This document provides tips and information for surviving a zombie apocalypse. It discusses weapons like axes and firearms and their effectiveness against zombies. It recommends having supplies of water, food, medicine and other essentials. The document cautions that other humans may be enemies and to only trust one's group. It also notes that modern conveniences will disappear after months or years in a zombie scenario. Overall, the key is to run, and keep running, to survive a zombie apocalypse.
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Come sopravvivere a una apocalisse zombie static
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Milano 16 ottobre 2016
TAG Calabiana
(R)Evolution Camp 2016
18. Punto di ritrovo
In caso di catastro鍖 竪 utile sapere se ci sono dei punti di ritrovo
predisposti dalle autorit.
I comuni ad alto rischio dovrebbero avere un piano di
evacuazione che comprende anche i punti di ritrovo
23. Axe vs. Gun
Myth Status Notes
An axe is a
against a
horde of
than a gun.
In preparation for testing and to ensure the zombie volunteers' safety, Adam and Jamie fashioned plastic
masks to protect the volunteers' faces from paintball gunshots, while Adam fashioned an axehead out of
foam that would leave a paint mark when used to strike. Additionally, Michael Rooker coached the
volunteers in the "zombie shuf鍖e" form of movement that would be used consistently for all tests
throughout the episode.
For the test itself, Adam and Jamie marked off a "human zone" 30 feet (9.1 m) in diameter inside a hangar.
On start, the zombies would approach the human zone, with Adam and Jamie forbidden from engaging a
zombie until it entered the human zone. Adam (using the foam axe) averaged 14 kills across two runs,
while Jamie (using a modi鍖ed shotgun) only averaged 7 kills across two runs. Despite declaring the myth
con鍖rmed, Adam and Jamie would acknowledge practical limitations and issues with the parameters of
the test in the episode's aftershow.
24. Dead Heat
Myth Status Notes
It is
to outrun or
from a
The Build Team set up a post-apocalyptic obstacle course on the Alameda runway in which 150 zombie
volunteers would be dispersed over varying amounts of space to simulate various population densities.
The volunteers were given a set of rules for their behavior gleaned from information Tory received in a
consultation with The Walking Dead SFX artist Gregory Nicotero.
The zombie threat was simulated by small brains attached to their clothes; allowing a zombie to grab one
would be counted as failure. Kari successfully crossed a horde similar in density to the population of
Manhattan, while Tory survived a horde the density of overpopulated areas of Mumbai. However, Grant,
faced with the highest density known to mankind 180,000 people per square mile was unsuccessful in
escaping the horde.
The team then tried various techniques to see if they could divert the horde's attention away from them so
as to successfully traverse this largest population density. Kari used Tory as a sacri鍖ce and Grant used a
robotic decoy; both tactics were successful. Tory opted to disguise himself as a zombie and blend in with
the horde, but was recognized midway through his run and could not escape. Despite this, the team
declared the myth busted since the horde could be escaped from through both speed and technique.
25. Power of the Push
Myth Status Notes
A zombie
horde can
force their
For this test, Adam and Jamie placed a steel frame inside the archway of a nineteenth-century barn as a
place to install a series of double-doored gateways. The safety precautions for this test involved all zombie
volunteers (and Adam, who participated in this test as one of the zombies) wearing cutouts of polyethylene
sewer pipes, in order to prevent the volunteers from accidentally stumbling over and being trampled.
On the 鍖rst run, using rickety wood doors held in place by a single two-by-four, the doors gave way almost
immediately when the zombie horde haphazardly pushed up against it. The second run, using doors of
more robust wood with a single two-by-four, didn't fare much better, as it gave way with a single
coordinated push by the horde. However, after Jamie and Michael reinforced the second set of doors with
as much available wood as was on hand, the horde was unable to penetrate the doors on the third run,
thus busting the myth.
26. Armi da fuoco
Buone contro esseri viventi
Poco ef鍖caci contro grandi gruppi di zombie
Dif鍖colt a reperire il munizionamento
28. Armi da taglio
Ottime contro gli Zombie
Ef鍖caci contro gruppi di Zombie
Pi湛 facili da reperire e non devono essere ricaricate
33. Tutti gli altri essere umani sono nemici
Mai 鍖darsi degli altri
Il tuo gruppo 竪 lunica cosa che conta
Anche gli altri vogliono sopravvivere
Mors tua, vita mea
35. Fine delle comodit nel giro di qualche
Niente elettricit
Niente riscaldamento
Niente mezzi di trasporto a motore
Niente carburanti
Niente cibo