Cube Management is a consulting firm that specializes in sourcing and recruiting top product marketing talent for their clients. They have experience across many industries including consumer packaged goods, retail, telecom, software, medical devices, and more. Their recruitment process involves thoroughly understanding the client's needs, crafting candidate profiles, and using their network and tools to identify and qualify only the top performers who are the best fit for the role and the company culture. Their goal is to eliminate hiring risks and ensure clients bring on marketing professionals who can accelerate sales growth.
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Product Marketing Rectuiting Services
1. Product Marketing Services Product Marketing Experience
Are you confident that your company is optimizing its sales performance That Makes Products & Services
with products that are packaged, positioned and priced the right way? Are Move!
you struggling to solve product management and product marketing
issues and don't know where to begin? Are you gearing up for a new Product Marketing Verticals
product launch, but lack the internal resources to successfully get the
project off the ground? Consumer Packaged Goods
Retail - Cosmetics
You're not alone. And like so many companies in the same shoes, you Retail Grocery Stores
may find that Cube Management can be a cost-effective solution to Retail Dry Foods
finding the top talent that can deliver positive results. Retail Drug Stores
Retail - Merchandise
The Need For Top Product Marketing is Critical Telecom
Industry pundits claim that 9 out of 10 product releases are failures in that Software
they dont meet their goals. There are many reasons for these failures. It Medical Devices
has been long argued that the root cause of most wasted releases can Pharmaceutical
often be traced to how the role of product manager is defined at your Technology
company, and the capabilities of the people you choose for this role. Media
Having the Right Team Consumer Products
So if youre looking to increase sales through effective product marketing Electronics
you need to know that your sales force, marketing group and Healthcare
implementation teams are the best in the industry. Understanding this Energy
complex sales, marketing, and implementation process is tough and few
recruiters specialize in finding the right mix of professionals. Product Marketing Specialists
Product Marketing Professionals Know Cube Management Associate Brand Managers
For years Cube Management has been recognized as a national leader Brand Managers
specializing in the sourcing, screening and securing of top Product Sr. Brand Managers
Marketing talent for our clients. As a result, candidates seek us out Promotion Managers
requesting assistance in their next career move. Our candidate database Product Managers
contains thousands of top product marketing professionals waiting to hear Marketing Managers
about an outstanding career opportunity. In addition, we have one of the Regional Marketing Managers
strongest referral networks in the industry. If we cant find the candidate Directors of Marketing
you are seeking, one of our network recruiting partners are sure to know VP of Marketing
someone that fits your opportunity. Sales Managers
Directors of Sales
Regional Sales Managers
District Sales Managers
Channel Sales Managers
VP of Sales
2. Make Your Products & Services MOVE!
Product Marketing Professionals That Deliver
No More Empty Suits About Cube Management
Lets face it. In todays ultra-competitive marketplace, hiring proven Cube Management provides sales
sales and marketing performers is the key to accelerating your sales acceleration services to emerging growth
growth. Yet many businesses struggle to find and attract the right and mid-market companies in the
people who will make a true impact on their business. They end up technology, manufacturing, healthcare and
hiring people who sell themselves through the interviewing business service sectors. The experts at
process, but arent willing or able to deliver the goods. Sound Cube Management work across the entire
familiar? spectrum of marketing, sales and business
development to provide customized
Sales & Marketing Are All We Do solutions that drive revenue and profit
At Cube Management, we take the guesswork out of making critical growth. Cube Management combines
sales and marketing hires that are essential to achieving business Strategy, Process & People to deliver
success. We know sales and marketing -- its the only things we do. winning results.
We have years of proven success in building and leading winning
teams, in technology, manufacturing, healthcare and business
services. We use industry Best Practices to consistently deliver A
players who take can take your company from also ran to market Office Locations
Corporate Headquarters
Building A Strong Foundation Portland, OR
We start by going in-depth to understand your company, business
model, culture, markets, competition, and sales and marketing
processes. We craft candidate profiles, job descriptions and Regional Offices
interviewing guides that get to the heart of critical elements that will New York, NY
determine success for your business. We also build a story about Columbus, OH
the job opportunity that will attract the best people to your Vancouver, WA
company. Tampa, FL
West Chesterfield, NH
The Right Tools For Each Job
Once weve identified the right profile for your positions, we use
proven methods to identify and approach leading candidates. We 503.572.8187 Voice
research and target specific companies and candidates, through a 503.626.6759 - Fax
combination of focused communications, networking, and direct
approaches. Were also in constant contact with top performers,
subscribe to online search tools and maintain our own extensive
network and talent database.
A Players Only, Please
Once weve attracted top candidates to your opportunity, we use
rigorous behavioral interviewing, performance data gathering and
profiling techniques to fully qualify candidates for each position. We
assign homework and closely watch how they behave through the
interviewing process, which is a good predictor of how they will
perform once they come to work for you. Our multi-phased process
is designed to make sure that only top performers get through it. By
the time we deliver candidates to you, they are fully vetted and
suitable for hire.