Clairelle is an unconventional and creative candidate for Booting the Boot. She chased bicycles with her 3-month old baby to support the Boots, and dressed as an elf to protest Christmas in September and support overworked elves. Her innovative ideas include creating a new currency from a by-product to reduce money printing and pollution. She is committed to her values of family, fair work, and British produce.
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2. Maiden SpeechFor me one of the most important personality traits a bootee needs to possess in order to be a top notch Boot is a creative imagination, or in laymans terms to be slightly mad.In the case of my favoured candidate, Clairelle, this is certainly a quality that she has in abundance. During Booting the Boot the fourth Clairelle has shown herself to be a innovative maverick who puts the cause first, this women has no shame when it dealing with matters she truly believes in.This is the Bootee who chased bicycles with her 3 month old baby definitely an example of a slightly touched mind. This was a perfect example of how devoted she is to the Boot, she put her own dignity aside to support the Boots in their quest to regain their health and physical appearance, Clairelle puts others first.Another example of Clairelles unconventional ingenuity was apparent during her campaign against Christmas in September, here her altruism was truly displayed when she dressed as a Christmas elf and carried out her protest in public in an unabashed show of solidarity with the poor elves who are being forced to start working earlier every year.Vote for Clairelle and she will ensure that Booting the Boot the Fifth is the most inventive round yet.
7. FINANCETo tackle the recession & help with environmental issues Clairelles new currency is a by-product so money and pollution is cut as smelting plants are no longer neededThey are one of a kind and in this current climate have a very good exchange rate across the world. One bootbuck coin = 贈5 one bootbuck note = 贈50