Each day provides an opportunity to improve oneself or decline, through the decisions made, whether consciously or not. Every player must make a daily commitment to using the current day to better themselves as a person, student, and athlete, rather than worrying about tomorrow. The document asks the reader to consider how they will take advantage of the current day's chance to become the best version of themselves.
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Which Way Today
1. Which Way Today?
Each day contains within it a single chance, either to
get better or to get worse.
You will make a decision today,
whether you know it or not, to step towards or to step
away from your personal goals.
Every player must make a conscious decision every
day that they are going to use the day ahead to make
themselves a better person, a better student, and a
better athlete.
Commit each day to becoming the best you can be. Do
not worry about tomorrow, that opportunity will come
soon enough.
Use today.
Ask yourself, and then ask each other, whether you
will take this days opportunity to make yourself the
best person, student, and athlete that you can.
So I ask you now
Which way today?
Lincoln Football 2012