This document discusses a historical facts social media strategy across multiple European countries. It outlines objectives to communicate with the largest number of potential users on Facebook, targeting over 105 million users across Germany, Austria, Belgium, France, the Netherlands and Luxembourg. It also discusses using Twitter to communicate with journalists in these countries, targeting 19 million users. Additionally, it mentions using YouTube to offer strong visual content to as many users as possible in Germany and France.
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Country Facebook active users Twitter
Germany 25.33 million 2.4 million
Austria 2.93 million 0.085 million
Belgium 5 million 1.1 million
France 28 million 2.3 million
Netherlands 8 million 3.3 million
Luxembourg 0.22 million Unknown
United Kingdom 36 million 10 million
Total 105 million 19 million
34. Used languages: FR ¨C EN ¨C NL ¨C DE
Potential target group: 105 million users in the selected countries
Objective: communicate to largest number of people possible
Used languages: EN + languages used by partners
Potential target group: 19 million
Objective: communicate to journalists
Used languages: FR ¨C EN ¨C NL - DE
Potential target group: 19 million
Objective: Offer strong visual content to largest
number of people possible
Last weekend the large-scale reconstruction of the Battle of WTL took place.
Who was there? I guess you heard about it, it was all over the news.
Challenge to come up with some insights just a few days after this event.
I will highlight our SOME strategy and tactics.