This document discusses the key elements needed for a self-replicating machine based on the bacterial model of reproduction. It proposes an aquatic environment for the machine, called Aquaself, that would use color sensors and beating appendages to gather parts from the water and assemble copies of itself. Energy would come from solar or hydrokinetic sources, and heavier components would keep the machines upright during replication. Communities could form and later disperse as energy levels change.
2. ‘Onmodels of reproduction’byHomer JacobsonMusthavethefollowingelements:Environment, wherepartsfreelycirculateAdequatesupply of partsSource of energytoassemblythepartsAnassembledproto-individual (musttakethepartsfromenvironmenttohaveitsowncopy)
3. Analogousto bacteriaGrowth and reproduction.Bacteria, in optimalconditions, grow and divide rapidly..Can grow in solidorliquidarea..Follows 3 phasesforgrowth and reproduction:1 lagphase: slowgrowth, adaptationtohighnutrientenvironment and prepare tofastgrowth2 logarithmicphase: exponentialgrowthuntil a lack of one of thenutrientslimitsgrowth3 stationaryphase: no nutrients, bacteria cannotcontinueto produce indefinitely.
4. Analogousto bacteriaMovement and arrangement(1st kind: Flagella)Bacteria rotate clockwisecounter-clockwise creates a torqueLong thin structures to propel themselves Examples of bacterial flagella arrangement schemes
5. Analogousto bacteriaMovement and arrangement(2nd kind: Cilium)Cilium can change its direction and beat forward, going backward. It can turn and take different directions thanks to its structure.
8. EnvironmentChosen: WaterReasons:.Option to follow the water direction without using so much energy. ‘Less crowded’ . Not so many intelligent species capable to destroy or get rid of machines..Less human interference.Chance to choose state of water (liquid or solid?) …should choose liquid because of a temperature reading. T° = movement.Easier interaction between machines
9. Sensors and materials(option1).Sensors: possibility to recognize % of elements in each part of the machine..Example. Left arm has X% of Al, Y% of Cu, whereas right arm has Z% of Al and N% of Cu..% of basic elements might help identify which part it is, shape, size, weight and the correct steps to follow for the reproduction.
10. Sensors and colors(option2).Sensors: possibility to recognize colors .Relation between a part of the machine and a range of colors thanks to the PANTONE codes, where almost 3000 colors can be found. example: from code 1767 to 1777 it is considered red and it is the left arm, from code 1867 to 1877 it is considered yellow and it is the right arm).Colors might help identify which part it is, shape, size, weight and the correct steps to follow for the reproduction (1stgreen body, 2ndred left arm, 3rdyellow right arm, etc.)
11. AquaselfSensorysystemtoidentifyparts(color), location, orderSource of energyMovement (beating)Use of rubberto catch parts (friction)Heavierzonetoavoid frontal sinkingup-downrigh-leftArmstoavoidinterferencewithrocksorany material in water, and tocarryparts of the machine.