Relieve, climas y zonas climáticasMadelman68Sencilla introducción a la formación del relieve, elementos y factores de los climas, y zonas climáticas de la Tierra
5th Annual Conf. | Harnessing community engagement to provide a whole educati...Wholeeducationݺߣs from Candleby Lane's session at our Annual Conference
5th Annual Conf. | Harnessing community engagement to provide a whole educati...Wholeeducationݺߣs from Candleby Lane's session at our Annual Conference
Trout jaspreet singhJaspreet SinghSalmonid fishes viz. pacific salmon (oncorhynchus sp.) Atlantic salmon (Salmo sp.)
Trouts are grown in cold areas of world. Both pacific salmon & Atlantic salmon are Anadromous fishes and they need saline environment for growth.
But trouts can be grown in inland waters.
Contribution of salmonid to global aquaculture production of fishes is next to that of carps. Hundreds of hatcheries operate in several parts of cold areas of the world which are meant not only for providing stocking materials for aqua farms but also for stock enhancement in natural waters through ranching.
Hatcheries of oncorhynchus and Salmo sp.Are engaged in the production of smolt for farming and ranching.Trouts hatcheries are established in several cold regions of the world including India. In India trouts were introduced from other countries. Mahseer found in the cold streams and lakes are endogenous fishes in India.
Tips to Double Your Website Traffic by ChristmasWill HankePresented at the St Louis Small Business Group on October 21, this presentation tackles tips and ideas of things any small business owner can do that will help them get more traffic to their website.
Gizi seimbang untuk_keluargaMaria DewiGizi Seimbang sangat penting untuk mendukung kesehatan keluarga
Balanced nutritition is very important for family healthy