Personal Information
Organization / Workplace
Tampin Village, Negeri Sembilan, Malaysia
Head of center
thanK to tiz page for giVing me an OpPorTunitY to telling aBout mYself...<3
m a active teenager..:)
but..stressful N hoT tEmpereD...:(
i lyk to talk alot 8)
BuT polite....:P
M doinG deGree in BuSineSS StuDies RyT noW...o:)
hoWever, My amBitiON is doCtoR..<3
bUt ThN, mosT pRobAbLy i m GoNNa dO pHysioTheRapy aS sOOn aS pOssIbLe...<3
aLL iS uP tO GoD...
I hArmLy pRayInG foR iT...:'(
dEar FrenZ...LeTs ChAt N
eXchAngE ouR KnoWleDgE!!!
LeTs sHare our hApiNess N sAdneSS...<3 <3 <3
lasT buT noT LeaSt, I 4geT 2 SaY tAt I luV mY fAmilY moRe thN mYselF...<3
Users following Vanithaa Selvarajah