This document discusses several factors that can influence an individual's use of language learning strategies. It reports that gender, motivation, proficiency level, language learning experience, and learning style can all impact the strategies employed. Specifically, some studies found that female students and those with higher motivation tended to use a broader range of strategies more frequently. Additionally, proficiency level correlated with increased use of direct and indirect language learning strategies.
2. Language learning strategy use is one of the most
important factors in learning a language
Shen (2005) revealed that selecting appropriate
strategies could enhance learners performance of
second language learning
Oxford (1989) suggested that the variables that seem to
influence language learning strategy choice include age,
sex, attitudes, motivation, language learning goals,
motivational orientation, learning style, aptitude, career
orientation, national origin, language teaching methods
and task requirements.
3. Gender is one of the factor that influences the use of
language learning strategies (Khamkhien, 2010)
Hong-Nam and Leavell (2006), for example, investigated
learning strategy use of 55 students learning English as a
second language (ESL) and they claimed that female
students engaged in strategy use more frequently than
males, where these female students preferred to use Social
and Metacognitive strategies the most and Memory
strategies the least, while males favored the use of
Metacognitive and Compensation strategies the most and
Affective strategies the least.
4. Nonetheless, other studies pointed out that gender might
not be one of key variables affecting the choices of
language learning strategies. For example, Griffiths
(2003) investigated the relationship between course level
and frequency of language learning strategies used by
114 male students and 234 females. Based on the study
conducted, there was no statistically significant
differences according to either gender or age with
strategy use.
5. According to Gardner (1985), motivation and attitudes
are the primary sources contributing to individual
language learning
Oxford and Nyikos (1989) indicate that the learners with
high motivation to learn a language will likely use a
variety of strategies
Tamada (1996) in his study claimed that instrumental and
integrative motivation had significant effect on the choice
of LLS
Stoffa et al. (2011) in their study involving Korean
immigrant college students, found that there was a
significant relationship between motivation and direct LLS
6. High level of proficiency is associated with the increase
use of both direct and indirect LLS (Park 1997, Chen
Peacock and Ho (2003) asserted that there was a linear
and significant correlations between proficiency level and
strategy use in a study involving university students in
Hong Kong, and based on this study, cognitive and
metacognitive strategies have high correlation with
students proficiency level
Rahimi et al. 2008 claimed that proficiency level is one of
the strongest predictors of LLS among Iranian learners
Radwan (2011) proficient students used more overall
strategies but significantly more cognitive, metacognitive
and affective strategies compared to less proficient
7. a small number of studies have been carried out
investigating the relationship between the experience of
English study and language strategy use
Purdie and Oliver (1999) reported the language learning
strategies used by bilingual school-aged children coming
from three main cultural groups: Asian (predominantly
Vietnamese or Chinese dialect speakers), European
(children who spoke Greek and those who identified
them-selves as speakers of Macedonian), and speakers
of Arabic. The results showed students who had been in
Australia for a longer period of time (3 or less years and 4
or more) obtained significantly higher mean scores for
Cognitive strategies and for Memory strategies
8. Opper, Teichler, and Carlsons (1990) comprehensive
study investigating studying abroad programs in Europe
and The United States. As a result of their study, studying
abroad is deemed to have an influence on students
thought and learning style, especially in their actual ability
in language learning.
9. An individuals learning style preferences plays a role in
determining the use of LLS
Extroverts prefer to use social strategies , introverts use
more metacognitive strategies (Ehrman & Oxford 1990)
However, Rahimi et al (2008) found no significant
difference between learning style and the use of LLS in a
study involving Iranian learners
Alrieza and Abdullah (2010) claimed that there were
qualitatively significant differences between Iranian EFL
learners perceptual learning style preferences and the
use of LLS
10. Shen, H.H. (2005). An investigation of Chinese-character
learning strategies among non-native speakers of Chinese.
System, 33, 4968.
Oxford, R., & Nyikos, M. (1989). Variables affecting choice of
language learning strategies by university students. Modern
Language Journal, 73, 291300.
Khamkhien, A. (2010). Factors Affecting Language Learning
Strategy Reported Usage by Thai and Vietnamese EFL
Learners. Electronic Journal of Foreign Language Teaching
Wharton, G. (2000). Language learning strategy use of
bilingual foreign language learner in Singapore. Language
Learning, 50(2), 203243.