Take cHAncE ,
TelL dA trUtH,
NevER saY nO. .
SpND oL uR moNeY ,
fAlL iN loVe WiTh eVerYTHing,
nvR Be mEAn ,
NVr bE seLfIsH ,
maKE fUn oF PeOpLE ,
rESpeCT otHRs ,
LAugH lYk mAds At StuPID JOke$ ,
cry bT Nvr trY 2 TAke reVEngE _
leave evrythng on GOD ,
lAugH wHEn u fAlL,
GeT IntO fIghT ,
tELl dA OnE hoW he/she hURt u bT nEvEr hUrT Any1. .
aBUsE SuM1 wHO deSerVeS iT. .
SiT aLOne ,
waTCH da rAIn N trY 2 crY. .
trUsT GOD ,
laUgH tiLl uR StoMAch huRTs ,
daNcE Even iF u SuCK At iT. .
n olWAz trY 2 hELp evrYOne. .
AcT LyK a kiD
coZ liFE Is JuSt onCe,
mAke tHe mOst oF IT! ! !
LovE it! !
liVe it! ! !
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