In this fourteenth chapter of Ashtavakra Gita, the seeker king Janak explains his inner state after he realised the benefits of becoming choice-less, target-less in life.
In Chapter 1, sage Ashtavakra answers some questions raised by his disciple king Janak on knowledge, freedom and detachment. In the process he also answers one of our most difficult question i.e. Who Am I ?
Ashtavakra Gita Chapter 9 - Life is Always UncertainVinod Kad
In this ninth chapter of Ashtavakra Gita, the seer Ashtavakra explains in detail the nature of this world this life which is always uncertain, unpredictable, unstable and unreliable. He also gives a way out of this uncertainty.
Ashtavakra Gita Chapter 16 - Forget everything except your SelfVinod Kad
In this 16th chapter of Ashtavakra Gita, sage Ashtavakra again and again tries to bring back to him Self. He emphasises that you can forget everything else in this world except your Self. Remembering, staying within your Self protects you from everything in life and keeps you happy, stable and fulfilled.
Ashtavakra Gita Chapter 15 - You are neither body nor mindVinod Kad
In the 15th Chapter of Ashtavakra Gita, sage Ashtavakra explains that your true identity is neither your body nor your mind. You are beyond your mind and your mind (i.e. thoughts, views, feelings..). Even this much realisation will free you from everything.
Ashtavakra Gita Chapter 11 - The Road to PeaceVinod Kad
In this eleventh chapter of Ashtavakra Gita, the seer Sage Ashtavakra explains the nature of our worries and the way out to rest in permanent peace by realising our already always peaceful Self.
Ashtavakra Gita - Chapter 3 - Test of the SeekerVinod Kad
In this third chapter the sage Ashtavakra tests his disciple with interesting questions about authenticity of experiences of one-ness as narrated by the seeker King Janak in chapter 2.
Ashtavakra Gita Chapter 12 - Fed Up With EverythingVinod Kad
In this chapter of Ashtavakra Gita, the seeker King Janak explains how he got fed up with everything in this world and then finally got back to him Self which is always available, always fresh, always stable.
Ashtavakra Gita Chapter 20 - Ecstasy is InexplicableVinod Kad
The seeker tries every possible way to express his inner ecstasy after realising him Self but finally gives up saying that this inner ecstasy, this never ending, inexhaustible Self is simply impossible to express in words. So he ends this wonderful dialogue with these words - " Nothing can be said any more".
Ashtavakra Gita Chapter 10 - Desires are the Real BondageVinod Kad
In this tenth chapter of Ashtavakra Gita, the seer Ashtavakra explains that our real bondage is our desires. Desires bind us with this multi-dimensional and uncertain world. If we can somehow get rid of our desires and be desire-less then life will become so easy and blissful for us.
Ashtavakra Gita Chapter 19 - State of EcstasyVinod Kad
Having heard, understood and experienced the teachings of his Guru, the seeker King Janak finally realises him Self and explains his inner ecstasy in this 19th chapter of Ashtavakra Gita.
This handwritten book is hindi translation from Sanskrit of a wonderful dialogue between Sage Ashtavakra and King Janak on topics like Freedom, Ultimate Knowledge, Self Realisation, Way to Peace, virtues of patience and answer to the Ultimate Question Who Am I. To know more about this book you can contact its author Vinod Kad at
Ashtavakra Gita Chapter 18 - Wonders of PatienceVinod Kad
In this 18th chapter of Ashtavakra Gita, the sage Ashtavakra gives us 100 verses to clear our doubts about various problems of life. If you can understand and practice even half of these verses, you will change forever, you will regain your Self.
Ashtavakra Gita Chapter 17 - Behaviour of a Free ManVinod Kad
In this 17th chapter of Ashtvakra Gita, the sage explains in detail the behaviour, character and nature of a person who is truly Free. He is beyond dualities of life, he is free from mind, free from his thoughts.
O documento discute aplicativos para iOS, come巽ando com um breve hist坦rico da Apple e do crescimento de seus dispositivos m坦veis. Em seguida, apresenta 5 aplicativos recomendados: 1) Voice Recognition - Recorder & Translator para reconhecimento de voz, 2) First Aid by American Red Cross com informa巽探es de primeiros socorros, 3) Figure 1 para compartilhamento de imagens m辿dicas, 4) Dashlane como gerenciador de senhas e 5) Accuradio para streaming de m炭sica.
Ashtavakra Gita - Chapter 3 - Test of the SeekerVinod Kad
In this third chapter the sage Ashtavakra tests his disciple with interesting questions about authenticity of experiences of one-ness as narrated by the seeker King Janak in chapter 2.
Ashtavakra Gita Chapter 12 - Fed Up With EverythingVinod Kad
In this chapter of Ashtavakra Gita, the seeker King Janak explains how he got fed up with everything in this world and then finally got back to him Self which is always available, always fresh, always stable.
Ashtavakra Gita Chapter 20 - Ecstasy is InexplicableVinod Kad
The seeker tries every possible way to express his inner ecstasy after realising him Self but finally gives up saying that this inner ecstasy, this never ending, inexhaustible Self is simply impossible to express in words. So he ends this wonderful dialogue with these words - " Nothing can be said any more".
Ashtavakra Gita Chapter 10 - Desires are the Real BondageVinod Kad
In this tenth chapter of Ashtavakra Gita, the seer Ashtavakra explains that our real bondage is our desires. Desires bind us with this multi-dimensional and uncertain world. If we can somehow get rid of our desires and be desire-less then life will become so easy and blissful for us.
Ashtavakra Gita Chapter 19 - State of EcstasyVinod Kad
Having heard, understood and experienced the teachings of his Guru, the seeker King Janak finally realises him Self and explains his inner ecstasy in this 19th chapter of Ashtavakra Gita.
This handwritten book is hindi translation from Sanskrit of a wonderful dialogue between Sage Ashtavakra and King Janak on topics like Freedom, Ultimate Knowledge, Self Realisation, Way to Peace, virtues of patience and answer to the Ultimate Question Who Am I. To know more about this book you can contact its author Vinod Kad at
Ashtavakra Gita Chapter 18 - Wonders of PatienceVinod Kad
In this 18th chapter of Ashtavakra Gita, the sage Ashtavakra gives us 100 verses to clear our doubts about various problems of life. If you can understand and practice even half of these verses, you will change forever, you will regain your Self.
Ashtavakra Gita Chapter 17 - Behaviour of a Free ManVinod Kad
In this 17th chapter of Ashtvakra Gita, the sage explains in detail the behaviour, character and nature of a person who is truly Free. He is beyond dualities of life, he is free from mind, free from his thoughts.
O documento discute aplicativos para iOS, come巽ando com um breve hist坦rico da Apple e do crescimento de seus dispositivos m坦veis. Em seguida, apresenta 5 aplicativos recomendados: 1) Voice Recognition - Recorder & Translator para reconhecimento de voz, 2) First Aid by American Red Cross com informa巽探es de primeiros socorros, 3) Figure 1 para compartilhamento de imagens m辿dicas, 4) Dashlane como gerenciador de senhas e 5) Accuradio para streaming de m炭sica.
O documento discute os fundamentos da engenharia gen辿tica, incluindo o que 辿 engenharia gen辿tica, clonagem molecular, isolamento de DNA, vetores e c辿lulas hospedeiras. A engenharia gen辿tica envolve a manipula巽達o do material gen辿tico atrav辿s de t辿cnicas como isolamento, c坦pia e recombina巽達o de genes.
Pd Working In Canada Tool Factsheet Bilingual E9ocasiconference
wozdaz ist ein Second Screen Reiseportal. Wir verkaufen Reisen, die zu den laufenden TV-Programminhalten passen. "Egal, welchen Film oder welche Serie Sie gerade kucken, wir haben die passende Reise dort hin."
Mashups s達o novas aplica巽探es web que combinam conte炭dos de diferentes fontes para criar servi巽os inovadores e independentes de plataforma. Eles se baseiam nos princ鱈pios da Web 2.0 de remixagem e distribui巽達o direta de dados para oferecer servi巽os e n達o pacotes de software. Exemplos populares incluem mashups de not鱈cias, pesquisa, fotos, mapas e v鱈deo.
Este documento descreve os servi巽os de uma ag棚ncia de publicidade e marketing digital. Ele destaca que a ag棚ncia usa a criatividade e tecnologia para desenvolver solu巽探es de comunica巽達o online personalizadas para seus clientes. Tamb辿m lista exemplos de logotipos, sites e campanhas de e-mail marketing que a ag棚ncia criou para v叩rios clientes de diferentes setores.
O documento discute aplicativos para iOS, come巽ando com um breve hist坦rico da Apple e do crescimento de seus dispositivos m坦veis. Em seguida, apresenta 5 aplicativos recomendados: 1) Voice Recognition - Recorder & Translator para reconhecimento de voz, 2) First Aid by American Red Cross com informa巽探es de primeiros socorros, 3) Figure 1 para compartilhamento de imagens m辿dicas, 4) Dashlane como gerenciador de senhas e 5) Accuradio para streaming de m炭sica.
Presentation of both works: Facilita: reading assistance for the functionally illiterate and Adapting Web Content by Using Lexical Elaboration and Named Entities Labeling. Presented on W4A 2010 by Willian Massami Watanabe.
O documento discute sexualidade e cidadania, abordando como o patriarcado e heterosexismo levam discrimina巽達o contra pessoas gay, l辿sbicas e trans. O apresentador Danilo da Silva fala sobre esses t坦picos e como eles afetam a cidadania dessas pessoas.
Google Glass Meetup 2/3 - 9 D辿cembre 2013Glasscamp
Nous avons le plaisir de vous annoncer le second meetup d'une s辿rie de 3 meetup qui visent vous permettre de ma樽triser totalement l'environnement des Glass avant le Hackaton pr辿vu du 17 au 19 Janvier 2014 (plus d'infos venir sur ce sujet tr竪s prochainement).
Google Glass France repr辿sente la premi竪re communaut辿 en Europe autour de Google Glass. Cette communaut辿 porte un nom, elle s'appelle Glass Camp, son objectif : l'exploration des Google Glass et la cr辿ation de nouvelles applications.
Este artigo apresenta algumas formas de utiliza巽達o das c但meras de v鱈deos
acopladas a computadores, as webcams, na educa巽達o sob a 坦tica do
apoio ao professor, aos processos pedag坦gicos e de apoio ao aluno. Discute o uso de tal tecnologia para a verifica巽達o da motiva巽達o entre outros aspectos afetivos. A base que fundamenta esta discuss達o est叩 no fato de que os estados afetivos do aluno podem contribuir com a aprendizagem. O modelo de reconhecimentos de emo巽探es atrav辿s do mapeamento de express探es faciais proposto por Ekman 辿 apresentado e sua aplica巽達o nas 叩reas da Computa巽達o Afetiva e da Educa巽達o 辿 observada sob o ponto de vista das tecnologias envolvidas e principalmente das perspectivas que esta forma de intera巽達o pode suscitar.
Palavras-chave: Computa巽達o Afetiva, Reconhecimento de Emo巽探es em Express探es Faciais, Educa巽達o.
The use of the webcam in Education
Abstract: This paper presents some ways of using video cameras
coupled with computers, the webcams, in education from the perspective of
teacher support, pedagogical process and student support. It discusses the use of such technology for the verification of motivation and other affective aspects. The fundament about this discussion is based on the fact that affective states can contribute to the learning. The model of recognition of emotions by mapping facial expressions proposed by Ekman is presented and the application in Affective Computing and Education are observed from the point of view of the technologies involved and especially the outlook that such interaction can generate.
Keywords: Affective Computing, Recognition Emotions in Facial Expressions, Education.
O documento discute diferentes tipos de mapas art鱈sticos, incluindo mapas emocionais, sonoros e mentais. V叩rios projetos s達o apresentados, como o New York Sound Map, que mapeia sons gravados em Nova York, e o Greenwich Emotion Map, que mapeia respostas fisiol坦gicas em Greenwich. O documento explora como os mapas podem ser usados como instrumentos criativos.
O documento apresenta um m辿todo para detec巽達o de landmarks faciais baseado em informa巽探es locais. Descreve a detec巽達o da face e regi探es faciais usando o m辿todo de Viola-Jones e o pr辿-processamento das regi探es dos olhos, sobrancelhas e boca. Tamb辿m apresenta resultados experimentais comparando o m辿todo proposto com Active Shape Model e aplica巽探es como express達o facial, anima巽達o e identifica巽達o de pessoas.
Welche neuen Spickmethoden werden aufgrund elektronischer Gadgets m旦glich? Wie erkenne ich modernes Spicken und was ist dagegen zu tun? Wie kann ich Aufgabenstellungen / die Pr端fungskonzeption ver辰ndern, damit modernes Spicken wirkungslos wird?
Este documento discute como o Projeto de Lei 7735/2014 amea巽a os direitos dos povos ind鱈genas e comunidades locais reconhecidos pela Conven巽達o da Biodiversidade, incluindo o consentimento pr辿vio informado e a reparti巽達o justa de benef鱈cios. O projeto de lei foi elaborado com influ棚ncia de setores empresariais e excluiu a participa巽達o dessas comunidades.
Sistema de Reconhecimento de Placas de Carro (Brasil) - Vis達o Computacional/O...Richiely Paiva
Este documento discute um sistema de reconhecimento 坦ptico de caracteres (OCR) para reconhecer placas de ve鱈culos. Ele apresenta os m辿todos necess叩rios como binariza巽達o, segmenta巽達o, template matching e reconhecimento de caracteres. O documento tamb辿m resume artigos relacionados e demonstra os processos de isolamento da placa e extra巽達o do texto, incluindo binariza巽達o, eros達o, dilata巽達o e suaviza巽達o da imagem.
Sistema de Reconhecimento de Placas de Carro (Brasil) - Vis達o Computacional/O...Richiely Paiva
Ashtavakra Gita - Chapter 14
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