I m quite cool and frndly to all and i love to spend my leisure time with my frnds.........Among the ones whom GOD HATES , He hates me the MOST
RisK Is mY busineSS
DangeR Is mY Game
Don't PlaY wiD Me
BecoZ KiLLer Is mY NamE
"Guts win more games than ability"
"An ounce of PERFORMANCE is lot more than a pound of PROMISES"
"Learn from the mistakes of others, because you certainly cannot live long enough to make them all yourself."
"Dont let someone become a PRIORITY in ur life when u r just an OPTION in their LIFE"
I do wat i believe and i believe wat i do!!!
Stubborn..senseful..Dynamic... recalcitrant,altruistic....... capricious
I strongly feel!
LIFE is not the