06 module catalyst 1900 switch operationsAsif- The document describes Catalyst 1900 switch operations including layer 2 switching technologies, default configuration, configuration of IP addresses, ports, and MAC address tables. It also covers spanning tree protocol and port security configuration.
05 module managing your network enviornmentAsifUpon reading the document, the key steps in a router's start-up process can be summarized as follows:
1. When power is applied, the router performs a power-on self-test and loads the bootstrap code from ROM to initialize hardware and find the IOS image.
2. The IOS image is then loaded from flash memory or another source such as TFTP into RAM where it is decompressed and executed.
3. The startup configuration is loaded, typically from NVRAM. If no configuration is present, the router enters setup mode to configure initial settings.
10 moduleAsifThe document discusses using access lists to filter IP traffic passing through a router. It describes the different types of access lists (standard and extended), how to configure them to allow or deny traffic based on source/destination addresses and protocols, and how to apply them to interfaces to filter incoming or outgoing traffic.
12 moduleAsifThe document discusses establishing point-to-point serial connections using HDLC and PPP encapsulation. It describes how to configure HDLC and PPP protocols on a serial WAN connection, including configuring authentication methods like PAP and CHAP. It also provides instructions on verifying proper HDLC and PPP configuration on serial interfaces.
TMPC Leaders Trainingkarenal69This document provides an overview and instructions for running The Marriage Preparation Course (TMPC). It includes:
1) An introduction to TMPC which aims to help engaged couples build foundations for lifelong marriage through video sessions and meetings with support couples.
2) Details on the typical TMPC schedule which includes introductory sessions, video sessions, meetings with support couples, and a concluding party.
3) Guidance for support couples on their role in meeting with engaged couples to discuss relationship assessments and model healthy marriages.
Configuraton of standard access list and extented access lisAsifThis document discusses IP standard and extended access lists. IP standard access lists use numbers 1-99 to filter based on source IP addresses. Extended IP access lists use numbers 100-199 to filter on source/destination IP addresses, protocol, and port numbers. Access lists are applied to interfaces to filter inbound or outbound traffic.
Module 1AsifThis document describes the roles and functions of different layers in the OSI model. It explains that the access layer is the entry point for end stations to the network. The distribution layer aggregates traffic from the access layer. The core layer provides fast transport across the enterprise with no packet manipulation. It also summarizes that hubs operate at the physical layer, switches and bridges at the data link layer, and routers at the network layer.
Ip addressesAsifThere are two main types of addresses used in networking: IP addresses and MAC addresses. IP addresses are assigned to devices using TCP/IP and allow devices to communicate on an IP network or the Internet. They consist of a network portion and host portion. MAC addresses are unique identifiers assigned to network interfaces.
08 module interconnecting cisco routerAsifThis document provides an overview of the TCP/IP protocol stack. It describes the layers of the TCP/IP model including the application layer (FTP, SMTP, etc.), transport layer (TCP, UDP), internet layer (IP, ICMP), and link layer (ARP, RARP). It explains the functions of TCP and UDP, IP datagrams, ICMP messages, and ARP/RARP address resolution.
06 module catalyst 1900 switch operationsAsif- The document describes Catalyst 1900 switch operations including layer 2 switching technologies, default configuration, configuration of IP addresses, ports, and MAC address tables. It also covers spanning tree protocol and port security configuration.
05 module managing your network enviornmentAsifUpon reading the document, the key steps in a router's start-up process can be summarized as follows:
1. When power is applied, the router performs a power-on self-test and loads the bootstrap code from ROM to initialize hardware and find the IOS image.
2. The IOS image is then loaded from flash memory or another source such as TFTP into RAM where it is decompressed and executed.
3. The startup configuration is loaded, typically from NVRAM. If no configuration is present, the router enters setup mode to configure initial settings.
10 moduleAsifThe document discusses using access lists to filter IP traffic passing through a router. It describes the different types of access lists (standard and extended), how to configure them to allow or deny traffic based on source/destination addresses and protocols, and how to apply them to interfaces to filter incoming or outgoing traffic.
12 moduleAsifThe document discusses establishing point-to-point serial connections using HDLC and PPP encapsulation. It describes how to configure HDLC and PPP protocols on a serial WAN connection, including configuring authentication methods like PAP and CHAP. It also provides instructions on verifying proper HDLC and PPP configuration on serial interfaces.
TMPC Leaders Trainingkarenal69This document provides an overview and instructions for running The Marriage Preparation Course (TMPC). It includes:
1) An introduction to TMPC which aims to help engaged couples build foundations for lifelong marriage through video sessions and meetings with support couples.
2) Details on the typical TMPC schedule which includes introductory sessions, video sessions, meetings with support couples, and a concluding party.
3) Guidance for support couples on their role in meeting with engaged couples to discuss relationship assessments and model healthy marriages.
Configuraton of standard access list and extented access lisAsifThis document discusses IP standard and extended access lists. IP standard access lists use numbers 1-99 to filter based on source IP addresses. Extended IP access lists use numbers 100-199 to filter on source/destination IP addresses, protocol, and port numbers. Access lists are applied to interfaces to filter inbound or outbound traffic.
Module 1AsifThis document describes the roles and functions of different layers in the OSI model. It explains that the access layer is the entry point for end stations to the network. The distribution layer aggregates traffic from the access layer. The core layer provides fast transport across the enterprise with no packet manipulation. It also summarizes that hubs operate at the physical layer, switches and bridges at the data link layer, and routers at the network layer.
Ip addressesAsifThere are two main types of addresses used in networking: IP addresses and MAC addresses. IP addresses are assigned to devices using TCP/IP and allow devices to communicate on an IP network or the Internet. They consist of a network portion and host portion. MAC addresses are unique identifiers assigned to network interfaces.
08 module interconnecting cisco routerAsifThis document provides an overview of the TCP/IP protocol stack. It describes the layers of the TCP/IP model including the application layer (FTP, SMTP, etc.), transport layer (TCP, UDP), internet layer (IP, ICMP), and link layer (ARP, RARP). It explains the functions of TCP and UDP, IP datagrams, ICMP messages, and ARP/RARP address resolution.
Twitter and Facebook, 1time Lecture _ in Seoul Women University _ 20101022Chung Hyo Park
트위터와 페이스북 중심,
서울여자대학교 언론홍보학부 10월 22일
강연 내용
By Sociallink (Ronanpark)
2. 1.WEP 마케팅 방향 및 용어정리 2. 네이버블로그 기초셋팅 및 활용 - 블로그 가입 및 설정 - 대문 및 기본화면 설정 - 카테고리 만들기 및 포스팅 - 컨텐츠 계발하기 3. 네이버블로그 활동 - 이웃 맺기 , 포스팅 트위터로 보내기 4. 트위터 - 가입 및 활동 - 그룹 활동하기 목차
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4. 블로그 / 카페 / 파워블로그 N:2850 만개 /781 /786 D: 800 만개 /850 /449 WEP 마케팅 방향 및 용어정리
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6. 네이버블로그 기초셋팅 및 활용 ① ② ③ ④ ⑤ 관리자모드 들어가기 : 블로그 자기소개 아래 [ 관리 ] 클릭 ① 블로그 제목 : 실명 + 아이템 + 공간감을 갖는 장소 ② 프로필과 자기소개 : 실명 / 소속과 직함 + 연락가능 전화번호 + 링크나우 프로필 주소 + 트위터 주소 ③ 카테고리 : 일주일 동안 일정을 살피고 , 3 개에서 최대 5 개를 넘지 않도록 설정 ④ 상단메뉴 : 카테고리를 중요도에 따라서 상단메뉴로 올려서 홈페이지 메뉴처럼 활용