IBM Internet of Things Base CampJohn ClarkIBM presented at the Internet of Things World Congress on the topic of IBM's Internet of Things initiatives and technologies. IBM discussed their work in connecting physical assets to the internet and analyzing the data generated to drive new insights and business value. They shared how organizations can harness IoT to transform customer experiences and business models.
Continental schools of thoughts in strategic studies.cliffordcomondiThis ݺߣShare introduces you to the concept strategy and its differences with tactics. It draws the understanding of military theory from ancient Chinese to the 20th century.
4c Hair Chick Media Kit4chairchickTrudy Susan founded 4c Hair Chick in 2011 to provide a online community and resources for women with very curly, tight type 4 hair. She built the platform through social media engagement, growing a Facebook community of over 12,000 members and 7,000 YouTube subscribers in under seven months. 4c Hair Chick serves as the leading online destination for type 4 hair care tips, trends, and inspiration. The platform focuses on celebrating natural beauty and empowering women through its hair education content and community.
Mirror, mirror on the wall - Building a new PHP reflection library (Nomad PHP...James TitcumbHave you ever used PHP’s built in reflection, only to find you can’t do quite what you wanted? What about finding types for parameters or properties? What about reflecting on classes that aren’t loaded, so that you can modify them directly?
Better Reflection is an awesome new library that uses magical time-warp techniques* to improve on PHP’s built-in reflection by providing additional functionality. In this talk we’ll cover what reflection is all about, explore the cool features of Better Reflection already implemented, the difficulties we faced actually writing the thing, and how you can use Better Reflection in your projects to maximise your reflection-fu.
(*actual magic or time-warp not guaranteed)
O smartphone android é muito lentoDo outro lado da barricada1) O documento fornece 10 dicas para acelerar smartphones Android lentos, explicando por que eles ficam lentos com o tempo e como resolver esse problema comum. 2) As dicas incluem limpar aplicativos e armazenamento desnecessários, atualizar para a última versão do Android, e usar um cartão SD. 3) A dica final é restaurar as configurações de fábrica como solução mais drástica se outras dicas não funcionarem.
Some opinions in room 10janeventonSeveral students in Room 10 provide their opinions on the book being read in class. Most find the book boring and want to switch to a new book. Balmeet, Kayla, and Henry specifically find the book boring and say it drags on about finding Lizba's skull. Dylan says he doesn't like books about people's problems. Rhi-anna thinks it's more for older students and boys. Only Freya and Vithurshiya express enjoying aspects of the book and want to keep reading it. Ryedyn dislikes a part that reminds him of being in the hospital.
YeahytgyuyScience is the observation and explanation of natural phenomena through empirical methods like experiments that can be tested by other researchers. The main branches are natural sciences, which study nature, and social sciences, which study human behavior and society. Formal sciences like mathematics use deductive reasoning, and applied sciences like engineering and medicine build upon foundational sciences.
Diploma concursos-versão-final (1)Do outro lado da barricadaEste documento descreve alterações à legislação sobre o recrutamento e mobilidade de professores em Portugal. As principais alterações incluem: 1) Limitar os contratos a termo para professores; 2) Criar um concurso extraordinário para integrar professores com mais de 10 anos de serviço; 3) Clarificar as prioridades do concurso inicial para contratação.
Sales Tax Boot Camp for Zoey PartnersTaxJarWhat Zoey Commerce merchants, developers and partners need to know about sales tax. To learn how to simplify sales tax once and for all, try a 30-day free trial of TaxJar.
Discours sur l'état de la Nation- 2016Thierry RaizerDiscours sur l'état de la Nation prononcé par le Premier ministre, Xavier Bettel, le 26 avril 2016.
0830 q&aspa718The document appears to be a survey collecting information from medical professionals about the countries they practice in, their gender and age, the number of various types of cancer patients they see annually or monthly, and their preferred treatment approaches for multiple myeloma and the goals of that treatment. It asks respondents to select from given options for each question.
Sales Tax Filing Tips for Online SellersTaxJarThis webinar discusses sales tax filing tips for online sellers. It covers finding sales tax filing due dates, which vary by state but are typically monthly, quarterly, or annually. It also discusses how to gather sales and tax data from all sales channels, common mistakes like not collecting tax on all channels, and how to use the TaxJar tool to simplify the filing process. The webinar emphasizes the importance of filing on time to avoid penalties and collecting accurately to avoid audits.
Dip Your Toes in the Sea of Security (DPC 2015)James TitcumbSecurity is an enormous topic, and it’s really, really complicated. If you’re not careful, you’ll find yourself vulnerable to any number of attacks which you definitely don’t want to be on the receiving end of. This talk will give you just a taster of the vast array of things there is to know about security in modern web applications, such as writing secure PHP web applications and securing a Linux server. Whether you are writing anything beyond a basic brochure website, or even developing a complicated business web application, this talk will give you insights to some of the things you need to be aware of.
All about me!ceiliscottgssCeili Nicole Scott was born in Calgary, Alberta. She has a younger brother named Carter and lives with her parents, Thomas and Angela, in Maple Ridge, British Columbia. Ceili enjoys photography, swimming, spending time with family and friends, and traveling. She has visited several places in Canada, the United States, Mexico, and Hawaii. For her future, Ceili wants to be a professional photographer and travel the world taking pictures. In school, she is looking forward to her art rotation class and cooking class, and wants to improve her grades in math and science. Ceili plans to join the volleyball team and swim club at her school.
IBM Internet of Things Base CampJohn ClarkIBM presented at the Internet of Things World Congress on the topic of IBM's Internet of Things initiatives and technologies. IBM discussed their work in connecting physical assets to the internet and analyzing the data generated to drive new insights and business value. They shared how organizations can harness IoT to transform customer experiences and business models.
Continental schools of thoughts in strategic studies.cliffordcomondiThis ݺߣShare introduces you to the concept strategy and its differences with tactics. It draws the understanding of military theory from ancient Chinese to the 20th century.
4c Hair Chick Media Kit4chairchickTrudy Susan founded 4c Hair Chick in 2011 to provide a online community and resources for women with very curly, tight type 4 hair. She built the platform through social media engagement, growing a Facebook community of over 12,000 members and 7,000 YouTube subscribers in under seven months. 4c Hair Chick serves as the leading online destination for type 4 hair care tips, trends, and inspiration. The platform focuses on celebrating natural beauty and empowering women through its hair education content and community.
Mirror, mirror on the wall - Building a new PHP reflection library (Nomad PHP...James TitcumbHave you ever used PHP’s built in reflection, only to find you can’t do quite what you wanted? What about finding types for parameters or properties? What about reflecting on classes that aren’t loaded, so that you can modify them directly?
Better Reflection is an awesome new library that uses magical time-warp techniques* to improve on PHP’s built-in reflection by providing additional functionality. In this talk we’ll cover what reflection is all about, explore the cool features of Better Reflection already implemented, the difficulties we faced actually writing the thing, and how you can use Better Reflection in your projects to maximise your reflection-fu.
(*actual magic or time-warp not guaranteed)
O smartphone android é muito lentoDo outro lado da barricada1) O documento fornece 10 dicas para acelerar smartphones Android lentos, explicando por que eles ficam lentos com o tempo e como resolver esse problema comum. 2) As dicas incluem limpar aplicativos e armazenamento desnecessários, atualizar para a última versão do Android, e usar um cartão SD. 3) A dica final é restaurar as configurações de fábrica como solução mais drástica se outras dicas não funcionarem.
Some opinions in room 10janeventonSeveral students in Room 10 provide their opinions on the book being read in class. Most find the book boring and want to switch to a new book. Balmeet, Kayla, and Henry specifically find the book boring and say it drags on about finding Lizba's skull. Dylan says he doesn't like books about people's problems. Rhi-anna thinks it's more for older students and boys. Only Freya and Vithurshiya express enjoying aspects of the book and want to keep reading it. Ryedyn dislikes a part that reminds him of being in the hospital.
YeahytgyuyScience is the observation and explanation of natural phenomena through empirical methods like experiments that can be tested by other researchers. The main branches are natural sciences, which study nature, and social sciences, which study human behavior and society. Formal sciences like mathematics use deductive reasoning, and applied sciences like engineering and medicine build upon foundational sciences.
Diploma concursos-versão-final (1)Do outro lado da barricadaEste documento descreve alterações à legislação sobre o recrutamento e mobilidade de professores em Portugal. As principais alterações incluem: 1) Limitar os contratos a termo para professores; 2) Criar um concurso extraordinário para integrar professores com mais de 10 anos de serviço; 3) Clarificar as prioridades do concurso inicial para contratação.
Sales Tax Boot Camp for Zoey PartnersTaxJarWhat Zoey Commerce merchants, developers and partners need to know about sales tax. To learn how to simplify sales tax once and for all, try a 30-day free trial of TaxJar.
Discours sur l'état de la Nation- 2016Thierry RaizerDiscours sur l'état de la Nation prononcé par le Premier ministre, Xavier Bettel, le 26 avril 2016.
0830 q&aspa718The document appears to be a survey collecting information from medical professionals about the countries they practice in, their gender and age, the number of various types of cancer patients they see annually or monthly, and their preferred treatment approaches for multiple myeloma and the goals of that treatment. It asks respondents to select from given options for each question.
Sales Tax Filing Tips for Online SellersTaxJarThis webinar discusses sales tax filing tips for online sellers. It covers finding sales tax filing due dates, which vary by state but are typically monthly, quarterly, or annually. It also discusses how to gather sales and tax data from all sales channels, common mistakes like not collecting tax on all channels, and how to use the TaxJar tool to simplify the filing process. The webinar emphasizes the importance of filing on time to avoid penalties and collecting accurately to avoid audits.
Dip Your Toes in the Sea of Security (DPC 2015)James TitcumbSecurity is an enormous topic, and it’s really, really complicated. If you’re not careful, you’ll find yourself vulnerable to any number of attacks which you definitely don’t want to be on the receiving end of. This talk will give you just a taster of the vast array of things there is to know about security in modern web applications, such as writing secure PHP web applications and securing a Linux server. Whether you are writing anything beyond a basic brochure website, or even developing a complicated business web application, this talk will give you insights to some of the things you need to be aware of.
All about me!ceiliscottgssCeili Nicole Scott was born in Calgary, Alberta. She has a younger brother named Carter and lives with her parents, Thomas and Angela, in Maple Ridge, British Columbia. Ceili enjoys photography, swimming, spending time with family and friends, and traveling. She has visited several places in Canada, the United States, Mexico, and Hawaii. For her future, Ceili wants to be a professional photographer and travel the world taking pictures. In school, she is looking forward to her art rotation class and cooking class, and wants to improve her grades in math and science. Ceili plans to join the volleyball team and swim club at her school.
2. Основными объектами документа являются
страница, абзац и символ.
Для каждого из этих объектов необходимо
задать значения параметров форматирования,
которые определяют внешний вид документа.
Документ состоит из страниц, поэтому в
начале работы над документом необходимо
задать значения параметров страницы:
размеры полей, ориентацию листа, размер
3. Выбор параметровВыбор параметров
Для задания параметров страницы, выполняем
команду: Файл – Параметры страницы:Файл – Параметры страницы:
1. Вкладка ПоляПоля – установка
размера верхнего, нижнего,
правого и левого полей
документа в см;
установка ориентации
листа – книжной или
4. 1. Вкладка Размер бумагиРазмер бумаги –
из списка Размер бумаги
выбираем используемый
формат (формат
стандартного листа А4).
6. Используя менюИспользуя меню Формат –Формат –
ШрифтШрифт можно установить:можно установить:
1. Тип шрифта – Times New
Roman, Arial и т.д.
2. Размер шрифта – 12 пт, 14
пт и т. д.
3. Начертание – обычный,
полужирный, курсив,
полужирный курсив.
4. Цвет шрифта
5. Тип подчеркивания –
одинарная, двойная,
волнистая линии и т.д.
6. Видоизменение –
зачеркнутый, надстрочный,
подстрочный, контур, с
тенью и т.д.
7. Используя панельИспользуя панель «Форматирование»«Форматирование»
можно установить:можно установить:
Размер шрифта Подчеркнутый
ПолужирныйТип шрифта
По левому краю По правому краю
По центру По ширине
9. Установка отступа краснойУстановка отступа красной
строки абзацастроки абзаца
1. Установить указатель мыши на верхний
треугольник на горизонтальной линейке.
2. Нажать левую кнопку мыши и не отпуская
переместить треугольник в нужное положение.
10. Установка расстоянияУстановка расстояния
между символамимежду символами
1. Выделить абзац.
2. Выполнить команду
Формат –Формат – ШрифтШрифт –– вкладка
3. В поле ИнтервалИнтервал выбрать
один из режимов: обычный,
разреженный, уплотненный.
4. В поле НаНа установите на
какое количество пунктов
разрежаете или уплотняете
12. Установка рамки на абзацУстановка рамки на абзац
1. Выделить абзац.
2. Выполнить команду
Формат –Формат – Границы иГраницы и
заливка –заливка – вкладка
3.Выбрать тип рамки
(нет, рамка, тень,
объемная); тип, цвет,
ширину линий.
13. Установка рамки наУстановка рамки на
1. Выполнить команду
Формат –Формат – Границы иГраницы и
заливка –заливка – вкладка
3. Выбрать тип рамки
(нет, рамка, тень,
объемная); тип, цвет,
ширину линий или
14. Оформить абзац цветомОформить абзац цветом
1. Выделить абзац.
2. Выполнить команду
Формат –Формат – Границы иГраницы и
заливка –заливка – вкладка
3. Выбрать цвет или
15. Создать список-Создать список-
1. Выделить текст.
2. Выполнить команду Формат –Формат –
3. В окне СписокСписок выбрать одну из
вкладок: маркированный,
нумерованный, многоуровневый.
4. Выбрать нужный вид списка и
нажать ОК.
16. Копирование формата поКопирование формата по
1. Отформатировать фрагмент текста.
2. Выделить отформатированный текст.
3. Дважды щелкнуть на кнопке Копировать форматКопировать формат
- указатель мыши привет форму кисточки.
4. Щелкая мышью на нужных словах, форматируем их
выбранным форматом.
17. Работа с колонкамиРабота с колонками
Для текста газетного типа выполняется набор в несколько
колонок. После заполнения левой колонки по высоте
страницы курсор автоматически переходит в следующую
Любые вставки или удаления текста и графики внутри
колонок автоматически обеспечивают перетекание текста из
колонки в колонку.
Колонки задаются командой Формат- КолонкиФормат- Колонки.
Для перехода из одной колонки в другую выполняется
команда Вставка – Разрыв – Новая колонка.Вставка – Разрыв – Новая колонка.
18. В окнеВ окне КолонкиКолонки можноможно
1. Количество колонок: одна,
две, три и т.д.
2. Ширину каждой колонки
или одинаковую ширину
для всех колонок.
3. Разделительную линию
между колонками.