Enthusiastic IT professional with over 10 years experience across a range of technologies, who enjoys the challenge of solving complex technical issues.
Technical Skill Summary:
NCDA Certification (Data OnTap 8.1 7-Mode) - Obtained Sept 2014
NCDA Certification (Data OnTap 7.3) - Obtained July 2012
On Command Unified Manager Administration (Course) - Sept 2014
Clustered Data ONTAP Troubleshooting Fundamentals (Course) - May 2014
Design and Implement Virtualization Solutions on NetApp Storage (Course) – April 2013
Clustered Data ONTAP Administration (Course) - Mar 2013
Data OnTap 7.x, 8.x 7-Mode, 8.x Cluster Mode, Snap Mirror, Snap Vault, Snap Restore, CIFS, iSCSI, NFS, Multi Store (vF...