San Francisco Bay Area, Pennsylvania United States
Software Engineer at Vendavo | Aspiring Product Manager
Technology / Software / Internet
I have found myself to be natural and most productive, when I am creating new products and solving real life problems, whether it was creating a digital marketing plan for the school that I studied in or developing a mobile application to help students track their deadlines better.
Skills snapshot:
â–ºLanguages:- Java, Objective-C, SQL, HTML5, CSS3 & JavaScript
â–ºTesting Frameworks: Junit, Spock, Mockito
â–ºFrameworks: Grails, Spring
â–ºData Processing & Analysis:- Excel (Risk Solver), SPSS
â–ºDatabase:- Oracle, SQLite
â–ºDevelopment IDEs:- IntelliJ IDEA, Eclipse, ADT, Xcode
â–ºOperating system:- Windows, Mac & Linux
â–ºFavorite Management subjects:-
Economics, Marketing, Marketing Research, Strategi...