Email Web- 舒亶 Address Tel . Email Web-page We certify this as a true and accurate photocopy of the Diploma of Specialist of Education __#_____ issued to ______ by Donetsk National University of Donetsk, Donetsk Region, Ukraine Date Head, Academic Affairs Office Donetsk National University : Signature / Name/ Dean, English Language Department Donetsk National University : Signature / Name/
5. 亠仍舒亠仄 仗亠亠于仂亟 舒仄亳 弌丐弌丐 弌丐 丕 丕 MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND SCIENCE OF UKRAINE 仂仆亠从亳亶 仆舒 仂仆舒仍仆亳亶 仆于亠亳亠 Donetsk National University 亟亠舒 丐亠仍. Email Web- 舒亶 Address Tel . Email Web-page We certify this as a true and accurate translation from Ukrainian of the Diploma of Specialist of Education __#_____ issued to ______ by Donetsk National University of Donetsk, Donetsk Region, Ukraine Date Head, Academic Affairs Office Donetsk National University : Signature / Name/ Dean, English Language Department Donetsk National University : Signature / Name/
6. NATIONAL EMBLEM UKRAINE DIPLOMA OF _______ (with honors) __ # ______ ___________________ last name ___________________ first name patronymic In the year of 20__ graduated from ________________________________________________ after receiving complete higher education and earned ___________________Degree in ____________________________________. President Signed /Name/ June 30, 2006 Seal (Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, ____________________________ of Donetsk Region): Affixed
7. 亠仍舒亠仄 仗亠亠于仂亟 舒仄亳 弌丐弌丐 弌丐 丕 丕 MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND SCIENCE OF UKRAINE 仂仆亠从亳亶 仆舒 仂仆舒仍仆亳亶 仆于亠亳亠 Donetsk National University 亟亠舒 丐亠仍. Email Web- 舒亶 Address Tel . Email Web-page We certify this as a true and accurate photocopy of the Supplement __# ___(back front side) to the Diploma of Specialist of Education __#_____ issued to ______ by Donetsk National University of Donetsk, Donetsk Region, Ukraine Date Head, Academic Affairs Office Donetsk National University : Signature / Name/ Dean, English Language Department Donetsk National University : Signature / Name/
8. 亠仍舒亠仄 仗亠亠于仂亟 舒仄亳 弌丐弌丐 弌丐 丕 丕 MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND SCIENCE OF UKRAINE 仂仆亠从亳亶 仆舒 仂仆舒仍仆亳亶 仆于亠亳亠 Donetsk National University 亟亠舒 丐亠仍. Email Web- 舒亶 Address Tel . Email Web-page We certify this as a true and accurate translation from Ukrainian of the Supplement __# ____to the Diploma of Specialist of Education __#_____ issued to ___ by Donetsk National University of Donetsk, Donetsk Region, Ukraine Date Head, Academic Affairs Office Donetsk National University : Signature / Name/ Dean, English Language Department Donetsk National University : Signature / Name/
9. The Curriculum includes the following courses: # | Course Title | Hours Total | Grade Earned | | | | |
12. Resume Name, Family Name Objective Education (specialty, years of education OR expected date of graduation, rewards if any) Working experience (job position, years of employment, task done, rewards if any) Volunteering Experience (youth clubs, NGOs, tasks done) (Skills: language and internet) (Hobbies) (References available upon request) 1 page long!
13. Verbs of Action maintained was responsible for achieved I DID organized coordinated
23. Questioning Who? What? When? Where? How? Why? Wants to study abroad? YOU!!! Knowledge do you want to get? Do you want to start your program? Do you want to study? Will you put it into practice? Do you think you are the one to do it?
24. Charting / Mapping School newspaper Power of change Web 2.o My passion - journalism Want to continue Want to improve Like it Need knowledge compare Hi-teck
25. REVIEW PQP P raise 仂 仗仂仆舒于亳仍仂? Q uestions 仂 仆亠仗仂仆仆仂? P olish 仂 仆亢仆仂 仍亳? (仂亳弍从亳 亳 亳仍) Peer 仂亟舒亶 仄仆仂仄 仂于舒亳 Professional 仆亠 亠仆磺 仗仂亟仂亶亳 从 仗亠仗仂亟
26. USE DONT USE Passive Voice Impersonal ( it is argued ) Linking words ( furthermore, moreover, nonetheless ) 弌仍仂亢仆仂仂亳仆仆仆亠 仗亠亟仍仂亟亢亠仆亳 Advanced vocabulary ( concerning the controversial issue ) Short forms ( Its, Im ) Colloquial expressions, phrasal verbs ( lots of, put up with ) Linking words such as but, so 仆仂亞仂. 亠仆. 仂仂从亳. 亠亟仍仂亢亠仆亳亶. Formal Style 亳亟亠亢亳于舒亶亠 亳仍