- The document describes research analyzing survey response patterns of 370 respondents who skipped a question. Through mixture modeling, they identified 3 distinct "user types": Quitters, Returners, and Completers.
- A visualization tool was created mapping response patterns and identifying troublesome questions and areas. This allowed easy identification of user types and usability issues.
- Key conclusions were that the tool provides an effective way to examine survey effectiveness, pinpoint problem questions and respondents, and suggest improvements to the design and administration process.
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Visually Integrative Representation of User Types in Surveys (Ricardo Carvalho & Joseph Luchman & Michael Paraloglou & Vanessa Patterson & Ron Vega)
1. Why Do Respondents Skip Questions
in Surveys: A Visually Integrative
Representation of User Types
Ricardo Carvalho
Joseph Luchman
Michael Paraloglou
Vanessa Patterson
Ron Vega
2. Outline
Our Research
Our Findings
Our Conclusions & Recommendations
Future Research
4. Background
DoD Youth Poll December 2011 survey
Mailed to 50,000 youth ages 16 to 24 with no prior or current military
experience through stratified, probability-based sampling
Address-based sample drawn from list frame estimated to cover 92% of target
Standard mailing methodology (Dillman 2007)
Scantron survey; double-entered and verified
Up-front and contingent monetary incentives upon completion
Response Rate 3: 17%, Contact Rate 2: 92%; n= 7,210
Note: although our study was specific to completing a paper survey,
much of the theory (and more importantly, the tool) can be applied
to other survey modes and experiences
6. Background
The Issue # Refusals to Q29 and Q30
Amount of refusals per item was very small 1-18 Refusals (one to many but
not all items)
(<1.5%) up to Q29 19 Refusals (all items)
But at Q30 and thereafter, it increases to 6% 6% 5%
about 5-6% 5%
Behavior of certain users
changes in consistent manner 3%
Can we understand the users 1% 1%
experience and behavior? 0%
Q29 Q30
8. Our Research
We noticed 370 respondents whose behavior
seemed fundamentally different
Are these different user types?
Or was there a usability issue with the survey (troublesome areas)?
How can we identify the user type or a troublesome area?
Does this kind of
information tell us what to
change in the experience?
9. Our Research
The behavior we noticed is characteristic of satisficing (Simon 1957)
Economic phenomenon: satisfying and sacrificing
We exercise an acceptable level of effort to achieve a satisfactory but less than optimal
Example: driving around for the cheapest gas price
There is substantial literature written on this topic and how it applies to surveys
(Krosnick 1991)
Behavior points to this phenomenon, but very difficult to be certain
The focus of our presentation is NOT on exploring this behavior but on
understanding and visualizing different user types
How does the survey experience impact users?
Are there usability issues we can notice or isolate?
Can we build a tool to help improve the overall user experience and hence obtain more
complete and accurate information?
11. Our Findings
What we did:
Examined only the 370 respondents who refused all of Q30
Determined if unique user types existed through mixture modeling
Wrote code to visually map these user types and their refusals for the
remainder of the survey
Marked page breaks and grid questions in this map
What we found:
3 distinct user types
The Quitters
The Returners
The Completers
Map allows us to easily identify these user types
Map also allows us to easily identify troublesome areas
12. Our Findings
Black line = pages The 370 Respondents
Orange line = grid question
Colored squares = question was ANSWERED
13. Our Findings: The Quitters
Black line = pages
Orange line = grid question Last page of survey
Colored squares = question was ANSWERED
Engagement clearly breaks off and
users flip to back of survey
Paper survey immediately presents
users with workload
Completes Demographic questions
(essential and easy items) for token
of appreciation
14. Our Findings: The Returners
Black line = pages
Orange line = grid question
Colored squares = question was ANSWERED
Grid questions
Engagement terminates after long
second grid question (Q30) but returns
Selectively respond to taskful
questions (i.e., grid questions) to
minimize effort
15. Our Findings: The Completers
Black line = pages
Orange line = grid question
Colored squares = question was ANSWERED
Most conscientious and engaged group
Engagement terminates for only Q30
Occasional refusals
Only a few questions are left
unanswered by this user type
16. Our Findings: Profiling the User Types
Hispanic Asians show more Completers
Whites show almost all
of the Returners
17. Our Findings: Profiling the User Types
Mixture model: seeks homogenous distributions within data based on number of
questions refused after Q30
Predictive model based on census block sociodemographic data linked to
respondent scores
Exploratory predictive model (i.e., empirically driven)
Hispanic, Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander Civilian Population in Labor Force Employed; Age 16
Overall Population Median Household Income
Population and up
Population with less than 9th Grade Education; Age Population in Labor Force Unemployed; Age 16 and
Population aged 16-17 Hispanic, Other Population
25 and up up
Population with some High School Education; Age
Population aged 18-20 Hispanic Population Population not in Labor Force; Age 16 and up
25 and up
Population with High School Education; Age 25 and Percent of Population in Labor Force Unemployed;
Population aged 21-24 Population in Nursing Home
up Age 16 and up
Population in other Institutionalized Group Population with some College Education; Age 25 Population employed in Private, for Profit; Age 16 and
Median Age
Quarters and up up
Population Employed in Private, not-for Profit; Age 16
Non-Hispanic, White Population Population in College Dorms Population with Associates Degree; Age 25 and up
and up
Population Employed in Local Government; Age 16
Non-Hispanic, Black Population Population in Military Barracks Population with Bachelors Degree; Age 25 and up
and up
Population in Non-Institutionalized Group Population Employed in State Government; Age 16
Non-Hispanic, American Indian Population Population with Masters Degree; Age 25 and up
Quarters and up
Population Employed in Federal Government; Age 16
Non-Hispanic, Asian Population Average Household Size Population with Professional Degree; Age 25 and up
and up
Non-Hispanic, Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander
Average Household Size Non-Family Household Population with Doctorate Degree; Age 25 and up Population Self-Employed; Age 16 and up
Non-Hispanic, Other Population Average Household Size Family Household Families at Poverty Level Population Unpaid Family Work; Age 16 and up
Population Speaking only English at Home; Age 5 Population Employed Blue Collar Work; Age 16 and
Hispanic, White Population Families at Poverty Level with Children
and Older up
Population Speaking Spanish at Home; Age 5 and Population Employed White Collar Work; Age 16 and
Hispanic, Black Population Families above Poverty Level
Older up
Population Employed Service and Farm Work; Age 16
Hispanic, American Indian Population Housing Units Owned by Occupant Families above Poverty Level with Children
and up
Population in Labor Force Employed by Armed
Hispanic, Asian Population Housing Units Rented by Occupant Population Male
Forces; Age 16 and up
Average Length of Residence Population Female
18. Our Findings: Profiling the User Types
Unemploy % with
Median tired of being surveyed!
Im Summary of other socio-economic
User Type -mentwasting our
The government is variables
time/money! Degree
Quitters $63,000 7.1% 13.4% Government and private, not-for
(n=111) profit employment with large
Im doing the best I can, but youre
asking a lot household size conditions
Returners $58,000 8.5% 10.7% More transient, socioeconomically
(n=180) I should do a good job at this, my disadvantageous conditions
opinions are helping
Completers $61,000 8.1% 11% Less transient, socioeconomically
(n=79) advantageous conditions
20. Our Conclusions
The tool gives us immediately visual, easy to interpret results
that clearly bring out patterns
Knew the user types before we modeled it
Very easy to explain to clients or share across professionals
With visual mapping, we can:
Easily see the entire user experience
Determine if unique user types exist
See if usability problems exist with certain questions and people
Length interactions
Placement issues
Factual vs attitudinal questions
21. Our Conclusions
Provides great alternative for complex statistical investigation
May not give you anything useful or helpful
Usually empirically driven, so results can change frequently
Hard to determine what to ACTUALLY do!
A simple and effective way to communicate and examine a
surveys effectiveness to clients and other researchers
Can overlay respondent behavior with survey design
Natural extension of pilot-testing and cognitive testing
22. Our Conclusions
Most concerns are with total non-response. But this suggests
specific item non-response patterns
Allows us to pinpoint the characteristics of those items
As well as the people behind that non-response
This suggests that item-level non-response adjustments may
be necessary if variable is of key interest
Weigh option against client interests
Complexity can grow exponentially
23. Our Recommendations
1. Everyone knows the value of pre-testing a survey. This emphasizes it and
the need for true test conditions.
2. Avoid areas where respondents are forced to engage for long periods
3. The design of a survey are critical and should not be left just to the
statisticians! Example: paper surveys and interaction of questions and
page location
4. Different users may required different persuasions techniques
Incentive levels Customized invitations
Survey instructions Different layout
5. Remember a reassessment of your key variables is always a good idea
and can uncover significant issues (try this new tool!)