This document summarizes and discusses predictions from an old Javanese book called Purnomosidi that was banned by Dutch colonial rulers. It discusses three specific predictions: 1) A time will come when water can be carried in a basket, indicating future advanced technology. 2) There will be much confusion, as seen today in various issues. 3) Calves will milk cows, meaning children will surpass their parents. The document explains the cultural insights of Javanese philosophy and ways of living that can help interpret and follow the predictions correctly. It emphasizes the importance of traditional diets and values in maintaining social harmony.
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Serat purnomosidi
1. This not only about art culture like gamelan and Dance but more to day to day around Javanese
living culture.
About the book: PURNOMO SIDI
Book was proibited by Dutch Occaptria ruler ini Java that time, lucky enaough that several initiators
distribute hand writing copies of some important ports of it. With on intention that like Javanese
people to notice its important, messeges I have struk by some pages of these hand writing with on
important future centuries reachno prediction which could be shortenend to messege follow:
When the time comes that you could boring
Water in a basket, there will be a lot of confusion even cold has milked cow and whom does not
crazy enaogh will not enheritage evrithing but be consevere and consistence
What Javanese culture could explain tahat very stronge statement and what javanese culture coluld
do something on that statement on that every prediction?
That statement in actualy in scientific ini nature, which other loves old book to comforlead using
the lates also evanese I should mention about these that became
I collected Javanese HANA CARAKA book not less than 2000 books I gathered trough buying
form old things shops in the market through central and east java.
From some of those book, I gethered the valuable leachings of our answer concering how to follow
up corectly those prediction
Let me first explain of what I understood exacly that scientific statement mature:
1. When the true come that you could bring water in a basket, shall be understood as: when the
tecnology has been so advanced that you could make ice, of what you can bring even whit the rope!
1. There will be a lot of confusions
I think every body in this noun know that three has been confusion around at this time for example
1.1 Early there stand guideline shnereal said that anti corruption cimission (KPK) againts the valve
force, similar to greko againt crocodile, we know that crocodile usual that live in ruer ad gecko each
live in the palace, how come that thing can meet reach other.
1.2 One of the old book harates that me should lone other cable if we read them grass end multititle
I think we know too that own body fulll with cells which we have to love them, so that we must
take care of
We are eating that it will not . of the cells we love what actually a happened? We eat anything
One of a story out of the old book told us about an old lady who we take care by a faithfull dog, but
when the lady fell sick and not able to feed the dog eat her similarly when .. to a foreign healty
., about the cell which that not so necessary things it need because of bad blood . caused by
meals of the, it
so the javanese culture has influence the healt are to change them .. if me are not culture
treat our. trust . the related mell case acting ad case intreaded .. and also me dont
carefull maintenance our food cousing portable problem and the health story mell go on ad on
2. 1.3 To day, there are a lot of hatred, hoacks killing and rases, but no body think about the case,
reacting to the .. culture, it is cased by what me lot.
I remember my mother always prepare a pared for me, she ... healhty by saying Dont buy
meals .., it may be person or darby. I also remember when I was . a chuld, me usualy lot frontal
braked mix
2. we to the third statement about the calf feeding milk to the cow!, that does it actually meand?
My wife has a .. but very often she has trouble with it! Then to
whos she for help? To her grand son! Is it corectely to the said that the calf milk the cow?
That statement actualy means that the children his to the move bether then their parent. We
can.. that if the children one worst than the parent, the grand cildren one worst then the children
ad so fast, want ii to that.. desendent book again to be the abc? That is.. the prediction meant!
The follwow generator has to better than themerion one and The javanese culture has to take care
whit that? How Javanese culture advice use to make our asendeor. . that us?
There one old saying: Bobot, Bibit, Bebed as seeks,
and what me one meaning!
The old book title; NITI MANI forely traslated to be injection the sperm, . is that .. a sperm in
will million of other to . the woman eggs? It is that the special and sperm is much
. then the other millions become it is imposilble. The NITI MANI said that it ini bread of
the thingking and the of the one
3. Last Wednesday we heard from pak suprapto about the javanese filosofi which we have to presurve
the heritage
This is also not only about javanese art culture succes wayang, tembang, gamelan, and the dance,
but its more about day to day javanese proper living culture which I think the other nation has to no
about its quality and probabily even could influence proper living for the other. But firsly I would
like to tell you about the book which in title PURNOMOSIDI which was prohebated by Dutch
occupation ruler in that time. It is because according to me The Dutch Ruler worried about it
posibble influence to the other. Lucky inaf, that several un)leluhur) copied it and distribute hand
writing of some important part of it which an attention that the javanese people to notice its
important massage(pesan). I have struck by some pages of these hand writing which important
future centering reaching pridection(ramalan ke arah kedepan). This message could be sorten as
What javanese living culture could explain this very string stantments and what javanese living
culture could do something on that every prediction
That statement actually scientific in nature which anybody has to comprehent does using the leather
other javanese old books. I sould mention also about this because I happened collected javanese
HONOCOROKO Books not less than 2000 books. Saya kumpulkan true buying from old shops in
the markets thrue central and east java from some of those books I gather valuable teaching of our
leluhur concern name how to follow up corectly those prediction.
Lets me first explain what I understood excacly that specefic statement
1. When the time comes that you could bering water in a basket
Self be understood as
When the technology has been so advance that you could makes ice, of what, that you
can bring even wiss a robe (es bisa dibawa dengan tali)
Which at the time nobody nos about ice in our country.
Then the next
2. There will be a lot of confusen
I think every body in this room that there has been confusens around as at this time : for
2.1 One of the old book narate that we should love our catle peliharaan if we want them
grove and multiple (berkembang biak)
I think we no to that our body full dengan cells which we have to love them. So that we
must take care of what we aree eating that will not mengganggu the cells we love, but what
actualy happen we eat anything carelessly. One of a story old off the a books told as about
an old lady who was taken care by a setia anjing(anjing setia) but when the lady fall sick and
not able to feat the dog, the dog eat her. Similarly when the cells got no nececary thing tidak
mendapatkan sesuatu yang diperlukan it need. Because of bed blood sirkulasi (Cause by
careless meals ) the cells will then eat the makan sell didekatnya. That is actualy what today
we could eat as cancer. So, only beauce of blood circulation the doktor operate and
get(menghilangkan) of our belove organ. So I can say that javanese living culture has no
influenced the health has care to change the philosophy.
Also when we talk about diabetic in case we are not carefuly treat our important organ and
only trust insulin treatment the realited pankreas producing organ it will berhenti untuk
acting and cause untreated diabetic. And also if we dont carefully maintenance our good
sex life then the realited organ will cise to function causing prostat problem and the health
story will go on and on.
4. 2.2 today there are a lot of hatered, hoax, killing and rape but, nobody thing about what
cause it. According to a javanese living culture its cause by what we eat. I remember when
my mother always preapare a parcel for as to take when we are traveling by saying Dont
by meals anywhere its maybe beracun atau kotor or dirty.
I also remember when I was still child we usualy eat grontol, rules cord wis grace
coconut, TIWUL made from casava etc. There for that time there were no killing, haterad,
hoax and rape. Even when my father is a chistians and my uncle is mosleem who has been
gone Hajj every time, when they fasting month holiday come(libur puasa) I was sent to my
uncle to joint the fasting(ikut puasa) (Which was very hardship experince for me) because at
the time no electricy pump yet produce. That we take to water from the well(sumur) dengan
menimba while we have to bath in fasting time) but in at the end fasting mont(lebaran) we
had to come to the older to give respect and to ask forgive (minta maaf) that we get a some
money and causes as rich which as a lucky experince. Back about the meals. Now, a lot of
chemical are use for unhas(meningkatkan the taste of the meals that actualy what causes the
change of character. I heard from my children living (diluar negeri) that does chimical has
been prohabeted but hear in Indonesia the business man beld(mendirikan factories to
product that does chemical. What a mistake.
3. We comes to the third prediction about The calf fidi milk to the cow. What does the actualy
My wife has a handphone of extraordinary quality but very often she has trobel wish it, then
to hum she looks for help ? To her grandsome!! Itnot correcly to be set that The calf milk
the cow.
That statement actualy mean that the children has to be much better in quality then there
parent. We can imagining that the children are worst then the parent, the grand children are
worst and so for would not it that be our decendent back again to be the Kera/kethek.
That is what prediction man. That the following generation has to be better then previous
And what javenese living culture has to take care wish that prediction? How javanese living
culture advise us to make our desenden(keturunan) must better then us. There are old saying
about : BIBIT BOBOT BEBED or seed quality and what we are wearing.
An old book and title NITI MANI or freelance translate to be : meneili sperma.
Its telling us that why a sperm can competisi which million other womans egg. Its not that
the special one sperm is much better than the other million, because its imposible. The NITI
MANI mention that its because of the thinking and the character of the one whose separate
the sperm causing the one sperm sucessfully fertil the egg. When the thinking and the
character the man is bad then the (bibit jelek akan jadi). We can easily understand then that
Pendeta could have bad siblingketurunan and comones like me could have very successful
chidren because of that books and also an other books telling us how we can make our
children must better then us. The old books say the orang tuli will mute, its is because the
brain has experience no influnece that the brain cells cannot grow properly to meningkatkan
the ability of the owner to speake. Its is simliar to other capabilities of person. If he or she
has got inaf brain store mean (rangsangan otak) that his or her brain grows not only in mega,
or giga or even tera byte content that he or she will be very able. So, I have us the
knowledge to grow my tree children and those tree children are no very capabil on there job
outside the county.
The eldest although at the time when he still a boy I have no money to educate him in
english laguage I subscibe him a english magazine about aoreplane because he is very much
likes aeroplane. That magazine will force him self to know the english language and
aoeroplan at once. And when he was still in the third grade of high school he was so angry
when he heard England loss a batleship when there they Malvinas (kalah perang malvinas)
so he wrote a letter to prank minister of england and which was responded by the office of
5. prank ministry that his idea was corrert inaf accept that the vertical take off combine
airplane of england has not combed ready. And an other more I have never sent him to be a
pilot but now he is an instructure of the combbed airplane sukhoi. My other son is now
working in NASA of Canada and has responsibility for 8 satelite own by diference country
4. The four of the prediction is about who has not act so crazy will not hearing anything what
does it tell us about?
Just to open your mind, when you use a handset somebody will see you are walking alone
speaking and loughing at your self. We could notice that somebody who knows nothing
about the handset they will consider that the person is crazy, would not? So my conclusion is
that our uncester leluhur of 800 tahun lalu has predicted about the influence of handphone,
that they correctly side that if nobody could follow the advance the technology they will
inheritage nothing.
I think all of you might be understand that a lot of us has followed stupidly about the reason
kemajuan of infention. Its easy to understand when we price memuji someboye who could
not make a good drawing but throwing any kind of colour paint to the canvas he was dipuji
as an expressionis. Another example is about somebody who cannot make a good song the
carrie on to mumble word a company a loud music that somebody was dipuji to invent rape
song. Still another it was very dificult to remember a lot of stansis gerakan to be able to cary
the dance correctly but many company now following the gangnam style has the riding
dance for there werecare. Hows stean alangkah anehnya!!
So by vitual of the fourd prediction it says that we have to be able to follow up the
advanment of the technology properly and correcly.
5. Now the last stantemnt of aji jayabaya in this conteks that we have to be coufused (sadar dan
waspada) Iling lan waspodo. 1. Concern nes is actualy in the sense of our realizion or if we
use the mosleem phrase : zikir that if we always remember to follows Gots will we will
never doing bad things and for the conn aji joyoboyo remind us that there are tree problem
which can ruin merusak our faith iman. Merusak iman that are kekayaan, entertaiment, and
wories ke khawatiran.
5.1 I thing it is easy for us to notice that kekayaan can easyly merusak iman. I would like to
remind you about what reason le happened in Jakarta were a hole family were put in to
small toilet by the robber that the most of them, when somebody heart about the cry tangisan
from the small toilet when they people broke the door of the toilet half of them has died of
sucocation ke plepek. To me, its an indication that the Got is remind us about our mistake,
the CCTV record plate by the police show that the actualy the robber had just want to leave
the house after putting all the member of the family to small toilet the robb. But when the
head of the family came. Then the robber even open the gate for the gate of the family to go
in. So, every body had the bernasib together. We than notice that its a family yang kaya
whom the head of family mariage of 3 tree times and own four very expensive car bernilai
bilion. To me, its GOTs reminder for us that only if gots aloose the head of the family five
or 10 minute late arrive, every body will be safe. But tidak begitu!!
5.2. While about the entertainment javanese living culture notices four entertaining matters
which can ruin (merusak iman) kita. Those are :
1. Wanodyo (perempuan)
2. Griya
3. Kukilo (burung)
4. Turonggo or translated as woman, house/palace, birt, horse atau kuda. Or for today term
are woman palace entertaimnent and car, I dont want to explain because I think you ladies
and gentelment has more knowledge than me about all of those.
6. 5.3 How about worries? To me if we easyly worry we will also easly hate the other. One
reason occurance in Indonesia is about The Mosleem Majurity Mosleem Comuunity the are
the majotiry in this country. So, in quantity is okay it remind that remind sould
meningkatkan the quality but, somebody was so woried and create mosslem difence front
(FPI) front pembela islam. And every body knows that the head of the front hate and even
content pancasila and national unity.
Up to these stage I had come to the end of my presentation about the Javanese day to day
proper we of life. Upon these I would like to remind all of you that if you happen to be an
official who responsible for any kind activity for the shake of the people I like you to
remember my father advise to me when I was appointed to be a president of director of state
own construction company. The advise says :
1. I have to nguwongke uwong lan bener, pinter, kober, lan pener or freelance translarted
to be Humanize human, a right s, able, always having sparing time to serf people and
Thank you, for your attention many apologize if my presentation is (tercela) for you and
have a happy future karena pendampingan wish the acompanment of Javanese proper living
(uwong kudu kewong ke uwong, bener , pinter. )
Koko Widayatmoko