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Valjeta Rekay
 To achieve a film that will fit into this sub
genre it will need to portray a type of
psycho concept. This could include a
character that is either male or female.
 To achieve a film that is appropriate for
my target audience.
Teenagers aged 15-19
 The age cap for this movie is 15.
this is because the movie will
include blood and violence and
is not suitable for the younger
Film plot
This film is psychological. I will show this through obsession. The
main character will be a boy to break stereotype. The film opening
will start with the a long shot of two houses. It then zooms into the
houses and the audience can see that the windows are opposite
each other meaning the characters can look into each others
windows. A girl is staring directly a head at the window in front of her.
There is a close up of her face. Her expression remains straight and
then she smiles. The camera then shows what she is smiling at. The
window in front of her is open and inside there is a boy sleeping on
his bed undressed. The screen then goes black. The title shows and
then the black fades to a girl reading her dairy. The is a fade into the
words to show there is about the be a flash back. There is a flash
back of two little kids at the pool. The are talking and suddenly the
girl admits her feelings for the little boy. He tells her he doesnt feel
the same. She's upset and she looks down. The little boy then say I
will also tell you a secret..  I can not swim. The film opening ends
when the little girl looks around and then pushes him into the pool.
Smiles and walks away.

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Film plan

  • 2. To achieve a film that will fit into this sub genre it will need to portray a type of psycho concept. This could include a character that is either male or female. To achieve a film that is appropriate for my target audience.
  • 3. Teenagers aged 15-19 The age cap for this movie is 15. this is because the movie will include blood and violence and is not suitable for the younger years.
  • 4. Film plot This film is psychological. I will show this through obsession. The main character will be a boy to break stereotype. The film opening will start with the a long shot of two houses. It then zooms into the houses and the audience can see that the windows are opposite each other meaning the characters can look into each others windows. A girl is staring directly a head at the window in front of her. There is a close up of her face. Her expression remains straight and then she smiles. The camera then shows what she is smiling at. The window in front of her is open and inside there is a boy sleeping on his bed undressed. The screen then goes black. The title shows and then the black fades to a girl reading her dairy. The is a fade into the words to show there is about the be a flash back. There is a flash back of two little kids at the pool. The are talking and suddenly the girl admits her feelings for the little boy. He tells her he doesnt feel the same. She's upset and she looks down. The little boy then say I will also tell you a secret.. I can not swim. The film opening ends when the little girl looks around and then pushes him into the pool. Smiles and walks away.