This document discusses succession planning at Eye Care Centers of America. It provides information on assessing associates' talents, skills, passions, and fit with the organization's values. It also includes data on past turnover rates to project future promotion needs across different positions. Development steps are discussed as well as promotion paths both within individual stores and beyond to other roles in the organization.
Wesley McAhren is seeking a manufacturing engineering role where he can apply his education and experience. He has a dual Bachelor's degree in Industrial Engineering Technology and Supply Chain Management from Purdue University with a 3.52 GPA. His relevant experience includes internships at Textron Systems where he developed process documents and tooling, and at Avalon Precision Metalsmiths where he analyzed casting processes and sourcing costs. He also has skills in various CAD, ERP, and statistical software packages.
Steve Payne completed a 1 hour and 15 minute online course titled "Business Acumen for Project Managers" in April 2017. He received Certificate No. 6756C06297844964A2D78E81642800C6 as proof of completion for this course, which was last updated in June 2017.
Matthew R. Rucinski has extensive experience in mechanical engineering. He received his Bachelor of Science degrees in Mechanical Engineering and Applied Physics from the University of Wisconsin. He has worked as a lab technician, mechanical engineer, and continuous improvement engineer. His skills include CAD, programming, robotics, lean manufacturing, and welding. He is active in professional engineering societies and has led projects involving winglet design, finite element analysis, disc brake design, and an electromagnetic coil gun.
This certificate of attendance acknowledges that Sandeep Birdi attended training from September 21-25, 2015 on the SAP Successfactors Partner Presales Champion Program in Bangalore. The certificate was signed by Norman Ernst, Lead of Partner Enablement for APJ, and Mark Shapcott, Vice President of Partner Development, Expansion and Innovation for APJ.
The document lists 8 competencies that are commonly used in recruitment. These competencies include thoroughly analyzing problems from multiple perspectives, ensuring short term work aligns with long term organizational objectives, effectively planning and prioritizing work, persisting when facing obstacles, adapting well to change, effectively matching people to tasks and responsibilities, promoting cooperation across teams and departments, and clearly communicating orally and in writing to command attention and influence others.
Este documento presenta un an叩lisis de los temas m叩s comentados en Twitter (trending topics) en M辿xico el 15 de noviembre de 2016. Los temas m叩s populares fueron relacionados con la elecci坦n de Donald Trump como presidente de Estados Unidos, incluyendo hashtags como #DesmadreFtTrump y #FrasesParaElMuro. Otros temas populares incluyeron la protesta contra Trump, la reuni坦n entre el presidente mexicano Enrique Pe単a Nieto y Trump, y el partido de f炭tbol entre M辿xico y Estados Unidos. El documento tambi辿n incluye
President Obama's plan focuses on investing in education, research, and clean energy to create jobs; reforming the tax code to pay down the deficit while asking millionaires to pay more; and rebuilding infrastructure by ending wars and using the savings. Key points include creating 1 million manufacturing jobs, doubling exports, cutting the growth of college tuition, and expanding access to affordable health care.
What does it mean to live in a post-truth world? Is a post-truth world functional? This slide set discusses the centrality of truth to our institutions and its crucial significance for education
The document discusses achievement trends in the United States based on NAEP and PISA test results. It finds that while achievement has increased for elementary school students, gains have been smaller for middle and high school students, and U.S. student performance lags behind other developed countries. Achievement gaps between racial and income groups also remain large or have widened. The document suggests current school policies and resource allocation may exacerbate inequality and hinder improvement.
The student loan debt in the United States is between $902 billion and $1 trillion, with $864 billion in federal student loan debt. This amounts to $24,301 per capita in student loan debt. The document discusses the history of student loans and financial aid programs in the U.S. from the 1840s to present. It also examines factors that have caused rising college tuition costs, such as declining state funding and increases in non-academic university spending. Potential solutions discussed include making public colleges free through tax increases and eliminating FAFSA funding for private schools.
Un alpinista se aventur坦 a escalar una monta単a solo y sin preparaci坦n adecuada. Por la noche resbal坦 cerca de la cima y cay坦 colgando de la cuerda que lo amarraba a la monta単a. Gritando por ayuda, una voz le dijo que cortara la cuerda, pero el alpinista se neg坦 y sobrevivi坦. Al d鱈a siguiente lo encontraron congelado a solo dos metros del suelo, aferrado fuertemente a la cuerda que le salv坦 la vida.
El encuentro institucional de lecciones aprendidas de la etapa de formaci坦n de Computadores para Educar en la Regi坦n Nororiente 2 del 2009 se llevar叩 a cabo el 10 y 11 de septiembre. La agenda incluye la apertura, presentaciones sobre el trabajo realizado con CPE, socializaci坦n de experiencias pedag坦gicas y de gesti坦n, demostraciones culturales y cierre del evento.
Plan nacional de desarrollo evolucion de indicadoresdavid_9015
El Plan Nacional de Desarrollo tiene como objetivo establecer lineamientos para el crecimiento y mejoramiento del pa鱈s. Es ejecutado por el Gobierno Nacional y el Departamento Nacional de Planeaci坦n en sectores como seguridad, econom鱈a y participaci坦n ciudadana. El Departamento Nacional de Planeaci坦n se encarga de dirigir el proceso de formulaci坦n del Plan Nacional de Desarrollo y coordinar su ejecuci坦n.
El documento discute c坦mo el cambio clim叩tico est叩 afectando el turismo mundial. Muchos atractivos tur鱈sticos est叩n desapareciendo a medida que las condiciones cambian, pero algunas empresas de turismo est叩n aprovechando las nuevas oportunidades que surgen, como bosques en Groenlandia donde antes solo hab鱈a nieve, al tiempo que educan a los visitantes sobre los problemas ambientales subyacentes.
From 2D Drawings to 3D Navigation networks built with FMESafe Software
This presentation will provide an example of how 2D floorplan drawings can be augmented to generate 3D networks inside buildings. Specifics of the techniques for constructing the network and demonstration of the results will be provided.
The Official State of the Financial Blogosphere - Gregory Go and Ashley JacobsPhilip Taylor
The document discusses the state of the financial blogosphere in 2012. It provides statistics on financial bloggers and their blogs, including the median number of linking domains, Alexa rankings, page views, social media followers, and topics covered. It also examines trends in web browsing behaviors, the rise of mobile usage, and the use of social media platforms like Twitter and Facebook by financial bloggers. The presentation aims to help bloggers understand their readers and how to engage with them across various digital channels.
Para insertar diapositivas en los blogs, primero se deben crear las diapositivas y subirlas a 際際滷Share. Luego, copiar el c坦digo HTML de la etiqueta "embed" y pegarlo en una nueva entrada del blog en modo edici坦n HTML, poniendo el t鱈tulo y publicando la entrada.
The document discusses content marketing and provides an overview of its key concepts. It defines content marketing as the creation and sharing of content to engage consumers. It outlines the benefits of content marketing, including search engine optimization, referral traffic, social media marketing, and reputation management. Additionally, it presents data on the growing use and investment in content marketing. Finally, it describes the content marketing sales funnel and how different types of content can be used at various stages from top to bottom of the funnel.
This document provides an overview of the author's experience in operations management and strategies for leading companies. It includes:
1) Details on the author's experience in the aerospace industry and strategies deployed for leadership engagements, including developing vision and strategies integrated with operations.
2) A framework for driving continuous improvement culture including establishing metrics, roadmaps, and achievement levels for process improvement.
3) Charts and diagrams showing strategic planning processes and linking objectives to lean strategies to establish high performance in organizations.
Shifting the conversation from cost to value! How to gather the right evidenc...Dr. Regis P. Chasse, MBA
For many years, Chief Learning Officers have proudly reported the cost of a learning hour, the ratio of L&D professionals per 1000-employee, or how many people their high-priority programs reached (efficiency); however, many learning executives struggle to articulate the real business value of their learning initiatives. Moving the conversation with stakeholders from a cost perspective to a value perspective is a critical aspect of engaging in rich exchanges with the business and becoming a true business partner.
After a focused effort, Majid Al Futtaims Leadership Institute now uses a pragmatic and cost-effective approach to measure the business impact of learning (effectiveness). The Leadership Institute Framework for Effectiveness Evaluation (LIFE2) will be introduced, supported with real examples from its School of Leadership Development and the School of Analytics & Technology.
Objectives :
Understand the pillars of the Leadership Institute Framework for Effectiveness Evaluation (LIFE2)
Understand the key steps to develop their own measurement approach for a specific program
Understand the importance of post-measurement dialog with the business and follow-though
Gain insights on the Leadership Institute lessons learned while implementing this framework
Target audience: Learning and HR business partners and executives who want to build credibility and trust with the business, and show the business value of their learning initiatives.
Assistant Manager - Operations with nearly 12 years of experience in Call Cen...Abhijit Gupta
Assistant Manager - Operations with 12 years of experience in Evaluating Center performance and ensuring that goals are being met or revised, Monitoring productivity of customer service representatives and generates reports, Determining work procedures, prepares work schedules, and expedites workflow. Identify skill and knowledge gaps, managing and execution of training needs.
Assistant Manager - Operations with nearly 12 years of experience in Call Cen...Abhijit Gupta
Assistant Manager - Operations with 12 years of experience in Evaluating Center performance and ensuring that goals are being met or revised, Monitoring productivity of customer service representatives and generates reports, Determining work procedures, prepares work schedules, and expedites workflow. Identify skill and knowledge gaps, managing and execution of training needs.
The document discusses strategies for Aboriginal recruitment, retention, and employee development. It outlines the role of the Aboriginal Centre of Excellence in providing support and expertise to employers. It also discusses developing bias-free recruitment strategies, retaining employees through cultural awareness and regular feedback, and providing development opportunities such as training and special projects.
What does it mean to live in a post-truth world? Is a post-truth world functional? This slide set discusses the centrality of truth to our institutions and its crucial significance for education
The document discusses achievement trends in the United States based on NAEP and PISA test results. It finds that while achievement has increased for elementary school students, gains have been smaller for middle and high school students, and U.S. student performance lags behind other developed countries. Achievement gaps between racial and income groups also remain large or have widened. The document suggests current school policies and resource allocation may exacerbate inequality and hinder improvement.
The student loan debt in the United States is between $902 billion and $1 trillion, with $864 billion in federal student loan debt. This amounts to $24,301 per capita in student loan debt. The document discusses the history of student loans and financial aid programs in the U.S. from the 1840s to present. It also examines factors that have caused rising college tuition costs, such as declining state funding and increases in non-academic university spending. Potential solutions discussed include making public colleges free through tax increases and eliminating FAFSA funding for private schools.
Un alpinista se aventur坦 a escalar una monta単a solo y sin preparaci坦n adecuada. Por la noche resbal坦 cerca de la cima y cay坦 colgando de la cuerda que lo amarraba a la monta単a. Gritando por ayuda, una voz le dijo que cortara la cuerda, pero el alpinista se neg坦 y sobrevivi坦. Al d鱈a siguiente lo encontraron congelado a solo dos metros del suelo, aferrado fuertemente a la cuerda que le salv坦 la vida.
El encuentro institucional de lecciones aprendidas de la etapa de formaci坦n de Computadores para Educar en la Regi坦n Nororiente 2 del 2009 se llevar叩 a cabo el 10 y 11 de septiembre. La agenda incluye la apertura, presentaciones sobre el trabajo realizado con CPE, socializaci坦n de experiencias pedag坦gicas y de gesti坦n, demostraciones culturales y cierre del evento.
Plan nacional de desarrollo evolucion de indicadoresdavid_9015
El Plan Nacional de Desarrollo tiene como objetivo establecer lineamientos para el crecimiento y mejoramiento del pa鱈s. Es ejecutado por el Gobierno Nacional y el Departamento Nacional de Planeaci坦n en sectores como seguridad, econom鱈a y participaci坦n ciudadana. El Departamento Nacional de Planeaci坦n se encarga de dirigir el proceso de formulaci坦n del Plan Nacional de Desarrollo y coordinar su ejecuci坦n.
El documento discute c坦mo el cambio clim叩tico est叩 afectando el turismo mundial. Muchos atractivos tur鱈sticos est叩n desapareciendo a medida que las condiciones cambian, pero algunas empresas de turismo est叩n aprovechando las nuevas oportunidades que surgen, como bosques en Groenlandia donde antes solo hab鱈a nieve, al tiempo que educan a los visitantes sobre los problemas ambientales subyacentes.
From 2D Drawings to 3D Navigation networks built with FMESafe Software
This presentation will provide an example of how 2D floorplan drawings can be augmented to generate 3D networks inside buildings. Specifics of the techniques for constructing the network and demonstration of the results will be provided.
The Official State of the Financial Blogosphere - Gregory Go and Ashley JacobsPhilip Taylor
The document discusses the state of the financial blogosphere in 2012. It provides statistics on financial bloggers and their blogs, including the median number of linking domains, Alexa rankings, page views, social media followers, and topics covered. It also examines trends in web browsing behaviors, the rise of mobile usage, and the use of social media platforms like Twitter and Facebook by financial bloggers. The presentation aims to help bloggers understand their readers and how to engage with them across various digital channels.
Para insertar diapositivas en los blogs, primero se deben crear las diapositivas y subirlas a 際際滷Share. Luego, copiar el c坦digo HTML de la etiqueta "embed" y pegarlo en una nueva entrada del blog en modo edici坦n HTML, poniendo el t鱈tulo y publicando la entrada.
The document discusses content marketing and provides an overview of its key concepts. It defines content marketing as the creation and sharing of content to engage consumers. It outlines the benefits of content marketing, including search engine optimization, referral traffic, social media marketing, and reputation management. Additionally, it presents data on the growing use and investment in content marketing. Finally, it describes the content marketing sales funnel and how different types of content can be used at various stages from top to bottom of the funnel.
This document provides an overview of the author's experience in operations management and strategies for leading companies. It includes:
1) Details on the author's experience in the aerospace industry and strategies deployed for leadership engagements, including developing vision and strategies integrated with operations.
2) A framework for driving continuous improvement culture including establishing metrics, roadmaps, and achievement levels for process improvement.
3) Charts and diagrams showing strategic planning processes and linking objectives to lean strategies to establish high performance in organizations.
Shifting the conversation from cost to value! How to gather the right evidenc...Dr. Regis P. Chasse, MBA
For many years, Chief Learning Officers have proudly reported the cost of a learning hour, the ratio of L&D professionals per 1000-employee, or how many people their high-priority programs reached (efficiency); however, many learning executives struggle to articulate the real business value of their learning initiatives. Moving the conversation with stakeholders from a cost perspective to a value perspective is a critical aspect of engaging in rich exchanges with the business and becoming a true business partner.
After a focused effort, Majid Al Futtaims Leadership Institute now uses a pragmatic and cost-effective approach to measure the business impact of learning (effectiveness). The Leadership Institute Framework for Effectiveness Evaluation (LIFE2) will be introduced, supported with real examples from its School of Leadership Development and the School of Analytics & Technology.
Objectives :
Understand the pillars of the Leadership Institute Framework for Effectiveness Evaluation (LIFE2)
Understand the key steps to develop their own measurement approach for a specific program
Understand the importance of post-measurement dialog with the business and follow-though
Gain insights on the Leadership Institute lessons learned while implementing this framework
Target audience: Learning and HR business partners and executives who want to build credibility and trust with the business, and show the business value of their learning initiatives.
Assistant Manager - Operations with nearly 12 years of experience in Call Cen...Abhijit Gupta
Assistant Manager - Operations with 12 years of experience in Evaluating Center performance and ensuring that goals are being met or revised, Monitoring productivity of customer service representatives and generates reports, Determining work procedures, prepares work schedules, and expedites workflow. Identify skill and knowledge gaps, managing and execution of training needs.
Assistant Manager - Operations with nearly 12 years of experience in Call Cen...Abhijit Gupta
Assistant Manager - Operations with 12 years of experience in Evaluating Center performance and ensuring that goals are being met or revised, Monitoring productivity of customer service representatives and generates reports, Determining work procedures, prepares work schedules, and expedites workflow. Identify skill and knowledge gaps, managing and execution of training needs.
The document discusses strategies for Aboriginal recruitment, retention, and employee development. It outlines the role of the Aboriginal Centre of Excellence in providing support and expertise to employers. It also discusses developing bias-free recruitment strategies, retaining employees through cultural awareness and regular feedback, and providing development opportunities such as training and special projects.
The document contains various metrics and key performance indicators used to measure organizational performance and drive business decisions. It discusses attrition rates by gender and over time, training metrics like mandays and expenditures, and metrics that measure effectiveness, efficiency, and impact. Common metrics that can help drive decisions are quality of hire, training delivery and ROI, and coverage of high potentials in talent pools. The document emphasizes that defining and measuring the right metrics is important for organizations to demonstrate their value and function as a strategic business partner.
This document provides an overview of career development and implementation at Dexon. It discusses key concepts like understanding career development and assessing employees' skills, interests, and development goals. It outlines a 4-step career development conversation process between employees and managers: preparation, exploration of interests/goals, agreement on a development plan, and regular reviews. Common barriers to career growth like lack of opportunities and supervisor support are also addressed. The presentation provides templates and worksheets to help structure career development conversations and plans. It suggests pilot testing the new career development framework before full deployment.
The document discusses career development and its implementation at an organization. It begins with an overview of career development and its benefits for both employees and organizations. It then outlines the career development process, including assessing skills, exploring options, formulating development plans, and evaluating progress. The next sections provide details on implementing career development conversations between managers and direct reports, and the roles and responsibilities of employees, managers, and the organization in supporting career development. The document concludes with examples of tools and programs that can be used to facilitate career development discussions and planning.
The document provides an overview and guidelines for a Coast Guard team conducting a site visit and assessment of a Jacksonville unit using the Coast Guard Performance Excellence Criteria (CPEC). It outlines the objectives of encouraging performance excellence, educating leaders, identifying best practices, and recognizing high-performing units. It then details the roles and responsibilities of team members, the assessment process and timeline, guidelines for conducting interviews and reviewing documents and data, how to document findings and identify strengths and opportunities for improvement, and how to develop the final report and brief the unit.
The document discusses the importance of talent management for companies. A survey found that 85% of CEOs see talent management as important or more important than other priorities, but only a small percentage of leaders spend time managing talent. The document then outlines how Emaar, a global consulting firm, approaches talent management through programs like identifying skills needed, developing leadership abilities, performance reviews, establishing a talent pool, and using mentoring.
The document contains information on various HR metrics and KPIs that can help drive business decisions. It discusses attrition rates by gender and over time. It also includes charts showing training mandays over months in different locations. The document suggests that metrics like recruitment cycle time, average training mandays, quality of hire ratings, and training impact can influence effectiveness, efficiency and business impact. Finally, it emphasizes defining, teaching, measuring and rewarding a new organizational culture to help change management.
This document provides steps for developing effective in-house service excellence training. It outlines identifying service needs and expectations, assessing performance gaps, identifying reasons for gaps and intervention options. Proper implementation requires planning, execution with attention to details using checklists, and support with champions. Performance must be monitored against valid metrics to ensure goals are met as the workplace environment changes.
The document discusses the role of talent management in performance management. It outlines key aspects of performance management including planning, analysis, review, and development. It then presents the ACIEVE model which identifies seven key factors that influence performance: Ability, Clarity & Confidence, Help & Support, Incentive & Motivation, Evaluation, Validity, and Environment. For each factor, it discusses possible causes of performance issues and potential solutions that can be developed and implemented.
The document provides guidance on performance management processes. It discusses defining performance management and its benefits for both managers and employees. It outlines the key elements of an effective performance management cycle including setting goals, providing feedback, assessing performance, and developing employees. It also provides tips for writing performance reviews, delivering feedback, and handling performance issues.
This document discusses the process of assessing training needs for an organization. It explains that the training needs assessment involves analyzing the organization's objectives, jobs and tasks, and individuals. The process includes determining competencies and skills required for roles, identifying gaps, and developing individualized training plans. Key steps involve analyzing the organization, tasks, and people to understand current states and desired future states to effectively plan training interventions.
Agile Lessons Learned From the TrenchesBrendan Flynn
Brendan Flynn presented on lessons learned from implementing Agile practices at Pointroll. Key lessons included: creating visibility into development processes and metrics; gaining executive support; making data-driven decisions; focusing on business value over features; ensuring proper training; optimizing across teams; and rigorously inspecting and adapting practices over time. While hard work, adopting Agile frameworks improved delivery, quality, and alignment between business and technology teams at Pointroll.
This document provides guidance on implementing competencies in an organization for learning and development purposes. It introduces competencies and their benefits, including defining capabilities, clarifying expectations, and improving conversations. The document explains the anatomy of a competency and different competency types. It then outlines an 8-step process for implementing competencies, including selecting a model, validating it, introducing it to staff, conducting self-assessments, creating individual learning plans, and pursuing learning activities. The goal is to use competencies to support organizational and individual learning and development.
Key 15 - Skill Versatility and Cross Training (2007).pptGetachewDamite
This document discusses skill versatility and cross-training through Key 15. It provides an overview of Key 15 and its objectives to establish a versatile workforce. It presents a 5-level relationship diagram mapping the process of implementing cross-training from basic multi-tasking within roles to full versatility across the entire plant. Various tools to support cross-training are also outlined, including skills matrices, cross-training schedules, skills development charts, and standard operating procedures.
This document discusses qualities of effective leadership. Good leaders communicate a vision, inspire action, and help others succeed rather than attempting to control others. They understand their own strengths and weaknesses. The document contrasts leadership styles and discusses the importance of energizing teams, empowering associates, and building respect and credibility with associates through knowledge, character, and a positive attitude. Effective leaders display integrity, pursue learning, and have qualities like optimism that inspire others to achieve their best.
The document discusses the legal standards for establishing a prima facie case of discrimination in various contexts such as sexual harassment, hostile work environment, race/color discrimination, gender discrimination, and more. For each type of claim, it indicates that the charging party cannot establish certain prongs (usually 3) of establishing a prima facie case, without specifying which prongs. It also discusses legal defenses and standards for other related claims such as accommodation, retaliation, constructive discharge, and age discrimination.
Coaching And Development Presentation And Leaders Guide 2008winpuc
Coaching is a development tool used by managers to provide feedback to employees and improve performance. It involves having face-to-face, casual conversations where the manager prompts self-discovery and focuses on business and process-related topics. Effective coaching is timely, consistent, results-oriented, direct but gentle, and honest. When coaching, managers should congratulate positive behavior, outline expectations, analyze opportunities for improvement, communicate benefits, and have the employee commit to action.
Development Plan Guide Submission For Reviewwinpuc
The document provides guidance for creating developmental action plans to assist teams in improving competencies. It lists the organization's values that may need development, divided into competencies. Each value is subdivided and linked to a page number for more details. Exercises are available for each value to help associates actively develop; these may need modification for specific needs. Managers should work with HR to identify the best exercises, training, seminars or books to meet development needs.
The document discusses delegation and how to effectively delegate tasks and responsibilities to associates. It defines delegation and lists common excuses for not delegating. It then describes the benefits of delegation for both the team and the manager, including allowing the manager to focus on more important tasks. The document provides guidance on deciding what tasks to delegate, how to delegate properly by communicating expectations clearly and providing support without micromanaging, and how to follow up while still allowing independence.
Smart Goals Presenation And Leaders Guide 2008winpuc
This document provides guidance on conducting effective counseling meetings with associates to help them improve performance and achieve goals. It recommends preparing for meetings by considering why the associate is being counseled and what goals should be set. Goals should be SMART - specific, measurable, agreed upon, realistic, and time bound. During meetings, counselors should establish why they're meeting, praise successes, get associate feedback, and agree on specific, measurable next steps and commitments to reinforce improvement. Follow up is important to ensure commitments are met.
Fair treatment, consistent feedback, achievement, and recognition are the top motivational factors according to studies. Other motivators include relationships with supervisors, compensation, status, work schedule, and camaraderie. Motivation is personal and varies between individuals and over time, so managers should get input from associates on what motivates them rather than assuming one approach works for all. Effective motivating techniques include personal thanks, notes, using performance for promotions, public recognition, and celebrating successes.
The document provides guidance on transforming thinking from a "judger" to a "learner" mindset. It discusses how asking questions rather than making assumptions can help solve problems, understand others, and achieve different outcomes. Key points include switching from statements to questions, observing one's own thinking, and creating a team environment where members question each other respectfully.
The document discusses managing stress through awareness, control, and various techniques. It describes stress as both good and bad, outlines the four stages of stress (recognition, appraisal, mobilization, response), and recommends becoming self-aware, deciding to take action, and using techniques like deep breathing, exercise, questioning thoughts, distraction, socializing, humor, music/aromatherapy, and kindness to others. The document also provides information on an Employee Assistance Program for additional stress management topics and resources.
The document discusses how to properly manage issues or "monkeys" brought to you by employees instead of taking ownership of the problems yourself. The key points are:
1) Remain focused on helping the employee solve their problem rather than taking the problem on yourself.
2) Meet regularly with the employee to brainstorm solutions and provide support, but ensure the employee remains accountable and empower them to take action.
3) When delegating issues, clearly specify the problem and expected next steps or solutions, and follow up to ensure progress is being made.
The document discusses coaching as a leadership tool to enhance employee performance. It defines coaching as an informal process of providing guidance, feedback, and encouragement through one-on-one interactions. Coaching benefits include improved performance, goal achievement, and accountability. Effective coaching involves setting expectations, monitoring performance, supporting employees, and recognizing good performance. Leaders should use an authoritative rather than authoritarian style, ask questions instead of telling, and maintain a compassionate and motivational approach.
7. Skill Types Technical Tells what is done on the job Specific knowledge or skill learned on the job or through training Behavioral Tells how a job is done Specific experiences learned through life experiences habits or behaviors September 2007
15. Communicating Its appropriate to discuss development steps Not a guarantee of promotion There is no next _________ Remind associate goals must be achieved before promotion September 2007
#2: Emphasize: Succession planning involves selecting individuals to prepare for promotion. Some skills can be taught. Others are learned in life. The trick is to pick individuals with the right skills and train them so they are ready when needed.
#3: Emphasize: Associates are made up of many components Talent Behavioral skills things which life teaches you Ask for examples What does a management position require Technical skills things which can be taught at work Ask for examples What does a management position require Interests Things we want to do, feel excited by, need or want Ask for examples What does a management position require Organizational fit- Big company vs. small company Processes vs. independence Ask for examples What does ECCA need
#4: Emphasize: This employee has the skills to do the job and works well in the system BUT doesnt like doing the job How would you identify this employee How would you manage him/her Would you want to promote him/her What development options would you suggest Passions are probably not something a manager can impact. The trick is to find them a job which they are passionate about. This may involve internal moves. There may not be an option at ECCA.
#5: Emphasize: This employee likes the job and is a good organizational fit BUT hasnt developed the skills to do the job How would you identify this employee How would you manage him/her Think behavioral vs. technical skills Would you want to promote (hire) him/her What development options would you suggest This employee may require technical training, which is easy to apply. However, behavioral training may take longer to impact. Working with your HR Manager to identify areas where development is needed and implement required training
#6: Emphasize: This employee has the skills and talent to do the job But does not work well within the system How would you identify this employee Is this necessarily a bad thing How would you manage him/her Would you want to promote (hire) him/her What development options would you suggest Not being an organizational fit may not be a bad thing as new ideas or different ways of doing things may result. The goal is to manage behaviors to ensure the person makes changes in a positive way.
#7: Emphasize: Goal is to develop employees so they are a good fit This requires identification of developmental areas and application of training and development process
#8: Emphasize: Its important to note technical skills can be trained at ECCA We dont need optical experience to be successful Much harder to develop behavioral skills How would you develop these How would you emulate life experiences Behavioral skills may be developed through observation and feedback. At times, managing the behavior is more about managing the perception. This means determining what good behavior looks like.
#9: Emphasize: The goal is to identify developmental areas and implement training. We should use future position responsibilities as gauge for required skills, not current position. Managers often make the mistake of promoting the best EWS to Third Key instead of promoting the person who has skills needed to be successful in the position. Think about the skills needed to sell what are they? Think about the skills needed to lead others are they the same? Application of the process means we need to determine skills needed in the next level and provide training which allows the associate to gain needed skills.
#10: Emphasize: Process starts by identifying skills needed for each position After the presentation, an exercise that does this will be performed The goal is to use experience & job descriptions to identify skills needed for success
#11: Emphasize: Review employee strengths and opportunities in terms of skills required for the future position Identify skill gap for each employee and develop plan of action to address
#12: Emphasize: Development tracking as part of review process Forms are to be filled out by employee to indentify goals and mobility These are kept in the employee file
#13: Emphasize: Supervisors then tell us if employee is ready for next move on review form This is tracked in ECCAs HRIS system
#14: Emphasize: SDFs allow for skill gap identification and development plans Plans of action are required
#15: Emphasize: Goal is to evaluate all associates This allows for objective review of qualifications and requires plan of action
#16: Emphasize: Its good to talk to associates about their development and goals Talk to your team about development, just dont promise anything Talk about skill development and preparation
#17: Emphasize: Turnover is a good guide to tell you how many people youll need to develop for next positions The goal is to use a mix of internal and external hires for non-entry level positions This means people need to be identified and prepared through training when opening occur
#18: Emphasize: Use promotion path options to get individuals ready for the next level Lateral moves are just as effective at keeping employees engaged as promotions It also helps us identify skills
#19: Emphasize: Use promotion path options to get individuals ready for more Lateral moves are just as effective at keeping employees engaged as promotions
#20: Emphasize: Report generated by HRIS Can be provided to your TD
#21: Exercise: Break into groups of 3 to 5, discuss each job title and use the forms to develop a list of skills needed for each title using form provided. After the group has developed the skills needed for each job think about your current store associates and identify which associates you believe may be promotable. Then using the second form to identify areas in which they need to improve both technical and behavior skills. This will then become your road map to create a developmental plan.