... living life to the fullest...
enj0ying every sec0nd G0d has given me..
> I'm n0t perfect,but trying to be real....
>n0t beautiful but cool. .
>N0t intelligent but my £0rd's wisd0m is sufficient en0ugh f0r me to understand and go on in the j0urney of what we called life.
I Like people who are:
maBait,friendly,g0d fEAring,maCHika (in sh0rt taBIAN),open mindEd.
My dislikes
eg0centric people, , arR0gant, ,greeDY . .atTENTI0n seeker. . .
,.i want to graduate and be a liscenseD teaCHER.
,.i want to be an effEctive biology teaCHER.
,.i want to go to boracay
,.i want to meET avril lavigne
,.i want to experience being a missi0nary in india.
,.i want to ridE a h0rse alL by myself ..