Metal freak..!!
Things that went down in history on 21st JANUARY...
1077 - German King Heinrich IV petitions Pope
Gregory VII for forgiveness
1189 - Philip II, Henry II & Richard Lion hearted
initiate 3rd Crusade
1276 - Pierre de Tarantaise elected Pope
Innocence V
1287 - The treaty of San Agayz is signed. Minorca
is conquered by King Alfons III of Aragon.
1324 - Zen Buddhist religious debate between
Tendai & Shingon
1522 - Head inquisitor Adrian Florisz Boeyens
elected pope
1525 - The Swiss Anabaptist Movement is born
when Conrad Grebel, Felix Manz, George
Blaurock, and about a dozen others baptize each
other in the home of Manz's mother in Zürich,
breaking a thousand-year tradition of c