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Middle School Football 2012  What do you need to start practice?
In order to start practice on August 27th, you must have and turn in four items.

  1       A Completed Physical, by a Doctor, dated after 4/15/2012.
Other places to get physicals before August 8th are:

               Dr. Corey Dean
               Haab Health Building                                    Belleville Medical Center
               111 North Huron Street                                  265 Main St.
               Ypsilanti, MI                                           Belleville, MI 48111
               (734) 547-7977                                          (734) 697-9300

                     Hours are M  F, 8  4:30 p.m.                          Open M  Sat, Call in advance
                              Cost is $25

               The Corner Health Center
               47 N. Huron Street
               Ypsilanti, MI 48197                                               Stay Tuned to
               (734) 484-3600                                               www.splitterfootball.com
                                                                for additional opportunities for low cost athletic
                   Hours are M  F, 1  5 p.m. by                                  physicals!
                  Cost is based on your ability to pay.
                                                                                                Frequently Asked

                                                                                               What Equipment Does
          Completed MHSAA Medical History &                                                     the School Provide?
             Parental Consent Forms  Due to Athletic Office!
                                                                                               The school provides ALL
These forms can be found in the high school athletic office, or on our website at             necessary football equipment
www.splitterfootball.com. There is also one attached to this flyer. The athlete and               EXCEPT SHOES!
parental permission signatures, as well as the medical history portion of the form
must be completely filled out.                                                                Football cleats should be all
                                                                                                 or mostly black, with
                                                                                                replaceable style cleats.
  3       Athletic Participation Fees  $100  Due to Athletic Office!
                                                                                                Do not spend money on
Fees must be paid to the athletic office with all forms completed before beginning           excessive wrist bands & straps
official practice on August 27th. Students who qualify for free or reduced lunch only               Most are illegal.
pay $50 for their fees. Insurance fees are no longer required by the school district.
                                                                                              We suggest you dont buy a
Information regarding additional insurance is available in the high school athletic          visor, most block vision  but
office. This fee covers ALL sports for the 2012  2013 school year!                            any visor MUST be clear.

  4       Football Registration Form  $25  Due to Coach Soos!

We need this form to keep track of your contact information, and to ensure your proper sizes.

Your $25 fee to the football program pays for a Spirit Pack (T-Shirt & Shorts) and game socks. Additional
apparel items will also be available, but not required, for purchase.

                  You must have this completed in order to start practice
2012 Football Registration Form  Due to Coach Soos before August 27th!
Contact Info:
                    Name                       Cell Phone              Home Phone                 E-mail Address

Name & Address                                                       Sizes
                _____________________________________________                T-Shirt

Heres what you have to buy$25.
Spirit Pack

            Dri-Fit                            9 Dri-Fit                             One Pair
              T-Shirt                               Shorts                               Royal Blue
             Splitter                            w/Pockets                              Game Socks
          Football Logo                        LR Football
                           T-Shirt                            Shorts                                Game Socks

                                              2012 Calendar  www.splitterfootball.com
August/September 2012
     Sun           Mon                     Tue                      Wed                        Thu                      Fri                   Sat
           27                      28                        29                        30                      31                        1

           Conditioning Week        Conditioning Week         Conditioning Week        Conditioning Week
               4  6 p.m.              4  6 p.m.                 4  6 p.m.              4  6 p.m.
             Practice Fields                                 Equipment Handout 6
            Behind Middle                                           7 p.m.
2          3                       4                         5                         6                        7                        8
                 Labor Day         Regular School Practice   Regular School Practice        Regular School     Regular School Practice
                 No Practice              Schedule                  Schedule               Practice Schedule          Schedule
                                       2:50  5 p.m.             2:50  5 p.m.               2:50  5 p.m.         2:50  5 p.m.

9          10                      11                        12                        13                      14                        15
                Regular School     Regular School Practice   Regular School Practice        Regular School     Regular School Practice
               Practice Schedule          Schedule                  Schedule               Practice Schedule          Schedule
                 2:50  5 p.m.         2:50  5 p.m.             2:50  5 p.m.               2:50  5 p.m.         2:50  5 p.m.

16         17                      18      Game Day          19                        20                      21                        22
                                   Lincoln @ Tecumseh
                Regular School     7th Grade  4:15 p.m.     Regular School Practice        Regular School     Regular School Practice
               Practice Schedule        8th Grade                  Schedule               Practice Schedule          Schedule
                 2:50  5 p.m.       Immediately After           2:50  5 p.m.               2:50  5 p.m.         2:50  5 p.m.
                                         (~6 p.m.)

23         24                      25      Game Day          26                        27                      28                        29
                                    Monroe @ Lincoln
                Regular School     7th Grade  4:15 p.m.     Regular School Practice        Regular School     Regular School Practice
               Practice Schedule        8th Grade                  Schedule               Practice Schedule          Schedule
                 2:50  5 p.m.       Immediately After           2:50  5 p.m.               2:50  5 p.m.         2:50  5 p.m.
                                         (~6 p.m.)

                                             2012 Calendar  www.splitterfootball.com
October 2012
     Sun          Mon                       Tue                     Wed                        Thu                      Fri                   Sat
30         1                         2      Game Day         3                         4                        5                        6
                                      Lincoln @ Bedford
           Regular School Practice   7th Grade  4:15 p.m.   Regular School Practice        Regular School     Regular School Practice
                  Schedule                8th Grade                Schedule               Practice Schedule          Schedule
               2:50  5 p.m.           Immediately After         2:50  5 p.m.               2:50  5 p.m.         2:50  5 p.m.
                                           (~6 p.m.)

7          8                         9      Game Day         10                        11                      12                        13
                                       Adrian @ Lincoln
           Regular School Practice   7th Grade  4:15 p.m.   Regular School Practice        Regular School     Regular School Practice
                  Schedule                8th Grade                Schedule               Practice Schedule          Schedule
               2:50  5 p.m.           Immediately After         2:50  5 p.m.               2:50  5 p.m.         2:50  5 p.m.
                                           (~6 p.m.)

14         15                        16     Game Day         17                        18                      19                        20
                                      Lincoln @ Chelsea
           Regular School Practice   7th Grade  4:15 p.m.   Regular School Practice        Regular School     Regular School Practice
                  Schedule                8th Grade                Schedule               Practice Schedule          Schedule
               2:50  5 p.m.           Immediately After         2:50  5 p.m.               2:50  5 p.m.         2:50  5 p.m.
                                           (~6 p.m.)

21         22                        23     Game Day         24                        25                      26                        27
                                        Saline @ Lincoln
           Regular School Practice   7th Grade  4:15 p.m.
                  Schedule                 8th Grade 
               2:50  5 p.m.           Immediately After
                                            (~6 p.m.)

28         29                        30                      31

                                              2012 Calendar  www.splitterfootball.com

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2012 Middle School Calendar

  • 1. Middle School Football 2012 What do you need to start practice? In order to start practice on August 27th, you must have and turn in four items. 1 A Completed Physical, by a Doctor, dated after 4/15/2012. Other places to get physicals before August 8th are: Dr. Corey Dean Haab Health Building Belleville Medical Center 111 North Huron Street 265 Main St. Ypsilanti, MI Belleville, MI 48111 (734) 547-7977 (734) 697-9300 Hours are M F, 8 4:30 p.m. Open M Sat, Call in advance Cost is $25 The Corner Health Center 47 N. Huron Street Ypsilanti, MI 48197 Stay Tuned to (734) 484-3600 www.splitterfootball.com for additional opportunities for low cost athletic Hours are M F, 1 5 p.m. by physicals! appointment Cost is based on your ability to pay. Frequently Asked 2 What Equipment Does Completed MHSAA Medical History & the School Provide? Parental Consent Forms Due to Athletic Office! The school provides ALL These forms can be found in the high school athletic office, or on our website at necessary football equipment www.splitterfootball.com. There is also one attached to this flyer. The athlete and EXCEPT SHOES! parental permission signatures, as well as the medical history portion of the form must be completely filled out. Football cleats should be all or mostly black, with replaceable style cleats. 3 Athletic Participation Fees $100 Due to Athletic Office! Do not spend money on Fees must be paid to the athletic office with all forms completed before beginning excessive wrist bands & straps official practice on August 27th. Students who qualify for free or reduced lunch only Most are illegal. pay $50 for their fees. Insurance fees are no longer required by the school district. We suggest you dont buy a Information regarding additional insurance is available in the high school athletic visor, most block vision but office. This fee covers ALL sports for the 2012 2013 school year! any visor MUST be clear. 4 Football Registration Form $25 Due to Coach Soos! We need this form to keep track of your contact information, and to ensure your proper sizes. Your $25 fee to the football program pays for a Spirit Pack (T-Shirt & Shorts) and game socks. Additional apparel items will also be available, but not required, for purchase. You must have this completed in order to start practice
  • 2. 2012 Football Registration Form Due to Coach Soos before August 27th! Contact Info: Name Cell Phone Home Phone E-mail Address You Mom/Guardian Dad/Guardian Name & Address Sizes _____________________________________________ Size _____________________________________________ T-Shirt Shorts _____________________________________________ Heres what you have to buy$25. Spirit Pack Dri-Fit 9 Dri-Fit One Pair T-Shirt Shorts Royal Blue Splitter w/Pockets Game Socks Football Logo LR Football Logo T-Shirt Shorts Game Socks 2012 Calendar www.splitterfootball.com
  • 3. August/September 2012 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 27 28 29 30 31 1 Conditioning Week Conditioning Week Conditioning Week Conditioning Week 4 6 p.m. 4 6 p.m. 4 6 p.m. 4 6 p.m. Practice Fields Equipment Handout 6 Behind Middle 7 p.m. School! 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Labor Day Regular School Practice Regular School Practice Regular School Regular School Practice No Practice Schedule Schedule Practice Schedule Schedule 2:50 5 p.m. 2:50 5 p.m. 2:50 5 p.m. 2:50 5 p.m. 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Regular School Regular School Practice Regular School Practice Regular School Regular School Practice Practice Schedule Schedule Schedule Practice Schedule Schedule 2:50 5 p.m. 2:50 5 p.m. 2:50 5 p.m. 2:50 5 p.m. 2:50 5 p.m. 16 17 18 Game Day 19 20 21 22 Lincoln @ Tecumseh Regular School 7th Grade 4:15 p.m. Regular School Practice Regular School Regular School Practice Practice Schedule 8th Grade Schedule Practice Schedule Schedule 2:50 5 p.m. Immediately After 2:50 5 p.m. 2:50 5 p.m. 2:50 5 p.m. (~6 p.m.) 23 24 25 Game Day 26 27 28 29 Monroe @ Lincoln Regular School 7th Grade 4:15 p.m. Regular School Practice Regular School Regular School Practice Practice Schedule 8th Grade Schedule Practice Schedule Schedule 2:50 5 p.m. Immediately After 2:50 5 p.m. 2:50 5 p.m. 2:50 5 p.m. (~6 p.m.) 2012 Calendar www.splitterfootball.com
  • 4. October 2012 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 30 1 2 Game Day 3 4 5 6 Lincoln @ Bedford Regular School Practice 7th Grade 4:15 p.m. Regular School Practice Regular School Regular School Practice Schedule 8th Grade Schedule Practice Schedule Schedule 2:50 5 p.m. Immediately After 2:50 5 p.m. 2:50 5 p.m. 2:50 5 p.m. (~6 p.m.) 7 8 9 Game Day 10 11 12 13 Adrian @ Lincoln Regular School Practice 7th Grade 4:15 p.m. Regular School Practice Regular School Regular School Practice Schedule 8th Grade Schedule Practice Schedule Schedule 2:50 5 p.m. Immediately After 2:50 5 p.m. 2:50 5 p.m. 2:50 5 p.m. (~6 p.m.) 14 15 16 Game Day 17 18 19 20 Lincoln @ Chelsea Regular School Practice 7th Grade 4:15 p.m. Regular School Practice Regular School Regular School Practice Schedule 8th Grade Schedule Practice Schedule Schedule 2:50 5 p.m. Immediately After 2:50 5 p.m. 2:50 5 p.m. 2:50 5 p.m. (~6 p.m.) 21 22 23 Game Day 24 25 26 27 Saline @ Lincoln Regular School Practice 7th Grade 4:15 p.m. Schedule 8th Grade 2:50 5 p.m. Immediately After (~6 p.m.) 28 29 30 31 2012 Calendar www.splitterfootball.com