An interface is where two systems or elements interact. All interfaces can be designed or improved to be functional, reliable, usable, and pleasant without compromising usability. Personality can be manifested in an interface through visual design, copy, and interactions. Creating a design persona with traits, a personality map, voice examples and copy helps design a consistent interface. Examples were provided.
23. Details are amazing thingsthe smell of fresh cookies,
dimmable lights, a wireless Internet connection, automobile
seat warmersthey make our lives better and easier. Even
the simplest attribute has the power to transform something
from the mundane into the unforgettable. They make us
smile, curse or call our mother. At days end, its the details
that we cant stop thinking about.
Able Design on the Squared Eye Branding
25. Design Persona
Following a similar structure as a user persona, you can 鍖esh out the
personality of your design by creating a design persona. Personality
can manifest itself in an interface through visual design, copy, and
interactions. A design persona describes the methods of channeling
personality in each of these areas, and will help a team of web
professionals construct a uni鍖ed and consistent result. .