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Noida, India
the shit u hear about meh mite b true... but then again...it cud b as fake as the bitch who told u...i dont give any reason for any1 2 hate meh...they create their own litle drama of pure jealousy!!! g留 于仄 ?...s僚 旅... 仆旅亳从 旅仄 皕旅亳 ?...旅 仄 s仆 留蔵... 蔵留亳 s留亳 仄 ?...s旅 亳... 蔵留亳 留蔵 仄 ?...磷 蔵从 留亳... 僚 仄 o 仆留 仄 ?...旅仆 留, 仆旅亳从旅亳 留于 仄... 仆旅亳从 旅仄 g ?... 亳 从 留 仄... 亳 旅从 仄 s ?...i 亳 旅从 s 旅仆.. 蔵留亳 s留